
This page is a translated version of the page Knowledge Equity Fund/Grantee and the translation is 48% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
準備期間 第1期 第2期 第3期
支給した助成金総額 なし 1,235,000 995,000 1,362,000
期間終了後の余剰金 4,500,000 3,265,000 2,270,000 819,000

知識公平性基金の受給者は同名の委員会の審査を経て選ばれ、(Knowledge Equity Fund、Knowledge Equity Fund Committee)その評価は既存のプログラム活動と、それが無償の知識の文脈で人種平等をどのように促進するかに基づきます。各助成金受給者はまた、公認済みの非営利団体であること、波及効果の実績が確立していること、ウィキメディア財団の助成金に依存しない財務モデルがあることなど、特定の基準を満たす必要があります。




  • Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (US$250,000): The Arab Reporters in Journalism (ARIJ) is a nonprofit investigative journalism organization based in Jordan. ARIJ has built an expansive network of journalists across the Middle East and North Africa and has supported over 650 investigative projects on topics ranging from threats to freedom of expression, to systemic patterns of bias and discrimination. This grant will support ARIJ’s continued work in training and coaching media on how to report on issues of equity and institutional accountability, with dedicated workshops that tackle the skills, tools, and knowledge required for Arab journalists to address racial inequity in the region. Through their work, ARIJ will continue to grow the breadth of investigative journalism about inequity throughout the Arab World based on journalistic principles of facts, research, and multiple sources.
  • Borealis Racial Equity in Journalism Fund (US$250,000): Borealis is a philanthropic intermediary that takes a community-led approach to addressing injustices and driving transformative change across the United States. This grant will be provided to their Racial Equity in Journalism Fund, which invests in local news organizations led by people of color that have built long-standing relationships and trust with the diverse communities they serve. With this investment, Borealis will invest in local community-based journalism with a focus on improving how communities of color are represented and reported on throughout the media. Through this work, they will increase the amount of citable articles about leaders of color and community issues and further knowledge equity.
  • Howard University and the Institute of Intellectual Property and Social Justice: The Institute of Intellectual Property and Social Justice (US$260,000) (IIPSJ) is a nonprofit organization that was established to promote social justice in the field of intellectual property law. IIPSJ is led by professors from and graduates of the Howard University School of Law (HUSL), the oldest historically black college or university law school in the United States and a leading institution in civil rights and social justice advocacy. IIPSJ advocates for equity and inclusion throughout the intellectual property (IP) ecosystem, including shaping IP law, policies, and initiatives to promote awareness of IP protections and possibilities among communities of color. With this grant, IIPSJ will create a two-year fellowship at HUSL led by a Wikimedia Race and Knowledge Equity Fellow to explore how systemic racism and injustice impacts how marginalized communities can participate in free knowledge (including in the intellectual property ecosystem), recommendations to address these gaps in knowledge, and how knowledge can be used to advance racial equity and empowerment.
  • InternetLab (US$200,000): InternetLab is a nonprofit think tank focused on internet policy and research around critical digital issues of inclusivity and equal rights, based in São Paulo, Brazil. With this grant, InternetLab will create a two-year fellowship led by a Wikimedia Race and Knowledge Equity Fellow that will produce scholarly writings and publications, as well as educational programming on the intersection between racial equity and free knowledge in Brazil. The Fellow will conduct research on topics including what barriers impact the participation of Black and Indigenous peoples in online knowledge, and identify national and local policy solutions across the fields of intellectual property, access to technologies, education and research, affirmative action, funding and incentives, among others. This fellowship will expand the available research about how racial inequity has impacted communities of color in Brazil.
  • The Media Foundation for West Africa (US$150,000): The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to protecting and defending the right to freedom of expression, particularly for media and human rights defenders, throughout the 16 countries in West Africa. This grant will support the MFWA’s continued work to protect the public’s right to access information and advocacy for equitable policies throughout the region. MFWA will promote investigative journalism on issues of equity and injustice as part of their focus on freedom of expression and access to information. The grant will also support the organization’s press freedom and independent journalism advocacy to help build a favorable and enabling environment for in-depth investigative reporting that encourages transparency and accountability — the lack of which often result in injustices and marginalization of the poor, underrepresented, and minority groups.
  • The SeRCH Foundation, Inc. (US$250,000): The STEM en Route to Change Foundation (SeRCH Foundation) is a non-profit organization based in the United States that focuses on the intersection of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as a tool for social justice. This grant will be used to support their flagship program, #VanguardSTEM, which asserts the value of non-traditional knowledge alongside technical expertise and uses storytelling as a means of cultural production to amplify the contributions of Black, Indigenous, women of color and non-binary people of color in STEM fields. With this investment, #VanguardSTEM will grow their collection of featured BIPOC STEM creatives, adding multimedia to each profile to enhance the storytelling capacity. This collection of open and freely licensed audio, video, and written content about women and non-binary innovators and inventors of color will expand the repository of rich content in the Commons centering the experiences and expertise of people of color in STEM and support non-traditional methods of storytelling.

