
The Third Iberoamerican Wikimedia Encounter also known as Iberoconf was held in Mexico City, Mexico on 2013 from 12 to 15 December, with Wikimedia México as hostes. The days of works and talks were 14 y 15.
- 阿根廷分會執行長 Osmar Valdebenito
- 巴西維基媒體基金會教育專案 Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira
- 分會間對話Kira Kraemer
- 智利分會財務主管 Lily Günther
- Every chapter of Iberocoop has to define its own list of priorities and achievements as markers that can define and meassure their own growth. Some topics that were mentioned by representatives are:
- Number of members.
- Amount of activities done.
- Real impact in Wikimedia projects.
- Media coverage.
- Amount of new partnerships which the chapter can afford and accomplish with.
- Ability of get sustainability from that achievements, crisis overpassing, process certainty, and a general feeling of well-being inside every organization.
- Economical resources search as option to Wikimedia Foundation ones.
- The representatives agree in Iberocoop must avoid become in a bureaucratic or out-of-date entity, but at same time as enough dynamic and responsible as reach its goals.
- The representatives agree about the importance of:
- Documenting: to make up internal process and reply them.
- Asking for feedback: That means, to have follow-up tools to know the thoughts from attendees and participants in activities.
- Consolidating documentation of process.
- In order to promote the development of tools that help the growth of the Wikimedia organizations, and the adaptation of prior ones to Iberoamerican background, it was agreed the creation of a initiative called "Iberotec", wich is made up by the members of Iberocoop chapters who are fluent in software development and programming.
The mailing list of this team was created by Wikimedia Argentina and runs since October 15, 2013.
- For certain WLM is going to be organized in 2014 in some Iberocoop countries. Some of them will try to make up other options for a photographic contest (i.e. Wikiviajes, a more- local option, etc.).
- In countries were the contest is going to be organized, it will be tried to get feedback from participants.
- It will be created a Iberocoop landing page of the contest, as guide to spanish countries users and a link "add your country".
- It will be invited the loca groups of Creative Commons to take part in the contest.
- Tasks: To review periodically the fulfillment of the commitments wich every chapter has taken on; to establish deadlines; to facilitate the discussions of the matters to accomplish; to write down a monthly report of the achieved goals for all chapters and quarterly (if it's required) for WMF.
- Skills: Experience in coordination y and groups motivation to get the accomplishment of goals; language skills in italian, portuguese, spanish and/or english (to report to WMF); synthesis skills to make summaries of the state of chapters.
- Duties: To accomplish with tasks entrusted by Ibercoop.
- Permanent/Rotating work: Annual rotating (but extendable prior chapters agreement)
- Unanimously the appointment went to Carmen Alcázar, WMMX board member.
Iberocoop's admission rule
The members of Iberocoop have agreed the next admission to future members:
Wikimedia chapters are those organizations recognized as such by Wikimedia Fundation by means of an official resolution.
May be Iberocoop members:
- A) Those chapters which have one of the next status:
- I.- Those chapters from that countries which their native or most spoken language is the Spanish, Italian o Portuguese, and are located inside the geographical area of Latin America, Iberian Peninsula or Italy.
- II.- Those chapters which are not in the geographical area of Latin America, Iberian Peninsula or Italy but have as native or most spoken language Spanish, Italian o Portuguese at the discretion of the members of Iberocoop.
- III.- Those chapters which although do not have as native or most spoken language Spanish, Italian o Portuguese but are in the geographical area of Latin America, Iberian Peninsula or Italy at the discretion of the members of Iberocoop. Nevertheless, in this case every chapter of Iberocoop has the veto power against the decision taken in the final voting.
- In the first case, the chapter shall access to Iberocoop only sending a request of admission to the Iberocoop's mailing list designating its representatives. In the second case, it shall be needed a Two-thirds majority, that means, 66% of the Iberocoop members. The veto power described in third case shall be done in public document and open to all Wikimedia community giving the reason of such disagreement. This veto power can be practise repeatedly.
- B) Those working groups that accomplish with the same linguistic and geographical requirements wich are expected from chaptersin the A) paragraph prior certificación por parte del Comité de Organizaciones (AffCom) de haber iniciado un trámite de reconocimiento como afiliado.
In order to these admission guidelines, it was agreed that Wikimedia New York and Costa Rica (who is not even working group) are not anymore invited groups to Ibercoop.
