Indic Wikisource proofread: Hall of Fame

Indic Wikisource Helpdesk Portal

Indic Wikisource proofreads: Hall of Fame is a collection or showcase some of the best proofreads done in Indic Wikisource projects. The idea is not only to celebrate some of the most attentive work, but also to display some of the advanced proofreding options (and templates etc.).

Indic Wikisource proofreads: Hall of Fame!



Inclusion criteria


Any proofread page from any Indian Wikisource project can be included in the page if that meets the following criteria:

  • The page must be in any Indian language, or if in English, the content must be directly related to India (such as "The Constitution of India (Original Calligraphed and Illuminated Version)"
  • The page must be properly proofread and please ensure it is error-free.
  • The page must be challenging to proofread and display at least some advanced options of proofreading (such as templates, text-position, image-positioning etc.)
  • Only pages are displayed as of now, and not an entire book.
  • If unsure propose an inclusion on the talk page.
  • New entry should go at the bottom of the page

Liking criteria

  • If you want to like, change the "num" part in {{like|icon=fb|num=1}} and increase the number by 1. If is it "num=2", make it "num=3"
  • Please do not add multiple likes, such as "1022 likes from me". Add only 1 like.
  • As of now it is not stored that who likes, however you can see page history.
  • The page may be revised later


Numbers are just serial numbers, and do not indicate ranking or importance. New entries should be added at the bottom of the page.


Page Source comparison Language Proofreader Likes
The Constitution of India (Original Calligraphed and Illuminated Version)/Preamble Page:The Constitution of India (Original Calligraphed and Illuminated Version).djvu/7 English Hrishikes  2 users like this.
বাখতিন পাতা:বাখতিন - তপোধীর ভট্টাচার্য.pdf/১ Bengali Hrishikes  1 user likes this.
তরুণের স্বপ্ন পাতা:তরুণের স্বপ্ন - সুভাষচন্দ্র বসু.pdf/৪ Bengali Hrishikes  1 user likes this.
જીવનધર્મી સાહિત્યકાર જયભિખ્ખુ પૃષ્ઠ:Jaybhikhkhu Biography.pdf/૫ Gujarati Hrishikes and Sushant Salva  3 users like this.
இதழியல் கலை அன்றும் இன்றும்/நூல்முகம் பக்கம்:இதழியல் கலை அன்றும் இன்றும்.pdf/8 Tamil Hrishikes and Info-farmer  0 users like this.
Not found পাতা:আলু মালু কালু.pdf/৪ Bengali Hrishikes  1 user likes this.
আবোল তাবোল/আহ্লাদী পাতা:সুকুমার রায় রচনাবলী-প্রথম খন্ড.djvu/৫৯ Bengali AuFCL  1 user likes this.
পৃষ্ঠা:Swagatam Pariksha.pdf/১ পৃষ্ঠা:Swagatam Pariksha.pdf/১ Assamese দিব্য দত্ত and Scatter2021  5 users like this.
ગ્રામોન્નતિ પૃષ્ઠ:Gramonnati.pdf/૧૪૪ Gujarati Meghdhanu  1 user likes this.
દર્શનિકા પૃષ્ઠ:Darshanika.pdf/૩ Gujarati Gazal world and Meghdhanu  1 user likes this.
s:gu:સભ્ય:Sushant savla/sandbox/ંDesigns s:gu:સભ્ય:Sushant savla/sandbox/ંDesigns Gujarati Sushant savla  1 user likes this.
રાષ્ટ્રિકા s:gu:પૃષ્ઠ:Rashtrika - Gu - By Ardeshar Khabardar - 1940.pdf/૨૩૧ Gujarati Meghdhanu  1 user likes this.
રાષ્ટ્રિકા s:gu:પૃષ્ઠ:Rashtrika - Gu - By Ardeshar Khabardar - 1940.pdf/૨૩૨ Gujarati Meghdhanu  1 user likes this.