Grants talk:Project/WM ZA/Joburgpedia Digitization 2016/Final
Latest comment: 6 years ago by AWang (WMF)
Hi Bobbyshabangu. Thank you for completing this report. We understand there was a lot of disappointment with the project, mostly due to the change in management and committment from SAHA as well as the problems Gille ran into on Commons when trying to upload the photos. Her work is of great historical importance and we really hope that her images will be able to shared on Commons and Wikipedia soon.
- Do you know if Gille has been able to follow Rodrigo's advice and sent an email to Commons? If not, is there a way that WMZA can support her in doing this? Perhaps drafting the email for her to send to make it as easy as possible?
- The last time I've checked with her she did not find time as yet to send the email, this was late January 2019. Thanks for the advice, we are certainly going to draft the email and send it for her.
- When the photos have been eventually uploaded, please do update us about any follow-up activities, such as editathons. We are still very interested in seeing the images in use!
- We are in conversation with several mission aligned institutions with interest in history and arts including the Goethe Institute and the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg to collaborate and write about the historical events that Gille's pictures depicts, and most definitely we are going to let you know of the activities on this project.
- We also understand there was a lot of confusion around the finances of the grant due to a number of reasons, including a turnover in project leads, needing to stop spending against this Project Grant so WMZA could apply for a Simple Annual Plan Grant, cash expenses that were hard to document, etc.
- Correct
- We want to document here that at the end of the grant, the project lead (Bobby) and chapter President (Douglas) worked to piece together what happened over the lifecycle of the grant. Although there are some gaps in the expense documentation, it is clear that there are no remaining funds to be returned to the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Thanks
Thank you for your efforts to work on this project despite the frustrations. Hopefully there were some lessons learned, and more importantly hopefully WMZA can still support Gille with getting over the last Commons hurdle so that her photos do get added to Commons. Best, Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 19:19, 15 February 2019 (UTC)