Grants talk:Project/Wikilover90/Heritage GLAM

Latest comment: 6 years ago by I JethroBT (WMF) in topic Round 2 2018 decision

Project Grant proposal submissions due 30 November!


Thanks for drafting your Project Grant proposal. As a reminder, proposals are due on November 30th by the end of the day in your local time. In order for this submission to be reviewed for eligibility, it must be formally proposed. When you have completed filling out the infobox and have fully responded to the questions on your draft, please change status=draft to status=proposed to formally submit your grant proposal. This can be found in the Probox template found on your grant proposal page. Importantly, proposals that are submitted after the deadline will not be eligible for review during this round. If you're having any difficulty or encounter any unexpected issues when changing the proposal status, please feel free to e-mail me at cschilling or contact me on my talk page. Thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 23:18, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply



Hello, this project looks good on cards but I being an active member of Punjabi Wikimedians (UG) would like to discuss some practical problems of this project. I feel it’s necessary for us to focus on these problems, so that they don’t reoccur.

  1. A project is already in existence which is similar to this project and it is also covered by you. There are many new things that could be added on to this project and moreover not even one of the targets has been fully achieved from all the set targets in that project. A target of 20 books for proofreading was set in last project. Proofread set aside, not even 20 books have been uploaded. We are running out of time for this project. So my kind suggestion for this is, you should wait for the learnings before crediting further grants.
  2. Secondly, the target of 2000 pages is set for proofread in grant page, which according to me isn’t possible because Punjabi Wikimedians have done some proofreading events earlier. Around 10-15 volunteers used to take part in each of these events and proofreading of around 50 pages was done at most in each event. Even supposing that if whole Punjabi wikimedia community takes part in proofreading events and two events are held every month, calculations show that not more than 1200 pages could be completed. So, practically this is not possible, as it will be two events per months and whole Punjabi Wikipedia community taking part in every event sounds absurd.
  3. Punjabi Wiki community is currently mainly active on 3 wiki projects - Punjabi Wikipedia, Punjabi Wiktionary and Punjabi Wikisource. Nothing has been said or discussed by you about these 3 projects on village pump. As, It was written in summary of grant that this project will be beneficial for Punjabi Wiki Source. Before filing the proposal for grant, at least it should’ve been discussed with the Punjabi Wiki Source community and it was of utmost importance that a glimpse of project should’ve been shown on village pump of Wiki source. Just one mail was sent to Punjabi wiki mailing list. One, all the active wiki users are not included in that list and secondly this mail was sent after sending the proposal for grant. I strongly feel that this should’ve been discussed before sending the proposal.---Gurlal Maan (talk) 05:40, 7 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
@Gurlal Maan and Wikilover90: As a note, there is a community review period between December 2018 and January 2019 where community members are able to review. I would encourage the applicants to invite feedback from the Punjabi Wikipedia Community as you've suggested. I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 02:34, 8 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. @Gurlal Maan, Thank You for your feedback. Will work on the feedback carefully and do my best.Wikilover90 (talk) 16:30, 9 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
  2. @Gurlal Maan, thank you for the feedback and concern. I appreciate your input. I have made some changes based on your feedback. The pilot for this project is Municipal Library project that is ongoing and will continue till mid January. A big part of that has been achieved, including a collaboration with the government library and the training of staff member for scanning. The project involves a number of things, including a list of books that are in Public Domain. The other part includes the actual scanning done by staff members about the books that are identified and verified for their copyright status. The research work for this was critical and time consuming and that part is done. All four of these activities have been achieved in this time-period. There has been challenge with post-processing but is being dealt with. That is the reason of less uploads online. But the major part of training, research and scanning is being completed and planning about proofreading events is ongoing. Owing to a series of other outreach activities, there has been some delay, extension for the same is already asked in the grant from before. The learnings shared during the pilot project would be completed by that time. The progress of the project can be followed at its Meta Page and soon would be working on its report page too. This project would officially start after March and the Wikisource part and Wikipedia part would be done at a much later stage this year, which would let me and my team enough time to implement the learnings in the project. Additionally, only a part of this project is related to Punjabi-language Wikisource. It also includes digitization of archives and rare section that are in English. The museums that will be part of Wiki Loves Heritage program involves not just media upload but a great level of outreach via workshops, campaigns and contests. One of the best part, is partnership with Government institutions of this level in Punjab. It is a good opportunity for other Indic regions and communities to learn and replicate this model, it would be easier for other government institutions to follow up with the same level of partnerships as these GLAM institutions. 2000 pages mentioned in the project are not explicitly for Punjabi Wikisource, but for Hindi and English Wikisource as well. It is not defined but is an overall target because a part of the project would be to do capacity development and get more volunteers in Punjabi, Hindi and English Wikisource via different campaigns.A part of this project apart from digitisation and partnerships is outreach, so the outcome would measure in different terms, including content upload. It also addresses artists of North India in Wikiverse Commons Conference which would help raise awareness about Wikimedia Commons and Creative Commons licenses among targeted influential segment of society, which in future could help us progress in creating a positive impact among artists of Punjab who could donate their art and educate their peers to do the same. Apart from that, there is a small part of proofreading on Wikisource. If the part of 2000 pages still seem too much, then we can reduce the number to 1500 pages. Our target in general would be to achieve as much as possible, so this is a minimum stated number. If there is any other suggestion regarding the number, then let us know.
  3. The message was posted first on the mailing list where major active users are present and after that, the proposal was made open. The project grant was shared on the Punjabi Wikisource and Punjabi Wikipedia as per your advice. Wikilover90 (talk) 06:24, 12 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Eligibility confirmed, round 2 2018

