Grants talk:Project/Rapid/WCUGA/Wiki Weekend Tirana 2018/Report

Hello Rapid Grants team,

Since from the event we have left 473.34 EUR and we haven't returned them back, we would like to ask you to use this funds on the other grant we have asked: We would appreciate if this will be possible since for us it's easier to use this money for the QR-Pedia project than do the returning grant process.

Thank you, --NafiShehu (talk) 12:21, 11 February 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hello NafiShehu, thank you for submitting your request to use your underspend from Wiki Weekend Tirana 2018. I am approving the use of the remaining funds for mission-aligned activities, including expenses for Grants:Project/Rapid/WCUGA/WikiFilmat-SQ-edithathons. Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding your underspend. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 07:17, 1 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Report accepted with comments


Hello NafiShehu and team! Thank you for your patience in our review of your grant report. We're happy to mark this report as accepted, and I have a few questions about the grant project to better understand it and your future plans:

  1. It's great to see that despite the lower attendance you were expecting from the event, the unexpected online engagement and contributions were a welcomed surprise. Did you notice any trends about who had edited those 95 articles? What might be useful information for you about the participants that might inform your programs in the future?
  2. How many of the attendees were new or returning Wikimedians/community members? Did you receive any feedback from them about the event, or any plans for future collaborations or projects? Did the User Group gain any members as a result, or plan to follow-up with some participants about joining?
  3. While the student protests that took place at the same time as Wiki Weekend drew some prospective attendees away, do you think they had an impact on how the community might engage with the Wikimedia projects as a form of activism or resource?

Thank you again for your work, and for producing such a focused event! Cheers, Morgan Jue (WMF) (talk) 22:00, 2 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello Morgan Jue (WMF)

  1. Some of the articles were edited by current members of the user group, but many others were also created by new comers who attended Wiki Weekend. Here is the list of all the users who created the articles: About 8 of these attendees are people who where completely new to the project, or had just attended one or two events organized by us previously. What we find as useful information based on the experience of this edition of WW Tirana, but also based on the experience from previous events, is that participants get familiar relatively easily with editing the articles (even with wiki markup language) so more efforts need to be put on explaining how Wikipedia works, the importance of references, of good resources of information, and how articles get reviewed, since people make many questions on these kind of topics. We believe that the challenge is to continue engaging that participants not only during a one off event, but also in the future making them active contributors.
  1. There were 8 attendees who were new or returning participants to our event and we did receive constructive feedback from them. Some of the members who were returning mentioned that despite they are quite familiar with the editing process, they preferred to create or edit articles during such events (where people get together), because when i doubt, they would have who to ask specific questions and also the atmosphere is quite productive when people gather together. The new-commers seemed quite excited as well, and they were more focused on understanding the kind of articles they could create, where to get resources etc. One of the participants has continued editing regularly and has been participating on other activities also. While we have been in contact with all of them, because of lack of time not all of them are actively contributing to Wikipedia. Having people contributing continuously is quite challenge in our opinion.
  1. We were expecting students, mostly people who might not be very familiar with Wikimedia and their potential to contribute. But we couldn't let unnoticed the fact that an activist from Albania shared this one Twitter: He had created this article on Wikipedia, to document the protest: . We discussed about the article as an example of using Wikipedia as a resource to document such events which can be historical for a country, and also went through discussing the Wikimedia rules for creating and editing such articles.

Thank you --NafiShehu (talk) 09:49, 17 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

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