Heritage conservation integration user group/Vision and mission statement



The heritage conservation integration user group is dedicated to facilitating the integration of diverse heritage conservation practices, encompassing both traditional and modern methods, with a particular focus on safeguarding historical assets such as old architectural drawings, building elements, parts, and entire structures. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration, the group fosters partnerships among professionals from fields such as architecture, archaeology, history, and technology to enhance conservation efforts for these valuable artifacts.

Incorporating technological advancements, the user group strives to integrate innovative tools and technologies into heritage conservation practices, including digital mapping, virtual reality, and other solutions that specifically cater to the preservation and documentation of old architectural drawings, building elements, and structures. Recognizing that heritage conservation extends beyond physical preservation, the group places a strong emphasis on community engagement, advocating for the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes to align conservation efforts with community values, especially regarding these historical assets.

A key mission involves promoting awareness and understanding of heritage conservation through educational programs, workshops, and advocacy campaigns, with a specific focus on the significance of preserving old architectural drawings, building elements, and structures. Additionally, the user group works towards influencing policies related to heritage conservation at local, national, and international levels, advocating for regulations that support responsible conservation practices for these historical assets.

Encouraging research initiatives and the documentation of heritage sites and artifacts, including old architectural drawings and building elements, is central to the group's mission. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of historical contexts, identifies conservation needs for specific architectural elements and drawings, and facilitates knowledge sharing within the community. It is crucial to recognize that the specific mission of the user group may vary based on its founders, members, and operational context. For the latest information on their mission and activities, it is recommended to refer to the official website or contact the organization directly.



"The Heritage Conservation Integration User Group envisions a world where diverse heritage conservation practices seamlessly converge, embracing both traditional wisdom and cutting-edge technologies. Our vision extends to harmonious preservation of historical assets, including old architectural drawings, building elements, and structures, as vital contributors to the rich tapestry of our cultural and historical heritage.

We aspire to foster a global community characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration, where professionals from architecture, archaeology, history, and technology work together synergistically. Through the integration of innovative tools and technologies, we envision a future where old architectural drawings, building elements, and structures are not only preserved but also dynamically documented, ensuring their enduring legacy for generations to come.

Our vision encompasses vibrant and engaged local communities actively participating in the decision-making processes of heritage conservation. We strive for widespread awareness and understanding, advocating for the significance of preserving old architectural drawings, building elements, and structures. By influencing policies at local, national, and international levels, we aim to establish a regulatory framework that champions responsible conservation practices, safeguarding these historical assets.

In pursuit of our vision, we are committed to making information accessible to all, promoting a culture of transparency and collaboration. We envision leveraging open-source technologies like Wikimedia Commons to share knowledge globally. By utilizing platforms that encourage open access, we aim to democratize information, allowing researchers, enthusiasts, and communities worldwide to contribute to and benefit from the collective wisdom of heritage conservation.

The Heritage Conservation Integration User Group envisions a future where the integration of practices, collaboration, and technological advancements converges to protect and celebrate our diverse cultural and historical heritage, ensuring its enduring presence in the fabric of humanity."