This Project Grants proposal is under review!

We've confirmed your proposal is eligible for round 2 2018 review. Please feel free to ask questions and make changes to this proposal as discussions continue during the community comments period, through January 2, 2019.

The Project Grant committee's formal review for round 2 2018 will occur January 3-January 28, 2019. Grantees will be announced March 1, 2018. See the schedule for more details.

Questions? Contact us.

--I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 02:35, 8 December 2018 (UTC)Reply



I am concerned about the project for the following reasons-

  1. The project proposer is not experienced enough in online editing (check global contribution). She has a total of 90 edits in Punjabi and multilingual Wikisource combined and only 369 edits in Wikimedia Commons. 2000 digitized pages proofread on Wikisource is kind of over-ambitious for this kind of experience.
  2. 100 images of artwork covering 6 museums is very much low threshold.
  3. The project proposer has not completed any kind of pilot project before. I second the concern of @Gurlal Maan: about this matter. The only project similar to this has not provided any delivered output till now. Before completing this rapid grant project, I am not in favor of this project grant.
  4. As said by @Gurlal Maan:, community has not been notified in any village pumps or Punjabi mailing list. -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 15:21, 9 December 2018 (UTC)Reply


  1. Thank you for your feedback. Please share your experience to make this project successful. We have a diverse team of volunteers who would be helping us achieve it, in addition to that. Appreciate it.
  2. Many thanks for your feedback. The number of museums is 3 not 6. We originally planned 500 images but reduced the number due to observation with other Commons stats and projects by different communities. There is always a big room for copyright issue and deletion and keeping that in mind, wanted to keep some room. We can work on the stats as per your suggestion and increase the number.
  3. Once again, thank you for your concern. I have led and been in the organizing team for many projects over 4 years of my Wiki journey, including, the Wiki Conference India, Wikidata Workshop Chandigarh, Wikipedia Workshop MM Modi College, National Jury in Supporting Indian Language Wikipedias Program, Project co-ordinator, Director and script writer of low-budget Animation movie, ‘Wikipedia Tales - A Trip To Lahore’, for promotion of Punjabi and English Wikipedia on social media. Additionally, I have answered the question in more detail regarding the pilot project in the thread above. I thank you for your valuable feedback.
  4. Hope it helps to clarify more, the community was notified via Commons Mailing List, Punjabi Mailing List, Heritage GLAM Telegram Group but on the suggestion stated by Gurlal, it was posted on Hindi Wikisource TalkPage, Punjabi Wikipedia VillagePumpand Punjabi Wikisource VillagePump.Wikilover90 (talk) 06:24, 12 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
@Wikilover90:, thanks for your detailed reply.
  1. My concern was not only about online editing, but also conducting Wikisource, Commons and Wikidata workshop in the GLAM institutes, as you have proposed. Considering the low editing experience you have in these projects, how is it possible for you to "teach" GLAM staff? If you are not the resource person, then who is? I guess, conducting the workshops is also the job of the WiR, for which the WiR is going to get paid. Is the resource person is also going to get paid, if yes, how much? If no, why not?
  2. Sorry about the numbers of the musuems. Why fund is needed to photograph approx. 300-500 images only. This small number of photographs can easily be taken by few volunteers. Considering the low output, why this has been included in this project?
  3. I was not talking about conferences and other online contests you have organized. I was talking about any experience of conducting pilot GLAM projects before, as this is a project grant related to GLAM. Have you completed any such pilot project?
  4. Thanks for letting the community know. -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 15:53, 13 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Bodhisattwa Firstly, I would like to thank you for your concerns and detailed questions. I appreciate your will to make this project successful. I think my stated answers in the above two threads regarding the questions are either not very clear, for that I apologize. My task as WiR is to make sure this collaboration stays and since this is government institutes, having them co-operate and retain the partnership is a challenging task. I will be making sure that we have the right tools and infrastructure for digitization, right training from the experts to digitize the different sources of different sizes, and do uploading in right way. For this, I would be doing workshop for Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata Workshop where I will teach them basic Item creation (50 metadata items from museums, as a starter to not overwhelm them). These are the skills, I am equipped with (attending numerous skill building workshops and sessions at conferences, such as Project Tiger Training by Asaf Bartov where many new tools were taught) and I am certain can implement them well in the project. In addition to that, I would be taking training from different project experts to avoid any complications.

