This page is a translated version of the page Hubs and the translation is 33% complete.


According to Movement Strategy, hubs are “a type of support structure to enable a common space for coordinating activities and identifying and advocating for the needs of the communities and organizations they serve.” Today, we see three forms of hub organizing: regional, thematic and linguistic.

Following the principle of subsidiarity, they are expected to emerge by "identifying and advocating for the needs of the communities and organizations they serve".


Browse through resources where you can find hub guidelines and other hub related information

Wikimedia Hub Fund

Learn more about funding available for hubs


Silimiin-goli June yuuni 2010 ni, Iberocoop, Wikimedia tuuli regional laɣim tum daa nyɛla di kpa. Yuuni shɛŋa din daa doli na, laɣinsi pam daa nyɛla din kpa, kamani East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Regional Cooperation (yuuni 2018?) ni Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe (2011 yuuni), WikiConference North America (2016 yuuni), nti pahi yuma din pahi.

2018–20 Strategy Process saha la, yɛligu daa yɛliya zaŋ kpa thematic hubs zaŋ ti region polo, ka bandaa yɛli daa nyɛ Resource Allocation Working Group (yulimi tuuli sabbu gbaabu zaŋ kpa regional hubs polo : first draft, second draft; thematic hubs: 1, 2), ni Roles and Responsibilities Working Group maa (tuuli di daa gbaaya m-pahi "Quotiel" modili nyama draft recommendation, din boli lahiʒibisi yɛltɔɣa zaŋ kpa din regional laɣim gbahi din pun beni polo.)

2018–20 Strategy Process saha, region mini thematic hubs daa nyɛla bɛ ni zaŋ shɛli pa ka di nyɛla Resource Allocation Working Group (nyami tuuli sabbu zaŋ kpa gbaabunima zaŋ kpa regional hubs polo: first draft, second draft; thematic hubs: 1, 2), ni Roles and Responsibilities Working Group (first proposed as part of the "Quotiel" model, see draft recommendation, which mentions inspiration from the existing regional collaborations).

During the strategy transition, several discussions on Hubs took place: See reports on Hubs discussions in November, December, and January.