Minutes of the meeting:
- Wikimedia Indonesia, represented by Prasetyo, Nunung Martina, Ichsan Mochtar, and Mulwardi Tjitra explained the basic concept of PL2012 project to the official of Public University of Semarang (UNNES) and IKIP PGRI Semarang.
- Similar activity has been conducted in the previous year with 70 student participants from UNNES, and this year planned to offer six universities from Central Java, Yogyakarta and Jakarta to join the competition.
- Prasetyo and Nunung Martina reported the positive response from University of Indonesia (UI) (cq Mrs Woro Dwi Mastuti), and from Gajah Mada University (cq Prof Manu).
- Ex PL 2011 committee ie. Puryono, Sigit, Ihda, Elok, dan Nurul, informally agrre to join and support Papat Limpad 2012.
- UNNES, represented by Mr. Yusro Edi Nugroho and Mr. Teguh Supriyanto affirmed to join the competition Papat Limpad 2012.
- Suggesting additional prize for the best contestant within each university.
- Invite all participant in this meeting to join "Saresehan Ikatan Mahasiswa Bahasa Daerah Indonesia (Imbasadi)". This event will be attended by representative from universities like UGM, UI, Undip, UNY, IKIP PGRI, so that Papat Limpad 2012 official could meet and proposed to the respecting universities official.
- For the fiscal year 2013, UNNES promised to set a special budget to support Papat Limpad.
- IKIP PGRI represented by Mr.Bambang Sulanjari also supported Papat Limpad 2012.
- Promised to Report to the higher level official regarding this proposal.
- Promised to join Saresehan Imbasadi and expecting a formal letter from Wikimedia by that time.