For updates on the round one grantees’ work, and a discussion of how the Fund evolved for round two, please see our April 2023 blog and the individual reports by the grantees’, which provide specific updates on their progress.

第1ラウンド – ストーリー振り返りと会計報告

In August of 2022, the Round 1 grantees shared annual reports of their work and progress with the year of funds given by the Equity Fund, from September 2021-August 2022. Although these reports are being posted several months after they were initially produced, they provide a summary of work completed by each grantee during that 12 month period.



  • Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara, Indonesia: The Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara, or the Alliance of the Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (AMAN for short), is a non-profit organization based in Indonesia that works on human rights and advocacy issues for indigenous people. They are receiving a one-year grant from the Equity Fund for $200,000 USD, and are one of the first Equity Fund grantees in Asia. AMAN will use this grant for several initiatives: firstly, to support their ongoing program to empower more indigenous people as citizen journalists so that the people reporting on issues that affect the indigenous people of the archipelago are those who most directly understand and can speak to them. Secondly, they will create an Indigenous Peoples Glossary in collaboration with indigenous journalists, for distribution to libraries and public schools. Thirdly, they will conduct research to measure public understanding about indigenous people and indigenous issues. The grant will also be used to update the AMAN website as a source and repository of information, research and journalistic articles about indigenous issues. This work will help to create more journalistic sources of information about indigenous peoples in Indonesia that can potentially be used as sources for sites including the Wikimedia projects.
    事業について発表する列島先住民族同盟(AMAN)。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara)
  • Black Cultural Archives, United Kingdom: Black Cultural Archives is a Black-led archive and heritage center that preserves and gives access to the histories of African and Caribbean people in the UK. They are the recipients of a one-year $290,000 USD grant. Their goals with this grant for the coming year include increasing research into their collections, as well as increasing the breadth of their collections for research. Another aim is to play a leading role in supporting a network of archive organizations that champion Black British history, and finally, they hope to develop programmatic work that provides access to their less traditional archive material; VHS tapes and cassettes that contain a large amount of information on Black British cultural history. This grant will be an important step in continuing to support archival work and increasing access to historical records.

    "We are the nation’s home of Black British history and a beacon for Black communities at home and abroad. From heritage seekers to future leaders, school children, young people, university academic students courses, to senior academics and elders. We serve people who seek a deeper understanding of primarily British and global diasporic black history," said Lisa Anderson, Director of the BCA. "This transformational gift will be used to advance BCA’s mission to collect, preserve and celebrate the histories of people of African and African Caribbean descent in order to inspire and give strength to society at large."