As for the pilot GLAM project, as I stated in the first thread, I am working on that and the project finishes in a month ( Mid January 2019), and will have report and learnings to implement and improve in the next project. Some of the learnings we had till now are already implemented in the project proposal. As for the 300 photos, our endeavor is to involve new volunteers rather than old ones doing it. This is our part of capacity development program, to make it more engaging and interesting to new volunteers, we will do photo walks and do consecutive Commons training that will allow them to learn how to properly use licenses and categories. Thank You Wikilover90 (talk) 17:32, 15 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Community Review

  • It was mentioned on the grant pages that some professors will help you in this project. These professors are my teachers. When I talked to them about this project I found that they were not aware of this project moreover their names were also used in the last grant for municipal library collaboration without their knowledge. Using their names without their knowledge and awareness is unethical.--Stalinjeet Brar (talk) 03:58, 12 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Stalinjeet Brar. Thank you for the feedback. For clarifying, I would like to share some things. The professors mentioned in the grant are the professors of Punjabi Literature that are in Punjabi University. And they were suggested by @Satdeep Gill, who is the project advisor. Since they are also his teachers and family friends, their experience and knowledge is something, he has daily access to and in turn it is accessible to our project as a team. And as this was suggested by him, please clarify this from him. My apologies if you did not know this. Additionally, you not only endorsed but joined that project as a volunteer and this was information you knew at that time and have known for quite some time. Thank you Wikilover90 (talk) 05:26, 12 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Stalinjeet Brar: and @Wikilover90: I shared the names of the professors with Wikilover90. I guess, Wikilover90 can remove specific names from the project proposal if that is something that you feel represents incorrect information. They weren't notified because they are not an essential part of the day to day proceedings of the project. I believed that they can still be contacted at any point in time when a need arises to discuss the copyright status of any author or to find out more details about a certain book. For example, nowadays I am talking to Dr. Baldev Singh Dhaliwal, who wrote The History of Punjabi Short Stories, about the copyright status of a short-story writer but interestingly there is no proof available about the existence of such an author in any of the literary history books. This highlights the importance of projects like these in remotest of the libraries, archives and even personal libraries. --Satdeep Gill (talk) 12:35, 13 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
Thank you @Wikilover90: for replying from the very core of my heart. As per my knowledge, @Satdeep Gill: was consultant for the previous grant not this grant that we are talking about, his name is no where listed in this grant. I really wonder, how can we use consultations of previous grant for new grant. Moreover consultants just give suggestions, they don’t verify grants. It is done by people working on project grants. Secondly, I feel that consulting professors and winning their confidence before using their names in the project is both ethical and mandatory. If you’ve put up names in grant without verifying the suggestions of consultant, it is irrational.--Stalinjeet Brar (talk) 07:09, 14 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Stalinjeet, I think you are misunderstanding what @Satdeep Gill and I stated. He was the advisor for the grant and he suggested that to be put in the grant as our team resource. But that grant is no way dependent or related to the professors and research scholars, we have access to, most of which are Wikimedians and are openly supporting and assisting with our current project. The resources available to us whether in previous or this grant remain same (they have certainly expanded with the scope of the project) but if you are concerned about their names, @Satdeep Gill and I apologize and take your feedback in solidarity. It was removed the first time you gave your concern. Thank You.Wikilover90 (talk) 15:47, 15 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Question about investment in equipment


