International Roma Day Edit-a-thon 2020
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International Roma Day Edit-a-thon
7-12 April 2020
On the occasion of International Roma Day, April 8, Wikimedia Serbia is organizing an online global edit-a-thon in which Wikipedia volunteers around the world will write and improve articles on Roma minorities, their identity, history and culture. By spreading the knowledge our goal is to combat still-too-common barriers of prejudice and discrimination that they face too often while accessing employment, education, health care, public and social services and other areas of life. The Roma people, Europe’s largest minority, have a rich history and they have made considerable contributions to society. Their artistic and cultural heritage is all too often ignored or unnoticed, so with this campaign we want to start making things right.
The International Roma Day is a day to celebrate Roma culture and raise awareness of the issues Roma people face daily. It was officially declared in 1990 in Poland. Considering that because of the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) most people are stuck in their homes, we will extend this event to a six-day edit-a-thon from April 7 to April 12. Symbolically, within these dates the first major international meeting of Roma representatives was held in 1971 in London.
We are hoping to have as many participants as possible. Let us remain united in these hard times. #stayhome #staysafe