    事業について発表するブラック文化・アーカイブ。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Black Cultural Archives)
  • Create Caribbean Research Institute, Commonwealth of Dominica: Create Caribbean Research Institute is the first digital humanities center in the Caribbean. They will be receiving a $75,000 grant. The grant will be used to expand Create Caribbean’s Create and Code technology education program to enable children ages 5-16 to develop information and digital literacy as well as coding skills. The funds will support the expansion of the curriculum for the camp, development of open access resources for participants and the adoption of underserved schools to implement longer term skill building. In addition, the funds will also align with the Knowledge Equity Fund’s focus area of supporting non-traditional records of knowledge: the grant will support the development of a Caribbean oral history database focused on the themes of education, information and knowledge preservation, local community development and environmental sustainability.
    事業について発表するクリエート・カリビアン調査研究所。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Caribbean Research Institute)
  • Criola, Brazil: Criola is a civil society organization, based in Rio de Janeiro, dedicated to advocating for the rights of Black women in Brazilian society. They prioritize knowledge production, research, and skills development as part of their work. They are also part of a national and international network of human rights, justice and advocacy organization focused on promoting racial equity. They will be receiving a one-year Equity Fund grant of $160,000 to enhance their research and publishing capabilities, with a specific focus on improving accessibility. Criola has over three decades of experience in human rights and advocacy, and their work with this grant will focus on knowledge production, including studies, research and surveys on the impact of racism in all areas of society, as well as courses and workshops focused on political advocacy and digital and physical security for activists.
  • アメリカ合衆国、黒人の人生に関するデータ Data for Black Lives, United States: 黒人の人生に関するデータ(Data for Black Lives)とは活動家や主催者、研究者の集まった運動であり、その使命はデータを活用して黒人の人生に具体的かつ測定可能な変化をもたらすという点にあります。10万ドルの単年度助成金を受け取り、それを使って「運動科学者の会」(Movement Scientists Fellowship)を立ち上げます。同会は人種正義の主導者と機械学習研究の技術者をマッチングさせてデータに基づく機械学習アプリケーションを開発し、気候や遺伝学、経済的正義の分野で変化を推し進めようとしています。また例えば口承文化を扱うデータ・リテラシーなど、無償で公開の講座を含む一連の教育プログラムも新しく立ち上げる予定です。
    事業について発表する「黒人の人生に関するデータ」。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Data For Black Lives)
  • Filipino American National Historical Society, United States: The Filipino American National Historical Society, or FANHS , has a mission to gather, document and share Filipino American history through its 42 community based chapters. FANHS will be receiving a one-year grant for $70,000 from the Equity Fund. This grant will support continuing and growing FANHS’ scholarship and advocacy on accurate historical representations of Filipino Americans and counter distorted and effaced ethnic history, their collection and archival of non-traditional records of knowledge such as oral histories, and their efforts to build community digital literacy skills to enhance preservation and access to Filipino American knowledge. These records have the potential to provide additional citations and sources for accessible information about Filipino American history.
    事業について発表するアメリカ系フィリピン人全国歴史協会(FANHS)。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Filipino American National Historical Society)
  • プロジェクト・ムルタトゥリ・インドネシア: プロジェクト・ムルタトゥリ(Project Multatuli)は非営利ジャーナリズム団体として、特に先住民から社会的に疎外された問題に至るまで報道が不足している主題を扱います。その目標は、包括的な報道の推進と、データに基づいた綿密な調査に基づくニュース記事を作成して社会的に疎外されたコミュニティの声を増幅することにあります。この団体はエクイティ基金(Equity Fund)から5万ドルの助成金を受け、今後1年で活動3件を支援する計画です。その1件目は、この地域の他の出版物の女性フォトジャーナリストの研修。2件目は少数派および社会的に疎外されたグループに関して詳細な報告書10本にまとめ、先住民女性グループを中心としたレポート5本を含めて、その人々が直面する人権侵害や環境問題およびその他の課題を明らかにします。3件目は当組織のレポート機能の管理および技術の改善を支援し、新しいメディアの採用、一般の人々がさまざまな形式の高品質のレポートに制限なくアクセスできるようにすることです。
    事業について発表するプロジェクト・ムルタトゥリ。知識公平性基金第2ラウンド受給者として(Project Multatuli)

第2ラウンド – ストーリー振り返りと会計報告

Each organization that receives an Equity Fund grant is required to share an annual report that summarizes their work, the impact of the grant, and any examples of how they connected with the projects and Wikimedia communities. Given location and different banking regulations, grantees may have received the funds at different times. We are sharing here some reports of grantees, and will share the rest of the final reports as we receive them.



