This page is a translated version of the page Gujarati Wikipedia and the translation is 67% complete.

Wikipédia guzerate (abreviado gu-WP) é a versão da Wikipédia na língua guzerate.

Fatos e estatísticas

Iniciado em: julho de 2004


Tamanho atual: 30 504 artigos

Edições totais: 880 450

Usuários totais: 80 979 usuários

Editores ativos: 65 no mês passado

Administradores ativos: 3 administradores

Páginas totais: 131 655 páginas

Arquivos totais: 0 arquivos


Gujarati Wikipedia is one of the biggest resource of database in Gujarati language.

Áreas de força

  • Breaking news and current events
  • Popular culture
  • Sports
  • Hard sciences

Áreas de fraqueza

  • Social sciences
  • Humanities
  • Arts
  • Geography and culture of non-English speaking parts of the world


Qualidades únicas


  • Combating vandalism and promotional editing
  • Achieving neutrality and maintaining user trust in an increasingly polarized information landscape
  • Addressing systemic bias against women, poor people, non-white people, and other groups underrepresented among editors


Aspectos do idioma

There is no set standard on the variety of Gujarati to use, other than that it should remain consistent within articles.

História e impacto



  • One of the most trafficked Gujarati language websites in the world,[1] attracting around 3 million visitors per month (as of March 2020)[2]
