Learning patterns/Be ready to be flexible when creating an organizational retreat

A learning pattern forconferences
Be ready to be flexible when creating an organizational retreat
problemWhen organizing an administrative retreat for our international usergroup, we discovered that there were unexpected tme drains and our schedule was not always going according to what we planned ahead of time.
solutionWe built in space for unexpected changes and created a schedule flexible enough to absorb needed changes
created on15:48, 30 April 2019 (UTC)

What problem does this solve?


As a new usergroup, with organizers in cities in the domestic United States where we are based and cites abroad, AfroCROWD organized its first administrative retreat, the AfroCROWD Global Summit, to give our organizers and leaders in the AfroCROWD volunteer community, the opportunity to meet face to face and created strategies concerning the future of the usergroup. With participants coming from out of the area and in some cases, out of the time zone, we knew developing a schedule that could absorb unexpected changes and other developments, as well as jetlag and room for additional meetings even creativity would potentially be needed.

What is the solution?


In response to this, we began by deciding our base schedule with the items we needed to be in the schedule. Then as a team in online conferencing and emails, devised what additions the group needed. We buffered our schedule with breaks and time in between sessions and session topics. We also minimized the need for extra travel time by keeping all events where possible within walking distance of the venue, and lodging accommodations and meals. Finally, for each session someone signed up in the group to be a time keeper and we budgeted time on the final day of the conference to finish any unfinished business in the morning of the event. This proved to be a good idea as it allowed for any additional inspiration or new ideas developed the day before to be flushed out with the group without anyone having to scramble to fit it into the schedule.

In all, these efforts proved very helpful, and allowed us as a group to remain on schedule, while also being flexible enough to take advantage of the flow of ideas without excessive fatigue or lags in time.

Things to consider


When to use




See also


