litharge is the bantracker bot for Libera Chat (previously known as eir on freenode). The official documentation is on the Libera Chat website.

Setting up

  1. Register your IRC account with the bot: /msg litharge hello
    • Expect a response like "You are now authenticated as <nick>." or "You are already authenticated as <nick>."
  2. Grant the bot +o rights in your channel so that it can remove expired bans: /msg chanserv flags #yourchannel litharge +o
  3. Invite the bot to your channel: /invite litharge #yourchannel
    • You will need to be op'ed in the channel for the invite to succeed.
    • Some user have reported litharge ignoring their invites. If litharge has not joined the channel within 5-10 minutes, ask for help in #wikimedia-ops-internalconnect
  4. Set a test ban to verify that the bot is working: /mode +b litharge-test!*@*
    • Litharge should PM you asking for a reason for the ban.
    • Reply with 5s testing and after a few seconds, the ban should be removed.
  5. Set the default expiry for the channel to 24 hours: /msg litharge cautoexpire #yourchannel 86400.
  6. Finally, join #libera-botsconnect and ask a staff member to set litharge's ops channel to #wikimedia-ops-internalconnect.



After you quiet/kick/ban (ie: a "mode change") the offending user, you need to set the mode change expiration and document with litharge.

You will receive a PM from litharge asking you to document the mode change. Follow the instructions.

If you do not reply within three minutes, you can view all pending mode changes (ie: view all mode changes that have not been marked or edited yet) and document them by doing the following:

/msg litharge pending #<channel>
<litharge> [#1553 +b trollnick!*@*59.35.44.* by chanop! on 2021-02-13 13:28:16 GMT]

Note that you can filter for just your own pending mode changes by adding the oper filter ie:

/msg litharge pending #<channel> --oper <yournick>

Change the mode change expiration from the default (WM chans are now 24 hours):

/msg litharge edit 1553 6d
/msg litharge mark 1553 continuing to troll

Or, you can combine the edit and mark commands:

/msg litharge editandmark 1553 30d came back to troll from this hostmask in other chans

You can retrieve a list of all bans, expiries, and reasons with:

/msg litharge pending #<channel> --flood

You can also retrieve the history of a ban if you know it's ID:

/msg litharge info 1553

Extended features


If you want to check the results of a mode change before it's placed, and which bans would affect a given user (assuming the bot shares a channel with the user):

/msg litharge check #<channel> *!*@*.com

That show all channels with .com in hostmask being affected by any intended mode change

/msg litharge match #<channel> troll

Will show:

<litharge> [#1553 +b trollnick!*@*59.35.44.* by chanop! on 2021-03-14 13:28:16 GMT] "came back to troll from this hostmask in other chans"