InternetArchiveBot/Pertanyaan umum untuk admin
Halaman ini berisi daftar pertanyaan umum yang ditanyakan oleh pengurus server tentang InternetArchiveBot.
P: Mengapa bot ini membuat permintaan terhadap situs saya?
- J: InternetArchiveBot adalah perkakas yang sangat diandalkan di Wikipedia. Bot ini secara rutin memeriksa artikel-artikel di Wikipedia, lalu memperbaiki, mengganti, ataupun menghapus pranala yang rusak. Untuk melakukannya, ia perlu melakukan ping untuk melihat apakah pranala tersebut benar-benar bekerja. Biasanya bot ini melakukannya dengan mengirimkan HEAD request untuk mengurangi stress pada server. Dalam beberapa kasus, ia mungkin mencoba untuk melakukan permintaan GET penuh jika permintaan HEAD gagal.
P: Terdapat robots.txt pada situs saya, namun InternetArchiveBot mengabaikannya. Mengapa ia tidak memedulikan robots.txt?
- J: Ini karena InternetArchiveBot sebenarnya tidak menyusuri situs Anda untuk melihat isinya. Isi situs tidak disimpan di mana pun. Yang dilakukan bot ini hanyalah menilai apakah URL benar-benar bekerja. Ia mengakses URL tersebut hanya karena URL tersebut digunakan sebagai sebuah referensi di Wikipedia. Anda akan melihat bahwa IABot membuat permintaan HEAD dalam kebanyakan kasus. Jika sumber tersebut dihapus dari Wikipedia, atau ditemukan rusak, IABot akan berhenti membuat permintaan terhadap situs tersebut
Q: Why is the bot making numerous requests at once?
- A: InternetArchiveBot tests links on a per article bases. That means it goes through articles one at a time, and tests all the links found on the article. If your site is being heavily used on a specific article, InternetArchiveBot will make requests to all of those URLs. IABot will however wait 1 second in between requests going to the same site.
Q: Is there a waiting period between these tests?
- A: Yes, if the URL is deemed to be alive, it will maintain a minimum wait time of 1 week before testing the specific URL again. If the URL found to be dead, it will test it 2 more times waiting at least 3 days between each test before declaring it broken. If the bot finds the URL to be alive in one of the 2 remaining tests, the waiting period of 1 week is re-instated. Once the bot declares a link is broken, it will cease further tests on the URL.
Q: Can I block the bot?
- A: You can, but it's not advisable. Blocking the bot may result in the bot determining your entire site is broken, and will be treated as such on Wikipedia. It is recommended you contact User talk:InternetArchiveBot and request they whitelist your domain. Once whitelisted the bot will stop making requests to your domain.
Q: What will happen if I block the bot?
- A: InternetArchiveBot does it's best to determine if your site went down, or it got blocked from accessing it. If it determines it has been blocked, it will whitelist your domain, and automatically cease making requests to it. If it can't detect that it has been blocked, IABot will eventually begin treating all URLs in your domain as broken and may replace or remove them from Wikipedia.
Q: What happens if a URL or a site has been deemed non-functional?
- A: InternetArchiveBot will stop making requests to the URLs it deems as broken, and begin to replace or remove the URLs from Wikipedia. If replaced, it usually replaced with an archive copy captured by the Wayback Machine.
Q: We recently restructured our site, however InternetArchiveBot is still making requests to the old URLs. What do we do?
- A: There are two options. The easiest option would be to have all old URLs redirect using 302 codes to their new correct URLs. IABot follows redirects, and will test the new URL automatically. The second option is to contact User talk:InternetArchiveBot and inform them of the new URL structure and how to convert them correctly.
Q: What do I do if I have more questions?
- A: It is recommended you contact User talk:InternetArchiveBot and leave a message on their talk page. To do that, click on the New Section tab found in the top right of the page.