  • AfLIA: The African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) is the umbrella body for the library sector in Africa, with membership from 34 African countries. We have worked with the Wikimedia projects through initiatives like the African Librarians Week, which resulted in the Wikipedia in African Libraries course as well as a course on Wikidata which sought to assist these professionals make their information resources more visible for all. Nevertheless more work remains to be done. Firstly, this grant would enable us to revisit the Authority Control construct in Wikidata and Wikipedia. Currently, the AC template only directs readers of African content to national libraries outside the continent for ‘validation’ through the AC template; with this grant, we will create a model of how African National Libraries can create semantic Authority Control for their resources using Wikibase which can then be linked to African content on Wikidata and Wikipedia, through a collaboration with Wikimedia Deutschland. Secondly, it will allow us to coordinate virtual conversations between the African Library sector and African Wikimedians, as a pathway for promoting Wikimedia projects and activities adoption in African libraries. Total grant amount: $70,000
    AfLIAl は知識公平性基金第3ラウンドの受給者
  • Archive Nepal: Archive Nepal is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization based in Nepal and the USA, focused on preserving and promoting Nepal’s rich cultural heritage by curating, digitizing, and improving access to archival resources. With this grant, we aim to catalog and digitally preserve historic manuscripts from Nepal's diverse ethnic, minority, and marginalized communities. Through AI-powered tools and collaboration with the Wikisource team, we will engage the global community to transcribe and translate these manuscripts into accessible languages like Nepali and English, addressing inequalities that limit access to these materials. By digitally safeguarding these manuscripts, we ensure their preservation for future generations, while fostering inclusivity, cultural understanding, and community engagement. Total grant amount: $20,000
    アーカイブ・ネパール Archive Nepal は知識公平性基金第3ラウンドの受給者
  • オークランド戦争記念館ターマキ・パエンガ・ヒラ・オークランド戦争記念館(Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum)はこの国最大の都市で最も多様なオークランド市にあります。別名ターマキ・マカラウ・オークランド(Tāmaki Makarau Auckland)と言います。この5年間、私たちはウィキメディアのさまざまなプロジェクトと活発に活動しており、グローバルな観衆に向けて、オープン・ライセンスの素材を使ってもらえるように対処してきました。この助成金を受けたことで、ウィキメディア・アライアンス基金受給事業の仕事を継続でき、ウィキペディアに掲載されるオークランド地方史の多様性を図って中等学校の授業で使ってもらえるようになります。また大学生4名を支援してウィキペディアの編集を研修する10週間のプログラムに当館で参加し、夏季学生博物館員プログラムを受けてもらいます。当館には嘱託ウィキメディアンがいますのでガイダンスをお任せし(Wikimedian in Residence)、ウィキペディア・インターン生の第2期にあたる学生には、オークランドの地方史に関するウィキペディアのコンテンツを深めたり多様化させるなど改善を進めてもらいます。特に焦点を当てるのは、声が届きにくい人々と、その関連の話題です。当プロジェクト自体、ニュージーランド歴史カリキュラムに準拠しており、ウィキペディアの編集を学生たちに研修してウィキのエコシステムの広がりを体験してもらい、オークランドの多様な文化を反映させるとともに知識の表現の格差に着目しつつデジタル認知度を高めていきます。助成金総額:5万7000アメリカドル
    Introducing the Auckland War Memorial Museum
  • ビルマ民主の声(Democratic Voice of Burma):ビルマ民主の声(DVB=Democratic Voice of Burma)はビルマの人々に偏りのないニュースと情報を広めるため1992年にオスロ(ノルウェー)で設立されました。現在、私たちは衛星テレビニュースをビルマの人々に24時間年中無休で提供し、連日、オンラインで記事数十件を公開しています。亡命先で活動する DVB は、ビルマ国内外に常勤記者100名を抱え、Facebook フォロワーは2千万人、YouTube の登録者250万人、ビルマ国内のテレビ視聴者は少なくとも1500万人に上ります。私たちはこの助成金を使ってジャーナリスト研修を実施し、能力開発の強化、衛星テレビやSNS(ソーシャル・メディア)、Webサイトを通じて視聴者への普及をさらに最大化します。私たちは拡大と露出によって、ビルマの人々と問題を主題にした一層オープンで正確で創造的なコンテンツが生まれることを期待しています。助成金総額:$20万アメリカドル
