Heritage conservation integration user group/NO EXTINCTION

Heritage conservation integration user group/NO EXTINCTION


The NO EXTINCTION campaign represents a call to action, urging individuals, communities, and organizations to actively participate in the conservation and protection of architectural heritage. The term "extinction" is employed metaphorically, emphasizing the irreversible loss that can occur if immediate and sustained efforts are not taken to safeguard these cultural treasures.

The focus of the campaign extends beyond mere physical structures to include the preservation of architectural drawings, which serve as invaluable blueprints reflecting the creative vision and technical expertise of architects throughout history. Additionally, attention is directed towards safeguarding individual building components that may hold historical or artistic significance.

By raising awareness about the impending threats to architectural heritage, the NO EXTINCTION campaign aims to foster a sense of collective responsibility. It seeks to engage diverse user groups, including heritage enthusiasts, architects, preservationists, educators, and the general public, encouraging them to actively contribute to the preservation of architectural treasures.

The underlying philosophy is rooted in the belief that by protecting these architectural gems, we not only honor our cultural legacy but also provide a tangible and enriching link for future generations. The NO EXTINCTION campaign embodies a commitment to ensuring that the architectural marvels of the past continue to serve as sources of inspiration, education, and cultural identity for the unborn generations yet to come. Through this initiative, Heritage Conservation Integration strives to create a lasting legacy of architectural heritage that transcends time and contributes to the collective identity of humanity.