Nr. | Actividad | Responsable | Período |
1 | Wiki loves Earth
Abierto, WMES se ofrece a coordinar el proyecto | Noviembre'13 - Abril'14 |
2 | Recopilar de forma central (Carmen en su labor de coordinadora) las actividades de cada capítulo que podrían ser de interés para otros (exportables). Ejemplos de esto pueden ser programas de educación, folletos, vídeos, herramientas de software, soluciones para proyectos GLAM, etc. También WMES tendrá que suministrar información. | Carmen Alcázar, WMMX | Por determinar |
3 | Creación de una plataforma de difusión de Iberocoop que se nutra de forma automática de las entradas de los blogs de cada capítulo. | Por determinar | Por determinar |
4 | Ponerse en contacto la Fundación para poder hacer saber a los donantes de cada país (en el momento de la donación en Wikipedia) que la Fundación cuenta con un capítulo local en pro del proyecto en su geografía, o incluso ofrecerles la posibilidad de donar y desgravar impuestos (dependiendo de la legislación de cada país y dando por hecho que el capítulo local es considerado de interés público). | Por determinar | Por determinar |
5 | Creación de una guía sobre experiencias y proceso de decisión a la hora de profesionalizarse, que será de gran utilidad para otros capítulos. Y también una serie de recomendaciones con las tareas que debería cumplir cada capítulo (ej. actualizar la página en Meta o en Wikipedia sobre el capítulo). | WMAR | Por determinar |
6 | Creación de un listado de herramientas que puedan ser útiles para todos los capítulos (ej. listado de herramientas de WLM) en una página en meta. | ¿Iberotec? | Por determinar |
7 | Descripción de los diferentes puestos de los capítulos (presidente, director ejecutivo, secretario,...) | Por determinar | Por determinar |
8 | Concurso de fotos de vacaciones para aportar material a Wikiviajes. | WMCL | Por determinar |
9 | Vídeo educativo en diferentes acentos e incluso idiomas (con subtítulos) sobre edición en Wikipedia. | WMAR | Por determinar |
10 | Editatón de traducción de biografías de mujeres entre idiomas de Iberocoop con participación de todos los integrantes de Iberocoop | WMIT | Por determinar |
11 | Uso del central notice para realizar un sondeo a los usuarios de Wikipedia en español, italiano y portugués. | Santiago Navarro, Ginevra Sanvitale, WMMX | Por determinar |
12 | Listar patrocionadores de cada capítulo que puedan tener interés en patrocinar a otros países o incluso actividades de todo Iberocoop. | Por determinar | Por determinar |
13 | Crear listados de monumentos de países que no participan en WLM para ampliar material y motivar a otros países a participar | Por determinar | Por determinar |
14 | Premio adicional a nivel de Iberocoop a financiar entre todos para las mejores fotos de un país iberoamericano que consigan entrar en la fase internacional del concurso. | Por determinar | Por determinar |
15 | Hacer uso de una página web de Argentina (http:// ??) con 25.000 seguidores destinada a intercambios sobre educación. | WMAR | Por determinar |
16 | Apoyar la constitución de grupo de usuarios y capítulo de Wikimedia Brasil | WMBR | Por determinar |
After the meeting a survey was filled out by 11 participants. The average in the grades (minimum 1, maximum 5) given by them is:
- General assessment: 4.7
- Communication and contact prior to the event (e-mail, MetaWiki, quality of info, assistance and aid): 4.2
- Event swag (badge, printout schedule, pens, info): 4.2
- Assesment on the programm and schedule (You/your affiliate are/is satisfied with the results of the event?): 4.4
- Faciliation: 4.8
- Documentation: 4.3
- What so useful was the meeting to the goals and work of your chapter/organisation (making contact, results, futures proyects)?: 4.8
- Accomodation: 3.9
- Venue: 4.6
- Catering: 4.5
- Social activities: 4.7
- Photos
Group photo
Opening session
Welcome dinner
Iván Martínez, facilitator
Trip to Teotihuacan. Social activity
Kira (Wikimedia Chapter Dialogue) and representatives of WMES, WMVE and Colombia.
Working session Day 1
Colombia working group representative.
General view of the venue
Jessie Wild talk on metrics, working session day 2
WMMX organizing team and volunteers