This is a list of India-related encyclopaedic entries contained in traditional published works. These include two major works, one from recent times (2005) by Stanley Wolpert and another from the nineteenth century by Edward Balfour (1885, 3rd edition). It would be useful to check the different Indian language Wikipedias to compare the status of articles against this topic list. It would also be useful to compare these to see how the outsider perspective differ from how (mostly) Indians work to construct an encylopaedia. Comparing and reconciling this list with Wikipedia articles may not be easy as there is often no one-to-one correspondence. Adding wikilinks next to these articles could be an interesting exercise to attempt.

Balfour's Cyclopaedia is in the public domain and this list of articles is not a substantial copy of Wolpert's work (and covered by fair use for review by Indian law). Balfour's work is a combination of dictionary, gazetteer and encylopaedia combined and therefore should be treated with a little more care in comparisons. They can be found online here volume 1 volume 2 volume 3

  • Abdul Kalam, A.P.J. en
  • Advani, Lal Krishna en
  • Aesthetics en
  • Afghani, Jamal-ud-din en
  • Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan, Military Relations with, 1994–2001
  • Agni
  • Agra
  • Agricultural Growth and Diversification since 1991
  • Agricultural Labor and Wages since 1950
  • Agricultural Prices and Production, 1757–1947
  • Agricultural Wages, Labor, and Employment since 1757
  • Ahmedabad
  • Ajanta
  • Akbar
  • Akkamahadevi
  • Alaap
  • Albuquerque, Afonso de
  • Alexander the Great
  • Allahabad
  • All-India Muslim League
  • Ambedkar, B. R., and the Buddhist Dalits
  • Amritsar
  • Anand, Mulk Raj
  • Andaal
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Andrews, C. F.
  • Andy, S. Pulney
  • Anglo-Afghan Wars: War One (1838–1842)
  • Anglo-Afghan Wars: War Two (1878–1880)
  • Anglo-Afghan Wars: War Three (May–August 1919)
  • Armed Forces
  • Artha Shastra
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Aryabhata
  • Aryabhatıya
  • Arya Samaj
  • Ashtadhyayı
  • Ashvamedha
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB), Relations with
  • Asiatic Societies of Bengal and Bombay
  • Assam
  • Astronomy
  • Auckland, Lord
  • Aurangzeb
  • Aurobindo, Sri
  • Avataras of Vishnu, Images of
  • Ayodhya
  • Ayurveda
  • Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam
  • Azariah, Vedanayakam Samuel
  • Babur
  • Bactria
  • Bahadur Shah I
  • Balance of Payments: Exchange Rate Policy
  • Balance of Payments: Foreign Investment and the
  • Exchange Rate
  • Balasarasvati, T.
  • Ballistic and Cruise Missile Development
  • Ballistic Missile Defenses
  • Baluchar Sari
  • Baluchistan and the North-West Frontier
  • Bande Mataram
  • Bandhani
  • Banerjea, Surendranath N.
  • Bangalore
  • Bangladesh
  • Bank and Non-Bank Supervision
  • Banking Sector Reform since 1991
  • Barahmasa
  • Baranagar en
  • Baranagar Ramakrishna Mission en
  • Baroda
  • Bene Israel
  • Bengal
  • Bentinck, Lord William
  • Bhabha, Homi
  • Bhagavad Gıta
  • Bhagavata Purana
  • Bhajan
  • Bhakti
  • Bharat
  • Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
  • Bhave, Vinoba
  • Bhopal
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Bhuta
  • Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
  • Bihar
  • Bimbisara
  • Cabinet Mission Plan
  • Calcutta
  • Capital Market
  • Caste and Democracy
  • Caste System
  • Central Banking, Developmental Aspects of
  • Chaitanya
  • Chalcolithic (Bronze) Age
  • Chandigarh
  • Chatterji, Bankim Chandra
  • Chaudhuri, Nirad C.