Hello Wikilover90! I am Sandra Fauconnier, Program Officer for GLAM and structured data at the Wikimedia Foundation. I've read your grant application to check if everything seemed clear to me, and I have one question about the equipment in which you want to invest for this project. It makes total sense that you need dedicated equipment for digitizing the special materials of some of the institutions you plan to work with. But I was wondering if you already have an idea what should happen with the equipment when the project ends? Will it be further used by the GLAMs, or by Wikimedians? Thank you for responding, and wishing you good energy for your work! SandraF (WMF) (talk) 17:40, 18 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hello SandraF (WMF), thank you for reaching out to me. The equipment would be used by Wikimedia Community, during and after the project ends. We even have a section of infrastructure on Meta Page of my affiliate to facilitate sharing and managing community equipment. It can be co-ordinated by the Wikimedians after the project accordingly. Hope it clarifies. I am happy to discuss it more. Regards.Wikilover90 (talk) 14:41, 24 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Wikiverse Commons Conference


Hello Wikilover90! I am interested in the Wikiverse Commons Conference which you want to organize as part of this project. It seems to be a kind of autonomous activity, in that it is not organized in collaboration with one of the GLAMs with whom you plan to work. Is that correct?

I am quite interested in contemporary art myself, and I have been involved in initiatives in the Netherlands to educate living artists about copyright, Wikimedia and Creative Commons licenses. My experience is that many contemporary artists actually are quite attached to 'traditional' copyright and, when considering their options, many end up deciding not to release their work (or digital images of their work) under free licenses. I am wondering if you have similar experiences in India, and if you have strong expectations that the conference will convince artists about Creative Commons and will result in free images of contemporary art in India? I'm also curious about the role of Diwan Manna: is he interested in releasing his own work under free licenses, and to convince other artists to do so?

Thank you for clarifying! With kind regards, SandraF (WMF) (talk) 17:52, 18 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hello SandraF (WMF), you are correct about the first part. It is not related to the GLAM institutions, but we may or may not host the conferences in these venues. But apart from that, it is an autonomous activity aimed at promoting awareness among country artists for the Creative Commons licenses and how they can release their copyright partially or completely with various licenses. In North India, the lack of awareness of Copyrights and Creative Commons licenses is a hindrance which stops artists from sharing their work and with this conference, we are hoping to educate and create a buzz that sends a strong message to artists at large about the various possibilities for having their content released in open licenses and the consequent benefits that come up with it.

Diwan Manna, who is quite famed and celebrated artist having a network of artists around North India and would be assisting in inviting them for the Conference and will be advocate for the same. He believes that artists of this generation need to think differently and bring change, and he supports the Creative Commons Licenses after we introduced them to him in recent time.

It is true about contemporary artists being attached to traditional licenses. However, when we talk about artistic and bold work, artists can have different perspectives and somehow, I have been in conversation with Diwan regarding the same. Many artists would be willing to release their work in open licenses and promoting the awareness is certainly the first step to do so. Wikimedia Licenses don't support CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-ND licenses and how we can incorporate and assimilate the artists who want to give their work to Creative Commons but have some professional restrictions. (For instance, a bold photographic work being used in X-rated or porno movies as a Derivative work, which is a possibility with the Wikimedia Licenses that allow open access and use of derivatives of the original work.)

These kind of discussions are important to be open and it can be started with us teaching and sharing about the creative common licenses. Most artists in India, are not aware about these and making them aware and opening their mind towards the possibility of cc licenses can be a game changer.

In order to have these kind of discussions, along with sharing about open licenses and how inculcating these can help them to promote themselves and have their work reach to maximum number of people, like some famous artists have been doing, example,[Naseer] from India, donating his work to open licenses. This can be Renaissance of how modern artists in India start perceiving about opening their work to free licenses for public at large.Wikilover90 (talk) 16:06, 25 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Update about Pilot Project


Hello Everyone! Thank you for taking your time with the project review. I am adding the update for the pilot project from Municipal Library. We have digitized and uploaded over 7000 pages and proofread over 4000 pages in the Punjabi Wikisource Contest that started from 21 December, 2018 and will finish on 31st January, 2019. We have started validating the pages and will hopefully validate the pages proofread in this contest by end of March. Additionally, the integration of these will be done in Wikipedia as a part of #1lib1ref campaign organized in Punjabi Wikipedia from 15 January-5 February. The report for this pilot will be updated with details in this week. Kind RegardsWikilover90 (talk) 18:55, 20 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Aggregated feedback from the committee for Heritage GLAM

