
Hack4OpenGLAM hackathon na al'adu ya faru a karon farko a 2020 a Creative Commons Global Summit. AvoinGLAM (ƙungiyar haɗin gwiwar GLAM na [$3 Wikimedia Finland], Open Knowledge Finland, da [$5 Creative Commons Finland]) yana sake shirya shi a 2021. Taron ya kunshi a workshop day, biye da three independent working days yayin kwanakin Babban Taron CC, da celebration event bayan taron.
Menene Hack4OpenGLAM?
Hack4OpenGLAM taron haɗin gwiwa ne don yin aiki zuwa Open Access to cultural heritage. Taron ya haɗu da al'ummomin abun ciki, ƙwararrun GLAM, masu ba da shawara na buɗe al'adun gargajiya, masu kirkirar dijital, da kayan aiki ko masu haɓaka dandamali – daga sababbin zuwa masana - don koyo, aiki, da kirkira tare da juna.
Adalcin ilimi
Hack4OpenGLAM yana mai da hankali kan wannan shekara akan knowledge equity – yana haskaka ilimin daidaikun mutane, al'ummomi, da al'adu waɗanda aka cire su daga haske na tarihi, lalata kayan tarihin tarihi na al'adu, da kuma amincewa da hanyoyin alhakin raba bayanai akan layi a bayyane.
Even between official events, it is possible to participate in the Hack4OpenGLAM projects.
Ba da shawarar aikin da za a yi aiki da shi, shiga cikin wasu a cikin aikin su, kawo abubuwan da ke cikin ku ma'aikata da ƙwarewar ku game da batun zuwa taron, ko ku zo ku tallafa wa waɗanda ke son amfani da kayan aikin ku.
Kuna iya shiga ta hanyoyi da yawa
Arrange a workshop Hackathon shine don yin tare da koyo tare. Taron yana farawa tare da ranar workshops, discussions, da project pitches. Idan kuna son gudanar da bita, yi rijistar ra'ayin ku kuma fara tattaunawa akan dandalin al'umma. Ta wannan hanyar, za a iya shirya shirin bitar tare.
Start a project A project can be as sketchy as an idea or a topic, or as detailed as an already existing project. It can be a call-to-action around a task or a challenge to solve a problem. The projects are not expected to be technical, but they can be. Newcomers and experts are equally welcome. We encourage all participants to engage in the discussions around the projects as early as possible.
Join with your GLAM and your collections Showcase your open collections for the participants and the world, whether you come from a big institution or run a community archive. But most importantly, join the activities yourself to learn and co-create with open cultural heritage.
Present tools, technologies and platforms Bring the tool or service you have developed, promote the use of your open platform or volunteer to offer your skills to help collaborative work. You can prepare small how-to-workshops, for example.
The work starts already
Registration Start by registering you project, tool, collection, or just yourself! Register now! | |
Community platform Collaboration has already started on the community platform and it continues throughout the hackathon in September. Participating projects get dedicated channels where they can start working together and growing communities around their projects! | |
Weekly meetups We are meeting to chat about Hack4OpenGLAM projects every Thursday. Join us on the call on Thursdays at 1 pm UTC. | |
Dashboard Hack4OpenGLAM Dashboard introduces the people and the projects at the event. It is a matchmaking place for the participants and a showcase of open content and projects. The dashboard shows the progression of the projects in real-time and preserves the results after the event. | |
The hackathon starts and ends with a live event The first day of the hackathon (20 September) is dedicated to live workshops, discussions, and project pitches. After three days of independent hacking on the community platform, the crowd will again convene for the live Final Gala (24 September). |
The team
Hack4OpenGLAM is produced by AvoinGLAM / Creative Commons Finland in collaboration with the OpenGLAM Platform at Creative Commons, and supported by a Conference Grant from the Wikimedia Foundation.
We will list the members of the team, the facilitators, and the global ambassadors here.
How you can help
How you can volunteer
On this page you can find different tasks that are available for volunteers.
Help translate Hack4OpenGLAM messages!
Regional ambassadors will lead the effort to make Hack4OpenGLAM known in different parts of the world, and in different languages. You can help to translate this page and other key messages to your language.