  • Chelmsford, Lord
  • Chidambaram
  • China, Relations with
  • Chola Dynasty
  • Christian Impact on India, History of
  • Cinema
  • Civil-Military Relations
  • Clive, Robert
  • Commodity Markets
  • Common Property Resources, Past and Present
  • Congress Party
  • Contract Farming
  • Cornwallis, Lord
  • Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford
  • Curzon, Lord George
  • Dalhousie, Marquis of
  • Dalits
  • Dance Forms: An Introduction
  • Dance Forms: Bharata Natyam
  • Dance Forms: Kathak
  • Dance Forms: Kathakali
  • Dance Forms: Koodiyattam
  • Dance Forms: Kuchipudi
  • Dance Forms: Manipuri
  • Dance Forms: Mohini Attam
  • Dance Forms: Odissi
  • Das, Chitta Ranjan
  • Debt Markets
  • Deccani Painting
  • Demographic Trends since 1757
  • Demography and Census-taking
  • Desai, Morarji
  • Development of Commercial Banking 1950–1990
  • Development Politics
  • Devı
  • Devi, Siddheshvari
  • Dharma Shastra
  • Dhrupad
  • Diaspora: Economic Impact
  • Diaspora: History of and Global Distribution
  • Dıkshitar, Muttusvami
  • Dıvalı
  • Dravidian Parties
  • Dubois, Jean-Antoine
  • Dufferin, Lord
  • Dundas, Henry
  • Dupleix, Joseph François
  • Early Maritime Contacts
  • Economic Burden of Defense
  • Economic Development, Importance of Institutions in
  • and Social Aspects of
  • Economic Policy and Change, 1800–1947
  • Economic Policy Under Planning, Aspects of
  • Economic Reforms and Center-State Relations
  • Economic Reforms of 1991
  • Economy Since the 1991 Economic Reforms
  • Educational Institutions and Philosophies, Traditional
  • and Modern
  • Elephanta
  • Ellenborough, Earl of
  • Ellora (Elura)
  • Elphinstone, Mountstuart
  • Employment Structure
  • Energy Politics and Policy
  • Environmental Consciousness since 1800
  • Ethnic Conflict
  • Ethnic Peace Accords
  • European Union, Relations with
  • External Debt Policy, 1952–1990
  • Family Law and Cultural Pluralism
  • Famines
  • Federalism and Center-State Relations
  • Feminism and Indian Nationalists
  • Feudalism
  • Filmigeet
  • Film Industry
  • Finance Commission
  • Fiscal System and Policy from 1858 to 1947
  • Fiscal System and Policy since 1952
  • Fitch, Ralph
  • Folk Art
  • Folk Dance
  • Food Security
  • Foreign Resources Inflow since 1991
  • Forster, E. M.
  • French East India Company
  • French Impact
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Galbraith, John Kenneth
  • Gama, Vasco da
  • Gandharan Art and Architecture
  • Gandhi, Indira
  • Gandhi, Mahatma M. K.
  • Gandhi, Rajiv
  • Gandhi, Sonia
  • Gandhinagar
  • Ganesha
  • Gat-Tora
  • Gender and Human Rights
  • General (National) Elections
  • Geography
  • Globalization
  • Goa
  • Goddess Images
  • Gokhale, Gopal Krishna
  • Government of India Act of 1919
  • Government of India Act of 1935
  • Gujarat
  • Gujral, Inder Kumar
  • Guptan Empire
  • Guptan Period Art
  • Guru Nanak
  • Haq, A. K. Fazlul
  • Harappa
  • Hardinge, Lord
  • Harsha
  • Hastings, Warren
  • Health Care
  • Health Care for Tourists
  • Hindu Ancestor Rituals
  • Hindu and Buddhist Thought in Western Philosophy
  • Hinduism (Dharma)
  • Hindu Nationalism
  • Hindu Nationalist Parties
  • Hindu Tantric Deities
  • Hindutva and Politics
  • History and Historiography
  • Human Development Indicators
  • Human Rights
  • Humayun
  • Hyderabad
  • Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
  • India Office and India Office Library
  • India's Impact on Western Civilization
  • Indo–U.S. Relations, Cultural Changes in
  • Indra
  • Industrial Change since 1956
  • Industrial Growth and Diversification
  • Industrial Labor and Wages, 1800–1947
  • Industrial Labor Market, Wages and Employment
  • Industrial Policy since 1956
