Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Wiki Education Foundation/AgileVentures experiment

Latest comment: 8 years ago by AWang (WMF) in topic Comments on approval

Comments on the proposal


The Dashboard is a useful tool and I think this proposal is a good way to explore its further development. The proposal's goals and definitions of minimal and high success make sense to me. I would also be interested in answering the question, "Are the volunteer contributions from AgileVentures participants worth the fees paid for project management time?" It seems like a subset of the stated question, "How well can we develop the dashboard through volunteer contributions from AgileVentures participants?" and so is probably already being considered, I just wanted to call it out explicitly. Abittaker (WMF) (talk) 22:46, 17 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Yep! Learning about the cost/benefit prospects of doing development this way in terms of both time and money is the main goal.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:31, 23 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Comments on approval


Hi Sage (Wiki Ed). Thanks for your patience as we did some more extensive due diligence with the different education and evaluation teams at WMF. The Program and Events dashboard is a great benefit to our volunteers and testing out whether through more targeted resourcing we can building a core volunteer developer base will be an interesting experiment. We haven't tried out this type of model before and we don't see much risk in experiment with this project. Excited to see how it develops! Cheers, Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 05:03, 1 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

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