Les sans pagEs/Report 2020
les sans pagEs User Group | |
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Official language(s) | French |
Website | https://sanspages.org/ |
E-mail address | info@sans-pages.org |
Mailing list | Mailing List |
Telegram | ![]() |
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YouTube | ![]() |
The mission of the UserGroup les sans pagEs
Les sans pagEs is a project and an association created for users who work on subjects related to gender bias, and more generally to diversity (territorial , cultural, linguistic, generational, gender, attitudinal, disability, etc.) within the French-speaking Wikimedia movement.

Our goals are ː
- Reduce gender bias and the gender gap on Wikipedia articles by meeting, attracting, and training contributors who understand the issues posed by the gender gap and create articles and content with it in mind ;
- Create more gender equity and make the Wikipedia community more inclusive by meeting, attracting, and training contributors and by valuing novices more highly, especially those from less represented groups;
- Making the Wikimedia community more diverse by promoting cooperation between projects and synergies around gender bias, and encouraging participants to find resources and support to facilitate their growth;
- Train facilitators and contributors who wish to create new projects, especially those related to women* to LGBTIQ̟ people and minorities or topics underrepresented and/or suffering from representation bias on the French Wikipedia.
Our project page : w:fr:Projet:Les sans pagEs
The main goal of the user group is to increase diversity and reduce gender bias and the gender gap within Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement in general :
- enriching content about womynx, gender, and underrepresented groups in Wikimedia projects (especially in French);
- Provide space, support, and training for people who want to collaborate on projects;
- Coordinate people to get more women involved in writing on Wikipedia and to improve the quality of entries;
- Create events, meetings, edit-a-thons, conferences, campaigns to raise awareness of women's and gender issues and to grow the Wikimedia movement worldwide;
- collaborate with other groups that have similar goals : WikiWomen, Wikimujeres, Art + Feminism, Whose Knowledge?, WikiDonne, LGBT, Wiki Loves Women, etc.
Our goals for 2021
We wanted to engage the Wikimedia community even further, to get them involved and thinking about issues related to the gender gap. We also wanted to participate in comparable initiatives, and to promote and facilitate cooperation between sister projects.
This goal was perfectly achieved, continuing the momentum of the previous year. The year 2021 has been very fruitful, with many new articles created, improved and qualified, facilitation or participation in various discussions around language neutrality, micro-harassment, code of conduct, etc. We also joined several programs organized by other groups as participants or supporters.
For the 5 years of the project's existence, a collaborative fanzine was developed over the year, focusing on the history of the project from the point of view of the people who participated.

We wanted to recruit womynx or more generally people interested in gender and intersectionality issues, in order to create more diverse communities. We wanted to maintain support for all of our subgroups and train their members or contributors who wanted to start new projects, building on the success of Noircir Wikipédia..
This goal has been achieved. The number of members has increased. We offered training sessions, both online and IRL (notably in Benin, through academic institutions such as Ecostat and the Women Geographers Group, and through the University of Geneva's Gender Studies Master's training program). We continued to support participants directly on the project's discussion page on Wikipedia, on Discord, Twitter and on Telegram or through regular online meetings. A new projet called les sans images aiming at illustrating articles with the help of illustrators, in particular Drawtober, allowed us to add the participation of illustrators to the project.

Nous voulions continuer à soutenir les groupes LSP existants (principalement situés en Suisse et en France, avec quelques événements isolés dans d'autres pays), mais aussi nous étendre géographiquement en aidant de nouveaux groupes à émerger.
This objective was achieved with the growth of the LSP group in Bénin , which was able to benefit from a milder situation with respect to the pandemic and organize a dozen face-to-face events. New programs with external partners were created: Lesbians during the Holocaust, Women Geographers, Women and Science, Ecostat, and participation in the Archaeology of Transidentity conference at the Sorbonne (with concrete results in terms of contribution and working lists). New projects will see the light of day in 2022 ː in Geneva with Livresse, which will host wikisamedis from February 2022, a global francophone initiative with the organization of a Quinzaine des autrices francophones, les Lorraines sans pagEs from the newly founded group in Limoges. A film project is starting in the framework of the RESET project with the gender studies of the University of Geneva.
We wanted to promote the activities of sans pagEs to the general public, in the media and on social media, as well as promote sister projects, in order to encourage greater participation in the projects. Les sans pagEs was also the subject of a whole book chapter on collaborative projects within archives.
This goal was achieved, thanks to more than 30 media publications about our project (almost three times as many as in 2020), participation in a few events (allowed despite covid) and a strong presence on social networks.
We wanted to build organizational capacity, especially in financial and accounting operations.
The management of the association's accounting is still entrusted to a professional company in Geneva and the partnership agreement with Wikimedia France brings financial stability to our efforts.
The LSP agreement has allowed us to solicit members who are likely to invest themselves in the functioning of the association. We have strengthened the board and the committee so that each position is assigned to at least one person.
The next step is to raise funds to professionalize other parts of the activities that have become too difficult to manage on a volunteer basis. We have also paid particular attention to the remuneration of the work concerning the administrative and reporting part. We believe that this should be retained as a good practice for the whole movement. It will also be necessary to strengthen the committee in order to guarantee the stability of the association over time.
Activities in 2021