  • Indus Valley Civilization
  • Informal Credit Markets
  • Information and Other Technology Development
  • Infrastructure and Transportation, 1857–1947
  • Infrastructure Development and Government Policy
  • Insurance Industry
  • Insurgency and Terrorism
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Internal Public Debt, Growth and Composition of
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF), Relations with
  • Iqbal, Muhammad
  • Irwin, Lord
  • Islam
  • Islam's Impact on India
  • Israel, Relations with
  • Ivory Carving
  • Jahangir
  • Jain and Buddhist Manuscript Painting
  • Jainism
  • Jain Sculpture
  • Jamdani
  • Jammu and Kashmir
  • Jammu and Ladakh
  • Jamshedpur
  • Japan, Relations with
  • Jewelry
  • Jews of India
  • Jinnah, Mohammad Ali
  • Jodhpur
  • Judicial System, Modern
  • Kabir
  • Kalidasa
  • Kama Sutra
  • Kanpur
  • Karachi
  • Karaikkal Ammaiyar
  • Kargil Conflict, The
  • Karnataka
  • Kashmir
  • Kashmir Painting
  • Kashmir Shawls
  • Kayasths
  • Kerala, Coalition Politics
  • Kerala, Model of Development
  • Kerkar, Kesarbai
  • Khajuraho
  • Khan, Abdul Ghaffar
  • Khan, Ali Akbar
  • Khan, Liaquat Ali
  • Khan, Vilayat
  • Khayal
  • Khusrau, Amir
  • Kipling, Rudyard
  • Kırtana
  • Krishna in Indian Art
  • Krishnamurti, Jiddu
  • Kriti
  • Land Tenure from 1800 to 1947
  • Land Tenure since 1950
  • Languages and Scripts
  • Lansdowne, Lord
  • Large-scale Industry, 1850–1950
  • Leaders, Christian
  • Liberalization, Political Economy of
  • Linlithgow, Lord
  • Literature: Modern
  • Literature: Tamil
  • Love Stories
  • Macaulay, Thomas Babington
  • Madhaviah, A.
  • Madras
  • Madurai
  • Magadha
  • Mahabharata
  • Maharashtra
  • Maldives and Bhutan, Relations with
  • Mandal Commission Report
  • Mangeshkar, Lata
  • Manipur
  • Maritime Commerce, 1750–1947
  • Mauryan Empire
  • Media
  • Medical Science Education
  • Medieval Temple Kingdoms
  • Meghalaya
  • Menon, V.K. Krishna
  • Metalware
  • Military Interventions in South Asia
  • Miniatures: Bikaner
  • Miniatures: Bundi
  • Miniatures: Central India
  • Miniatures: Harem Scenes
  • Miniatures: Kishangarh
  • Miniatures: Kotah
  • Miniatures: Marwar and Thikanas
  • Minto, Lord
  • Mırabai
  • Mizoram
  • Modern and Contemporary Art
  • Mohenjo-Daro
  • Monetary Policy from 1952 to 1991
  • Monetary Policy since 1991
  • Money and Credit, 1858–1947
  • Money and Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Montagu, Edwin S.
  • Monuments: Eastern India
  • Monuments: Mughal
  • Monuments: Southern India
  • Monuments: Western India
  • Morley, John
  • Mountbatten, Lord
  • Mughal Painting
  • Mughal Painting, Later
  • Music: An Introduction
  • Music: Karnatak
  • Music: South India
  • Muslim Law and Judicial Reform
  • Muslims
  • Mutual Funds, Role of
  • Mysore
  • Nabob Game
  • Nagas and Nagaland
  • Naidu, Sarojini
  • Nainsukh
  • Naoroji, Dadabhai
  • Narayan, Jaya Prakash
  • Narayan, R. K.
  • Narayanan, K. R.
  • National Security Decision-Making
  • Natya Shastra
  • Nehru, Jawaharlal
  • Nehru, Motilal
  • Neolithic Period
  • Nepal
  • Nepal, Relations with
  • New Delhi
  • Nightingale, Florence
  • Nizam of Hyderabad
  • Nobili, Robert de
  • Non-banking Financial Institutions, Growth of
  • Northeast States, The
  • Nuclear Programs and Policies
  • Nuclear Weapons Testing and Development
  • Nyaya
  • Paithani
  • Pakistan
  • Pakistan and India
  • Palaeolithic Period
  • Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi
  • Pandita Ramabai
  • Panini
  • Pant, Govind Ballabh
  • Papermaking
  • Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security
  • Parsis
  • Patanjali
  • Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai
  • Patna
  • Patola
  • Paul, K. T.
