Learning and Evaluation/Evaluation reports/Training of Trainers 2019 Evaluation
This 2019 Berlin training was attended by 20 movement organizers who lead their own events in the Wikimedia movement. This was the first training of its kind facilitated by the Foundation. The goal of Training of Trainers is to develop Wikimedia organizers into skilled trainers within their home communities by:
- Increasing their capacity for structured, reflective, and effective training of learners,
- Improving their understanding of and confidence in their own role and style as a trainer, and
- Creating a global network of trainers who share knowledge and best practices.

2019 Training of Trainers in Berlin
editParticipants were surveyed online in the two weeks following the training about their experiences, and 17 of 20 responded. A follow-up survey was done 7 months after the training to which 11 participants responded.
Key Insights from the Evaluation Report
edit- More than 70 percent of participants reported improved skills and intent to plan and carry out a similar training. The majority found the training's content and style to be useful.
- For participants who did not feel that relevant skills were improved, they would like training content to be communicated early and clearly before they decide to participate.
- Participants suggested future trainings include knowledge and skills in partnership and collaboration, information on program design, instruction on identifying and engaging target audiences, advanced skills for experienced trainers, and opportunities for peer learning and exchange.
- 7 months later, the majority of participants retained confidence in the capacities targeted by the training and reported that these skills had been relevant to their work. Half had carried out a similar training in their own community since the Berlin workshop.
Were Participants Comfortable in the Training Environment?
editAll participants reported that they felt safe, respected and comfortable participating in the training. They reported opportunities to improve future trainings by providing constructive feedback and ensuring the physical space allows participants to fully hear, see, and concentrate.
Participants most frequently reported challenges related to the physical characteristics of the room and to interactions with other participants. Several noted that the room was too large for the size of the group and lacked both natural light and microphones to make the training more engaging. Some also commented on a discomfort interacting with other participants in the training, noting a lack of comfort with those they did not previously know or who did not have similar experiences. However, others identified interactions with other Wikimedians as a helpful part of the training.
Did Participants Develop Skills and Intend To Use Them?
edit...sharing challenges we face as a trainer helped me learn that everyone steps out of their comfort zone in one way or another when running [a] training and boosted my confidence.
71 percent of participants reported increased confidence in their mastery of every one of the training's core skills.
- Participants reported that learning practical skills of planning and executing a training were especially helpful.
- Several also reported the style of the training was effective in promoting deep thought, collaboration, and confidence.
- Those less satisfied with the training reported that some or all of the content reflected skills they already possessed. Others found active listening exercises to be less useful.
Almost all (94%) participants intended to lead a training in the near future, and the majority (82%) intended to lead a similar training-of-trainers. They hoped to facilitate future trainings with various groups, use this training as a template for similar workshops, and share what they learned informally with others.
Did Participants Retain Skills and Exercise Them?
editAll participants responding at follow up indicated confidence in their facilitation and event planning and leading skills 7 months later. The vast majority expressed confidence in all other skillsets, with the least number confident in debriefing training participants, reflecting on leadership style, and knowledge of adult learning--though the majority (82%) still expressed confidence in these capacities.
Participants also overwhelmingly indicated that the skills learned at the Training of Trainers have been relevant to their Wikimedia-related work (90%), as well as to the events they are interested in organizing (82%). A smaller majority indicated that these skills had made their events more effective (73%).
Of the 10 participants responding to the question, five reported that they had led events similar to the Berlin Training in their own communities, some indicating having led as many as 5 separate trainings in the 7 months following the Foundation-facilitated event. Four of the five said they used at least part of the Berlin event as a template. Another two participants responded that they had not led a similar training yet, but reported concrete plans to do so in the future.
Participants were engaged more actively than during the former workshops.
Now I understand better how the attendants to our [events] learn, so I know now how to focus.
Training of Trainers Evaluation Report Slides
editA report of the Berlin 2019 Training of Trainers program is presented in the accompanying slide deck. Use the link to access the slide deck and review the information displayed in this report.