    Introducing Democratic Voice of Burma
  • 地球ジャーナリスム・ネットワーク(Earth Journalism Network):今世紀、どのニュースも気候に関する情報です。私たちの使命は気候と環境の危機の最前線にいるコミュニティや政策立案者を支援するために地域ジャーナリズムを強化して、それらの人々が解決策を形作り、説明責任を果たし、行動を要求できるように支援することです。ウィキメディアから支援を受けて、2つの活動を実施します。まず第1に世界中の先住民族ジャーナリストを支援するため、先住民族環境報道プロジェクトの一環として研修プログラムと記事作成助成金を実施します。先住民族メディア・トレーナーの Amira Abujbara と Stella Paul の指導を介してジャーナリストの編集指導は1対1で実施し、受講者は実践的な技能研修、主要な専門家との人脈作り、長編の調査報道プロジェクトを完了する資金提供を受けます。第2にサービス提供の対象は報道が不足しているコミュニティとして、アメリカとカナダの移民と黒人と先住民と有色人種を対象に地域ごとのニュースルームに投資します。私たちは種子となる助成金を使い、主流メディアでは取り上げない問題やグループそして/または地域に注目を集めるように、それらの人々が革新的な独自の報道プロジェクトを開発できるようにします。助成金総額: 15万アメリカドル
    Introducing Earth Journalism Network
  • Ideas Beyond Borders: Ideas Beyond Borders (IBB) is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities in the Middle East by promoting knowledge, free expression, and intellectual curiosity. Through our work, we challenge censorship and misinformation, fostering a culture of open dialogue and critical thinking. This grant will empower 26 young leaders from 13 ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region through comprehensive training in journalism, media, and social media advocacy. IBB, Kurdistan Information Network (KurdistanIN), and those leaders will produce 13 documentaries and 13 Wikipedia articles, preserving the unique oral histories and cultural heritage of their communities while raising awareness of minority issues through a large-scale social media campaign. Total grant amount: $90,000
    Introducing Ideas Beyond Borders
  • International Center for Journalists: The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) enables a global network of journalists to provide the trustworthy news essential to free and strong societies. The grant from Wikimedia Foundation will allow us to expand the multilingual resources we offer journalists on our unparalleled International Journalists’ Network (IJNet), with a focus on topics of critical importance to underrepresented communities. In addition, we will run a “solutions challenge” supporting newsrooms to innovate with AI in ways that deepen trust with the communities they serve. Total grant amount: $100,000
    Introducing International Center for Journalists
  • Just Futures Pahal: Just Futures Pahal (JFP) is a Nepali non-profit organization led by Dalit women and committed to understanding and fostering new narratives on dignity, justice, equity, inclusive democracy, and sustainability through the prism of Caste. We believe that over 120 million Dalit women worldwide must not remain invisible but must be recognized as valuable producers of new knowledge for just futures. This grant will support our inaugural Damal Fellowship, a nine-month intensive program involving six Dalit women to interrogate and foster narratives related to caste, gender, sexuality, and class. Additionally, the grant will help establish a distinct JFP Learning and Resource Center, as well as a digital space for archiving and accessing knowledge materials—textual and non-textual—on these topics and beyond. By doing so, we hope to expand the knowledge of the marginalized in open and accessible ways. Total grant amount: $150,000
    Introducing Just Futures Pahal