  • Pension Funds and Social Security
  • Peshwai and Pentarchy
  • Pillai, Samuel Vedanayakam
  • Pingala
  • Planning Commission
  • Political System: Cabinet
  • Political System: Constitution
  • Political System: Parliament
  • Political System: President
  • Political System: Prime Minister
  • Population, Gender Ratio of
  • Portuguese in India
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Prasad, Rajendra
  • Premchand
  • Presidents of India
  • Price Movements and Fluctuations since 1860
  • Prime Ministers of India
  • Princely States
  • Private Industrial Sector, Role of
  • Public Debt of States, since 1950
  • Public Expenditures
  • Punjab
  • Qawwalı
  • Rabban, Joseph
  • Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
  • Raga
  • Ragamala
  • Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur
  • Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti
  • Rajneesh, Osho
  • Rajput (Western, Central, and Hill) Painting
  • Ramananda
  • Ramanuja
  • Ramayana
  • Ramayana and Mahabharata Paintings
  • Ranade, Mahadev Govind
  • Rangoli
  • Ray, Satyajit
  • Reading, Lord
  • Reddi, Muthulakshmi
  • Reserve Bank of India, Evolution of
  • Ripon, Lord
  • Rishi
  • Rock Art
  • Roy, Ram Mohan
  • Rural Credit, Evolution of since 1952
  • Russia, Relations with
  • Sabhas and Samitis
  • Samskara
  • Sankhya
  • Sarod
  • Sassoon, David
  • Satyagraha
  • Saving and Investment Trends since 1950
  • Sayyid Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement
  • Scheduled Tribes
  • Science
  • Scientists of Indian Origin and Their Contributions
  • Sculpture: Buddhist
  • Sculpture: Kushana
  • Sculpture: Mauryan and Shungan
  • Sculpture and Bronze Images from Kashmir
  • Secularism
  • Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
  • Selected Macroeconomic Models
  • Shah Bano Case
  • Shah Jahan
  • Shankar, Ravi
  • Shankara
  • Shiva and Shaivism
  • Shivaji Bhonsle and heirs
  • Shiv Sena
  • Shore, Sir John
  • Shrauta Sutras
  • Shreni
  • Shulba Sutras (Vedangas)
  • Shyama Shastri
  • Sikh Institutions and Parties
  • Sikhism
  • Simla
  • Sind
  • Singh, Bhagat
  • Singh, Maharaja Ranjit
  • Singh, Manmohan
  • Singh, Sadhu Sundar
  • Sirohi School Painting
  • Sitar
  • Size and Capital Intensity of Indian Industry since 1950
  • Small-Scale and Cottage Industry, 1800–1947
  • Small-Scale Industry, since 1947
  • Soma
  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • South Asian Economic Cooperation
  • Southeast Asia, Relations with
  • Space Program
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sri Lanka, Relations with
  • State Finances since 1952
  • State Formation
  • State-Level Performance since Reforms of 1991
  • Step-Wells of India
  • Stock Exchange Markets
  • Strategic Thought
  • Subbalakshmi Ammal, R.S.
  • Subbulakshmi, M. S.
  • Subsidies in the Federal Budget
  • Sultanate Painting
  • Sultante-Period Architecture of South Asia
  • Tabla
  • Tagore, Rabindranath
  • Tala
  • Tanchoi
  • Tansen
  • Tantric Buddhist Images
  • Tapas
  • Tata, Jamsetji N.
  • Taxation Policy since 1991 Economic Reforms
  • Technical Change in Agriculture, 1952–2000
  • Temple Types (Styles) of India
  • Textiles: Block-Printed
  • Textiles: Early Painted and Printed
  • Textiles: Karuppur
  • Theater
  • Theosophical Society
  • Thumrı
  • Tibetan Buddhists of India
  • Tilak, Bal Gangadhar
  • Trade Liberalization since 1991
  • Trade Policy, 1800–1947
  • Tribal Peoples of Eastern India
  • Tribal Politics
  • Tripura
  • Tyagaraja
  • Underground Economy, Dimensions of
  • United States, Relations with
  • Upanishadic Philosophy
  • Urbanism
  • Vaisheshika
  • Vajpayee, Atal Bihari
  • Varanasi
  • Varuna
  • Vedanga Jyotisha
  • Vedic Aryan India
  • Vina
  • Vishnu and Avataras
  • Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)
  • Vivekananda, Swami
  • Wars, Modern
  • Wavell, Lord
  • Weapons Production and Procurement
  • Wellesley, Richard Colley
  • Women and Political Power
  • Women's Education
  • Women's Indian Association
  • World Bank (WB), Relations with
  • World Trade Organization (WTO), Relations with
  • Xavier, Francis
  • Yajna
  • Yajnavalkya
  • Yajur Veda
  • Yoga
  • Zoroastrianism