(working in progress)





Content metrics on Wikipedia

Les sans pagEs - created articles per month that are linked proactively by editors to the project
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of articles listed proactively by editors and tweeted by a bot on Twitter 329 1527 1683 1604 1592 1779 1256 1271
evolution of the gender gap on Fr-WP

Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Articles_r%C3%A9cents_et_am%C3%A9lior%C3%A9s

Number of articles linked to the project with an evaluation tab

31.12.2017 31.12.2018 31.12.2019 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 1.12.2022 31.12.2023
number 1265 4336 6100 8164 10524 15 680
AdQ 1 1 1 1 6 8 11
BA 4 6 10 13 18 25 36
A 1 7 6 13 27 51 90
B 47 115 218 404 546 683 811
BD 528 2157 3000 4342 5956 7362 8586
Ébauche (stub) 723 2053 2951 3404 4002 5041 5942
no evaluation 55 6 55 33 152 21 0

Source :

Main project page views

Evolution of the views of the home page view of the Les sans pagEs project on Fr-WP

Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Accueil/Projets_populaires

Place within the most popular projects on FR WP
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Place within the most popular projects on FR WP in December of each year 34 6 10 6 9 7 8 3
number of views for the month of december of each year 763 1691 1400 2215 1685 1616 1260 1339

Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Pages_populaires




Lsp drawtober template
Number of portraits of the drawtober les sans images 2021 on different versions of wikipedia in 2021
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
downloaded images 419 979 1.23k 383 1.59 1.07k 677
images used in articles 63 478 209 95 470 398
portraits les sans imagEs - - - 13 98 102 96

Source  :

Wikisource Autrices


Sources : s:fr:Wikisource:Autrices#Événements_passés for the events, history of s:fr:Utilisateur:LeDeuxiemeTexte for the books, this Google Sheets file for the last metric.

These events are organized by the association Le deuxième texte with a collaboration with les sans pagEs: we coordinate our editathons in Paris to enable our participants to take part to both.

Metric 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total (2018-2023)
participations 0 0 56 77 48 17 86 120 404
new participants 0 0 38 38 28 7 53 34 198
recurrent participants 0 0 6 14 12 7 12 21 42
events 0 0 7 9 6 3 10 12 47
number of corrected books (at least one human proofreading per page) with contributions from the project 0 9 30 52 38 48 21 37 235
% of books written by women among newly corrected books written by one non-anonymous author in Wikisource in French 7,46% 10,35% 21,84% 22,64% 17,72% 22,63% 17,53% 25,77% 21,00%



Facilitators having endorsed our charter


Number of facilitators having signed our engagement charter asking explicitely to abide by the founding principles and the rules of Wikipedia, and the way LSP organizes events). These people receive a training on how to organize events, use the dashboard, and ask for financing for their events / projects.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of facilitators having signed the charter 15 15 20 29
number of facilitators as per dashboard data

Source :


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
WP project based

source :





source :

2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of programs 1 1 4 24 54 78 81 95 133
editors 23 63 246 565 390 471 1,07 k 843
new editors 23 80 160 267


Projet participant·es Durée Articles créés en 2022 Articles améliorés en 2022
RESET! 8 3 mois avec 6 heures de cours 10 -
Atelier genre et numérique 33 1 journée 15 -
Cours "Contribuer à Wikipédia" 14 4 séances réparties sur 2 mois 1 2
Sorbonne Nouvelle 7 3 séances réparties sur 2022-2023 3 2
ECOSTAT 14 une séance 7 8
Total 76 - 36 12

Events by location 2023

Région Pays Villes programmes participations Articles créées
Africa 7 39 6
Bénin Cotonou 1
Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan 1
Guinée Conackry 1
RDC Goma 2 23 1
Sénégal 2
LatAm Haïti Port au Prince 1
North America Canada 1
Liège 1 12 0
Espagne 5
France 28 293 194
Bordeaux 1 4
Grenoble 2 58 29
Paris 10 109 111
Toulouse 11 93 45
Strasbourg 1
Limoges 3 35 6
Nanterre 1 (maj à faire) 8 24
Nancy 1 3 2
Orléans 1 8 2
Tours 2 20 3
Villeurbanne 1 6 6
corriger Suisse 16 (11 sur Dash) 80 119
Berne 1 4 10
Genève 2 30 95
Lausanne 2 41 20
Meyrin 11 22 9
TOTAL 116 706 557

Projects on FR-WP


Source :

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of registered participants 0 27 125 175 213 199 263 282 304
number of new project pages 1 1 8 8 9 23 15 18 32
Number of local groups 1 1 2 6 7 9
Number of local groups outside France and Switzerland 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 6

New event organizers

2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
new event organizers 35
retention rate after 6 months 51,43%

Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Actualit%C3%A9s

New editors

2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
new editors 23 29 52 160
retention rate after 7 days 34,7% 16̥

source : dashboards and wikiscan + reports

Retention rate : Note : This figure has not been regularly calculated and the tools are not working well for the moment (december 2022). However, we wish to have data of retention, but what we want to picture are the people who remain contributors throughout the years. This part is to be updated during 2023.