  • Kontras: The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) is a non-profit organization established in Indonesia to promote human rights and democracy, ensuring that the state fulfills its obligations to respect and protect the human rights of its citizens. We will be using this grant to initiate the Human Rights Documentation Center (PUSDOKHAM). PUSDOKHAM has three priority program components: (1) serving as an archive center for human rights-related information in Indonesia, including archiving human rights advocacy activities, human rights defenders, and document human rights violation cases in Indonesia; (2) Providing a platform for citizens to report human rights violations; and (3) serving as an educational center on research methods for human rights monitoring. Based on meetings with local Wikimedia Indonesians, our training agendas will involve collaboration with the Wikimedia community. Through these collaborations we hope to further a partnership between KontraS and the Wikimedia community. Total grant amount: $65,000
    Introducing Kontras
  • Open Restitution Africa: Open Restitution Africa (ORA) is a pan-African, women-led initiative based in Kenya and South Africa, dedicated to making information on restitution of African material heritage more accessible, transparent and usable. Our work is premised on 3 core areas: collating nuanced grassroots research on restitution processes, providing access to this research via a bespoke open-data platform, and increasing awareness. Over the next 12 months, with this grant from the Knowledge Equity Fund, ORA will publish a series of in-depth restitution case studies, to drive restitution efforts across the continent. Total grant amount: $40,000
    Introducing Open Restitution Africa
  • Rising Voices (Global Voices): Global Voices, through its Rising Voices initiative, will use the Knowledge Equity Fund grant to strengthen, build upon, and expand its support to Indigenous language communities. Over the past several years, we have collaborated with various Wikimedia affiliates and contributors in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We will facilitate spaces to bring together individuals who are part of the Global Voices community and the Wikimedia movement to collaboratively plan and implement future partnerships, leveraging their knowledge of both communities. The initiative will include additional collaborations with Wikimedia groups to provide peer-led digital activism workshops using the "Digital Initiatives for Indigenous Languages" toolkit co-developed with UNESCO as part of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. This initiative will also expand the peer learning Fellowship Program in Latin America. Total grant amount: $250,000
    Introducing Rising Voices
  • 文化文書・記録学部: ジャダブプール大学(インド)には、2003年設立の文化文書・記録学部があり、その趣旨はアーカイブとデジタル化、書誌学と文献研究、編集と文献史の分野で大学の能力を強化することにあります。私たちの使命はアーカイブの活用を一般人の間で促すことです。私たちは大英図書館と協力し、南アジアの危機に瀕したアーカイブ・プログラムのハブとしてさまざまなアーカイブの実践に関するワークショップを定期的に実施しています。私たちの活動範囲は知識公平性基金から受ける資金で広がり、十分なサービスを受けていないインド国内の遠隔地を訪れてコミュニティに働きかけ、ワークショップを提供して低予算で手順が簡単なデジタル化手法を教えることになります。私たちはウィキメディアを介してデジタル化した素材を共有し、これまでデジタル化されてこなかった重要な文化資産にアクセスを開く予定です。助成金総額:$1万アメリカドル。
    Introducing the School of Cultural Texts and Records
  • Syria Untold:語られたことのないストーリーを意味する UntoldStories と独立系メディア組織として主要プロジェクト3件を運営しており、SyriaUntoldはシリア人の声や物語を取り上げる2言語プラットフォーム、MENA美術ギャラリーは地元のアーティストを支援するオンライン空間(MENA Art Gallery)、また『UntoldMag』という2言語雑誌では相互に関連する世界的な課題を扱います。ウィキメディア財団の支援を受ける UntoldStories では私たちのコミュニティを形成し維持する多様な人々の過去と現在の物語を伝えて、過小評価されてきた声を増幅することに焦点を当てます。アラビア語と英語の2言語で品の高いジャーナリズムと知識を生み出し、主流の物語に異議を唱えて別の視点を提案し、世界中で共通の現実が交差すること、その範囲はシリアも西アジアも、北アフリカとそれ以外の場所も含まれます。助成金総額:16万アメリカドル。
    Introducing Syria Untold