Hebrew Wikipedia satisfaction survey/results

This is only a part of the survey



1. How did you first learned about the Hebrew Wikipedia?

  • 51.3% - through a search engine query
  • 19.0% - from family or friends
  • 3.6% - from a news item
  • 0.7% - through another Wikimedia project
  • 21.0% - cannot recall
  • 4.5% - other
In many cases answerers added the options: at school; through a Wikipedia in another language, but these are ignored in the statistics for the time being.

2. How long have you been acquainted with the Hebrew Wikipedia?

  • 52.7% - 1-3 years
  • 34.3% - more than 3 years
  • 10.3% - 3 months - 1 year
  • 1.0% - 1-3 months
  • 1.1% - no more than a week
  • 0.7% - 1 week - 1 month

3. By your estimation, to which extent do the people you know heard about the Hebrew Wikipedia?

  • 80.0% - most of them
  • 16.0% - some of them
  • 2.0% - few of them
  • 2.0% - don't know

4. Did you ever use a foreing language Wikipedia (i.e. other than Hebrew)?

  • 75.3% - yes
  • 24.7% - no

5. Do you use foreign language wikipedias more than you use the Hebrew one? (The results refer only to those who answered "yes" in the previous question).

  • 75.0% - I use the Hebrew Wikipedia more
  • 15.0% - I use them all in the same manner
  • 10.0% - I use foreing language Wikipedias more

6. Do you know the meaning of the red and blue colors of the links?

  • 69.0% - yes
  • 31.0% - no

7. To your best knowledge, can readers change articles in the Hebrew Wikipedia?

  • 89.0% - yes
  • 11.0% - no

8. To your best knowledge, can readers write new articles in the Hebrew Wikipedia?

  • 88.0% - yes
  • 12.0% - no