Learning patterns/Lightning talks

A learning pattern forconferences
Lightning talks
problemDuring conferences, it may not be possible to provide stage-time to all participants who want to talk.
solutionAllocate a 3 to 5 minute lightning talk for each speaker, where she can present her idea in a quick manner.
creatorNetha Hussain
created on22:22, 11 November 2017 (UTC)

What problem does this solve?


During Wikimedia conferences, participants would want to present several different ideas and exciting projects. However, some presentations will have to be rejected because of lack of time. A rejection means that a good idea will not be presented at the conference. It may be discouraging for some speakers to get their submission rejected.

What is the solution?


Several ideas that are relevant for the conference can be presented as lighting talks. Lightning talks are quick and concise talks, that contain a clear information, message or call for action. Several lightning talks can be arranged in succession, so that more presenters are able to share their ideas in limited time period.

Things to consider

  • Decide the scope of topics for lightning talk in advance. Some attendees may prefer topics related to the conference attendees' areas of interest, while others may prefer to listen to any topic. The conference organizers should consider the attendees' needs and decide accordingly.
  • Assign a lightning talk coordinator who will introduce the speakers and keep the time. Since all talks occur back to back, it is important that all speakers stick to the allotted time schedule.
  • Ensure that the lightning talk speakers also stick to the safe space policy of the event. One can use google forms to ask information regarding the talk. A sample form for inviting lightning talk submissions can be found here.
  • Consider conducting a mock-up, dry run or rehearsal of the lightning talk session to ensure smooth conduct of the session during the conference.

When to use

  • During Wikimedia conferences. A lightning talk about your Wikimedia project can also be done during non-Wikimedia conferences. Lightning talks were delivered during Wikimedia Diversity Conference, 2017.



See also