Scoring rubric Score
(A) Impact potential
  • Does it have the potential to increase gender diversity in Wikimedia projects, either in terms of content, contributors, or both?
  • Does it have the potential for online impact?
  • Can it be sustained, scaled, or adapted elsewhere after the grant ends?
(B) Community engagement
  • Does it have a specific target community and plan to engage it often?
  • Does it have community support?
(C) Ability to execute
  • Can the scope be accomplished in the proposed timeframe?
  • Is the budget realistic/efficient ?
  • Do the participants have the necessary skills/experience?
(D) Measures of success
  • Are there both quantitative and qualitative measures of success?
  • Are they realistic?
  • Can they be measured?
Additional comments from the Committee:
  • The project fits with Wikimedia's strategic priorities and has potential for online impact. It can be sustained and potentially scaled after the grant ends in sense that the uploaded material will stay in Commons and Wikisource.
  • Its a crucial project that can establish a lot of marginalised knowledge online
  • This project fits with Wikimedia’s strategic priority of diversity. The online impact is in the form of digitized books, documented museum objects and formal collaborations with governmental institutes. The collaboration with government, if successful, can help gain trust in government circles, thereby facilitating further collaborations. It is very possible that such future collaborations are largely volunteer-led, given the high activity level of Punjabi Wikimedia volunteers. Similar projects can be initiated in other Indic language communities as well.
  • GLAM projects have become popular throughout the world for a short time and represent a very special concept of cooperation and creativity. What is particularly worrying for me, in all similar projects, even in this, is that no technical or financial assistance is required from the GLAM institution, and there is more end more proposals where all costs of WiR and equipment are required exclusively from WMF. Of course, there are institutions that do not really have the most basic scanning equipment and they need to be given a stimulus for cooperation. Bearing in mind that we there are talking about one of the most developed countries in India and that there is a desire for cooperation with the most important GLAM institutions, I am sure that certain institutions have the equipment necessary for the implementation of this project. We should always try to explain to GLAMs their interests in cooperation with us and their interests in the release of their own content
  • The project is iterative in its approach: basically it builds on the proceeding WiR rapid grant. The impact may be considerable but there are risks. The main risk is lack of experience in participants and their spotty record in executing the previous rapid grant.The success can be measured although the measures of success can be improved.
  • This is an iterative project and similar projects funding Wikimedians-in-Residence have been successful. The measures of success are realistic. The impact of the project is likely to sustain through volunteers even after the grant period is over.
  • The idea and goal are well presented. Measures of success are specifically defined and can be easily monitored.
  • I am excited to see that the team has detailed introduced to us their dream. I think they already really understand what they want to do and the risks they need to confront.
  • The duration of the project is not specified. So, it is difficult to say whether the scope can be executed at all. The budget may be realistic. Skills/experience of the participants are somewhat questionable.
  • There has been a pilot by the same user and shows the experience available to achieve this
  • The timeline appears to be a little too short for the tasks intending to accomplish. Collaborations with government organizations might need a lot of negotiation and working through bureaucratic procedures, which might result in unforeseen time lag. The project proposal does not mention if and how such problems shall be tackled. The budget appears realistic, except that the expense for Wikiverse Commons conference is very low. It is unclear whether a full conference will be held, or if the grantee plans a smaller meetup. The main grantee appears to have fewer global edits than an average WiR.
  • In Criteria A, I explained my position about financing this kind of projects. I specifically believe that certain items from the budget need to be cut (such as scanning equipment, laptop, and so on). although, having in mind that the group is relatively recently established, the laptop can use them in the coming period.
  • I believe the strong team is ready to execute the proposal. But, for the budget, if they can promise to get the remaining funds for contingency cost back to WMF will be better.
  • The relevant Wikimedia communities have not been notified.
  • The target community is Punjabi Wikimedia community. There is adequate community support and it involves diverse candidates.
  • on the one hand, there is a definite and clear support of the community, and on the other, it is questioning the support of certain names.
  • Good potential and wide project.
  • The project is interesting but it appears that the skills/experience of the participants may be insufficient for its successful execution. In additions some of the measures of success are unrealistic while other are too easy to achieve.
  • I think with guidance this project can be achieved
  • I'd like to see a modified timeline and budget with reasonable resource allocations for bureaucratic processes involved in setting up the partnership.
  • budget issues
  • Yes, I'm willing to choose this project to give the support. But, I believe it will be better if they explain how will they use the remaining funds.