New editors 2015

New editors 2016

New editors 2017

New editors 2018

New editors 2019

New editors 2020

New editors 2021

New editors 2022

New editors 2023

Numbers of contributors adding proactively their published articles to the project


While we do have ways to measure participation to events, measuring activity on a specific project that is not linked to a portal on fr-wp is more difficult. To measure engagement on the project on Wikipedia, we choose to concentrate on 2 metrics : editors editing the recent articles (they have to proactively think to go to this page) and editors who edit the recent news page section on the home page to report events.

These are probably the best metrics we can pull using quarry to measure the participation of contributors (senior and new) to the project, because it counts their edits on the page where people submit their new articles and improved articles that are then tweeted on our LSP account on Twitter by a bot.

Source :

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of editors having edited Articles récents per year 23 90 108 100 107 116 114 109
total number of editor having edited Articles récents 23 93 152 187 234 279 314 355
number of editors feeding the news feed on "Actualités" 11 32 32 24 13 22 28



Social networks followers


Source : Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, Bluesky, Threads, Mastodon

Sorted by number of followers in 2023:

creation date 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
twitter july 2016 75 723 1336 1885 2493 3208 3947 4569
Instagram June 2018 - - ? ? 1001 1200 1722 2166
facebook january 4 2017 - ? ? 1000 1300 1500 1659 1782
Mastodon 22 avril 2017 ? ? ? ? ? ? 49 420
Linkedin August 2022 - - - - - - 58 288
Threads décembre 2023 215
Telegram september 5, 2018 - - ? 41 41 ? 74 108
Youtube Nov 2016 ? ? ? ? 51 60 75 88
Mailing list March 2020 - - - - ? ? 35 40
Discord November 2020 - - - - ? ? 17 37
Bluesky 4 novembre 2023 29


creation date 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
twitter july 2016
Instagram June 2018 - - 14 25 80 170 170 174
facebook january 4 2017
Mastodon 22 avril 2017
Linkedin August 2022 17 67
Threads décembre 2023
Telegram september 5, 2018
Youtube Nov 2016
Mailing list March 2020
Discord November 2020
Bluesky 4 novembre 2023

Web site


Source : https://sanspages.org/

Views on LSP web site 2018 - 2022
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number suscribers ? ? ? ? 43 68
number of posted articles 3 2 0 5 5 7
number of active editors 3 5 0 1 6 5

Press articles


source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Revue_de_presse

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total par year 8 14 16 24 24 12 33 30 31
in France 0 6 8 21 19 9 30 26 24
In Switzerland 8 8 6 1 1 2 2 1 3
Elsewhere 0 0 2 2 4 1 1 3 4
Sum of total press articles since 2016 8 22 38 62 88 100 133 163 194



Source : official documents and accounting of the association

Project on WP : june 2016

Foundation date of the association : feb 2017 to have a structure to manage funds

User group : 2019

Signed partnership with WMFR : nov 2019

professionalisation of accounting : 2020 with Comptabilis in Geneva

The table below includes figures that do not all figure in the accounts of the association. Some of the grants (WMCH do not figure in our accounts because WMCH paid directly transport and hotels), and some of the allotted sums by UNIGE either, because they were paid directly as salary or project management to different persons.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
WMF (6000) 0 10051 10100 10100 0 0 0 95000 140000
WMF rapid grant 0 0 0 1507 0 0 0 0 0 0
WMFR 0 0 0 0 16340 10432 5444,50 37808 9000 ?
University of Geneva 0 0 0 2000 4500 4000 4000 0 0
Donations and membership 0 0 435.23 255.43 143.26 24 142,46 200,48
Other 0 0 5808 365.88 466,04 12.90 0 504,75 (7000)
WMCH (when in bracket not in LSP accounts) 0 0 0 459 (5000) (5000) 1621 (3400) 5000 19201
Total 6000 0 16 294 14 228 32,008 19468 14607 43513 130201



Created in Geneva in february 2017.

Number of board members
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of board members 4 3 3 4 7 7
number of board members outside of France and Switerland 0 0 0 0 1 2

Source : internal official documents of the association.

User group

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
number of members listed as participants at the end of each year 16 21 26 31 36
number of members outside of France and Switzerland 1 4 5 8 -