Hardware donation program/Abakar B

Your contact information

  • Abakar B
  • abakarfils1026@gmail.com

Explain your plan


I am an active contributor to Wikipedia, as well as to other projects. I have been an editor on Wikipedia since 2018 months and I am also co-founder of the Tchad Wikimedia user group . At the moment, all the work is done by me with a laptop that has no battery and we have electricity problems. With the help of the laptop, I will be able to use many tools that previously With this equipment, the main objective will be to improve the content of TranslateWiki because there are fewer translations into French language and I will be able to do it . I also want to contribute to Wikisource in French and improve Chadian content. With this equipment, my contribution to Wiki projects will increase exponentially.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Affected projects


Add the existing Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Commons, etc.) and language versions that you seek to impact with this equipment.

  • Wikipedia
  • Wikicommons
  • Wikidata
  • lingua library (wiki Kouman Tchad[[1]] )
  • wiktionary
  • translation page

Work you're proud of


Show us (through links) some of your best Wikimedia work, on or off wiki, to help us get a sense for the kind of work you do. (no more than 3 or 4 links at most, please.)



IF YOU ARE REQUESTING THIS ON BEHALF OF A WIKIMEDIA AFFILIATE (i.e. to be owned by a Wikimedia affiliate rather than an individual), please type your affiliate name below, and add a link to your affiliate's public equipment tracking page.

Affiliate name
...Wikimedians of Tchad User Group
Public equipment tracking page


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