This proposal has been recommended for due diligence review.

The Project Grants Committee has conducted a preliminary assessment of your proposal and recommended it for due diligence review. This means that a majority of the committee reviewers favorably assessed this proposal and have requested further investigation by Wikimedia Foundation staff.

Next steps:

  1. Aggregated committee comments from the committee are posted above. Note that these comments may vary, or even contradict each other, since they reflect the conclusions of multiple individual committee members who independently reviewed this proposal. We recommend that you review all the feedback and post any responses, clarifications or questions on this talk page.
  2. Following due diligence review, a final funding decision will be announced on March 1st, 2019.
Questions? Contact us.

I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 17:13, 6 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Additonal Update:


The rough timeline has been designated as per the four quarters:

  • Phase 1:March - May: Mou will be formalized, We will digitize 3000 pages, Order the infrastructure
  • Phase 2: June- August: 4000 pages digitized, workshops and mid-point report
  • Phase 3: September - November: 4000 pages digitized, start of Wikisource contest ( oct - december), commons and wikisource workshop (500 images of studio quality from Museum will be uploaded on Commons)
  • Phase 4: December - February : 4000: Wrap up of the proofreading contest, Wikipedia edit-a-thon (40 articles min), integrate 20% of content digitized and final report

We will be developing Monthly updates tool ( that will automatically update Graphs, stats, plans for next month for reporting to be launched May) on Tool Forge and Wikisource contest tool (experimental version to be launched in April and final version in June)

The meetings for the partnership with these government institutions have been going on since the past year. The final MOU will be signed by all the parties involved in early March. And we already have collaboration with RJVD Municipal Public Library Patiala from our pilot project. These partnerships are aimed at establishing a long term relationships with Punjab government institutions and these will pave a way for collaborations with GLAM Institutions in India, making it easy for them to follow example of these institutions.

The measure of success can be checked via stats and community participation. For the pilot project, we had a hard-to-achieve deliverables in a short window of time but we succeeded over those and digitized 7000 pages and proofread over 5600 pages with around 35 editors participating in Wikisource integration, making Punjabi Wikisource the most active and fastest growing Wikisource community globally in terms of growth. The community engagement and capacity development along with content will also be the goal for Punjabi Wikisource. This project involves multiple institutions and cover archives and rare collections of Punjab in English, Hindi and Punjabi with importance to Indian history and programs such as Wikiverse Commons Conference widens the scope reaching out to modern artists (some of the ones whose work hangs out in the Museum itself). In all, we are confident that we can achieve the mentioned deliverables within the time limit stated. Wikilover90 (talk) 13:30, 14 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Round 2 2018 decision


Congratulations! Your proposal has been selected for a Project Grant.

The committee has recommended this proposal and WMF has approved funding for the full amount of your request, $19,260 USD

Comments regarding this decision:
The committee is pleased to support this effort to begin and grow GLAM partnerships with several government and cultural institutions in northern India, in addition to engaging with Punjabi artists on the mission of our projects and how it can support their work.

Prior to finalizing a contract, we ask that you provide a job description specifically outlining the activities of the WiR role (we are now making this request of all WiRs).

Please note that we consider funding for WiR activities to be short-term. Grant funding that the Wikimedia Foundation provides for WiRs is not intended to support ongoing workflows, but to leverage the partnership to build a sustainable platform that ensures outcomes long after the WiR has completed their service. Their work should secure long-term outcomes that do not depend on ongoing grant funding.

Next steps:

  1. You will be contacted to sign a grant agreement and setup a monthly check-in schedule.
  2. Review the information for grantees.
  3. Use the new buttons on your original proposal to create your project pages.
  4. Start work on your project!

Upcoming changes to Wikimedia Foundation Grants

Over the last year, the Wikimedia Foundation has been undergoing a community consultation process to launch a new grants strategy. Our proposed programs are posted on Meta here: Grants Strategy Relaunch 2020-2021. If you have suggestions about how we can improve our programs in the future, you can find information about how to give feedback here: Get involved. We are also currently seeking candidates to serve on regional grants committees and we'd appreciate it if you could help us spread the word to strong candidates--you can find out more here. We will launch our new programs in July 2021. If you are interested in submitting future proposals for funding, stay tuned to learn more about our future programs.

I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 15:00, 1 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

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