Learning patterns/Article assessment for student assignments

A learning pattern foreducation
Article assessment for student assignments
problemFor teachers, a Wikipedia writing assignment is much more work than other writing assignments. They have to double check the content of the article, grammar, spelling and the validity of the sources.
solutionThe article assessment for student assignments tool helps teachers incorporate Wikipedia writing assignments into their work by assisting them in the marking process. Base on this tool, a teacher can mark a Wikipedia writing assignment as if it were a ”regular” paper.
created on18:59, 28 April 2016 (UTC)

What problem does this solve?


Secondary school teachers are enthusiastic about having their students write a Wikipedia article as an assignment. It is fun, innovative and the students donate content to the world’s biggest encyclopedia as well as contributing to society.

However, for teachers it is a great deal of work to help their students to write good articles that will be accepted to Wikipedia. They have to double check the content of the article, grammar, spelling and the validity of the sources. It is much more work for the teachers than other writing assignments and many of them will do it only once.

One of the solutions for this challenge is the following tool that will help to integrate a Wikipedia assignment into the curriculum.

What is the solution?


The Article assessment for student assignments is a tool for teachers that helps them mark Wikipedia assignments as if it were a”regular” paper. Thus, it helps them incorporate the writing assignment into a class year plan.

The assessment has six parts: content, structure, encyclopedic writing style, level of language, usage of sources and extra-textual work. For each part there is a short explanation of its components and three levels of execution.

We hope that the Article assessment for student assignments will encourage teachers to work with their students on a regular basis on a Wikipedia assignment.

Things to consider


When to use




See also


- Professional Writing help - Assignment Writing help


Types of students writing assignments from https://paperell.com/