Maintaining the motivation and spirit of participants during the pandemic. We made sure to maintain the relationship between the members during the pandemic, through our regular weekly video meetings but also on the discussion page, animated daily and via the Telegram channel. The channel has about sixty members and on which dozens of messages are posted and read every day in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. The sans pagEs also have a discord channel hosted by Wikimedia France that allows them to engage with francophone Wikipedians present on this channel. Many projects have been carried out, offering short and medium term perspectives, with some physical meetings, notably in Benin and at the Gaité Lyrique at the end of the year. The LSP convention held in August was an opportunity to share and to celebrate the five years of the project during a boat excursion and diner. Mothers and LGBTIQ people have been particularly hit hard during the pandemic. Fortunately Wikimedia France set up a few months of free psychological assistance with a psychologist with expertise in dealing with LGBTIQ̹ people. The WMF president also participated in a conversation around the issue of supporting trans and LGBT people in the movement.
Two regular weekly appointments online
In addition to the Wikimidis initially organized at the University of Geneva since January 2017, a second online meeting on Thursdays is also well established since february 2020 : Maintenance and evaluation sessions. Starting at 7pm, we evaluate the latest articles attached to the project, which includes creating work lists. Other work is done such as wikification, sourcing or more generally article improvement.
These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to contribute. They allow us to welcome them and answer their questions, creating a sense of solidarity and strengthening relationships between contributors.
19% of women biographies
The share of women on French biographies passed19% in November 2021. In one year the articles indexed to the project increased from 8,214 to 10,707, or 2,493 more articles, both new and improved.
Featured Articles
We have developed new skills to improve the quality of articles. Five articles of the project became featured articles: Alix Payen, Session du Conseil d'État, Ángeles Amador, Élisabeth Dmitrieff and Adélaïde Valentin. Five others were labeled good articles: Mary Lou Williams, Convoi des 31000, Lynn Hill, Place des femmes dans l'équitation, and Augusta Holmès. As a reminder, the attribution of these labels is conditioned to a community procedure and vote.
- Cinq articles du projet ont été labellisés articles de qualité
Alix Payen
Session du Conseil d'État
Elisabeth Dmitrieff
Adélaïde Valentin
Ángeles Amador
Creation of a community fanzine for our 5th anniversary

Les sans pagEs celebrated their 5th anniversary by creating a community paper fanzine. Made in the format A1 folded in three, it presents on one side a timeline of the project and on the other, actions carried out since its creation, poems a quizz and a bingo proposed by members. The fanzine was finally printed in January 2022.
Les sans images and Drawtober

The sans images is a call for illustrators to complete biographies without photos and to make certain women better known. The project experienced significant growth in 2022 with Drawtober, a challenge set by illustrators: to produce as many portraits as possible during the month of October.
Eight contributors participated in the first edition, illustrating 65 personalities. By completing Wikidata items and wikipedia in other languages, 481 pages were illustrated on 80 different wikis, i.e. 78 different languages (statistics corresponding to available data in November 2021). Other portraits were made outside this event.
The account Twitter des sans pagEs has gained about 715 subscribers, going from 2400 to 3115. On Instagram, the account totals 1,200 followers, with a regular presence in the form of ephemera.
sans pagEs website on Wordpress
The Facebook account has been less used in 2021, the activity being time consuming it was decided to focus on the website of the sans pagEs on Wordpress to highlight our actions. We have proceeded to the recruitment of several people who can blog on the site.
Several articles were published
- sur la witch map et en anglais
- sur les 5 years of the project
Wikiconcoucours (contest)
Two LSP teams took part in the Wikiconcourses. Team 18 received an honorary jury award for their 42 destubbed (and 3 created) articles of high importance. Team 140 worked on destubbing the most popular articles in the project.
Growth of the LSP project in Benin
The LSP Benin project, which has participated annually since 2018 in the Mois international de la contribution francophone, has taken on a new momentum in 2021 with, among other things, the organization of twelve face-to-face workshops, three of which had over 40 participants
Annual les sans pagEs Convention

The general assembly saw the election of a new committee and the whole weekend was punctuated by moments of conviviality such as a feminist bike ride in Geneva and a cruise on the lake to celebrate the 5 years of the project.
Lesbian Holocaust Editathon
On the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27, 2021, the Eurocentralasian Lesbian* Community, Queer code, and Les sans pagEs organized a full-day edith-a-thon in English, French, and German, entitled Lesbians during the holocaust, . 58 people participated, coming from several language regions (German, Italian, English, and French), producing 23 articles and improving 99 of them (dashboard)
Wikimedia Hackaton
Again this year we continued the work to address the deletion of over 2000 sexual orientations on wikidata by offering an easy activity via a ticket phabricator during the wikimedia Hackaton. We continued work on this list.
Month of pride 2021
For the second year in a row a editathon with the LGBT project was organized. The wikimidis of June were dedicated to it.
150 years of the Paris Commune contribution month
LSP organized a month of contribution centered around the 150 years anniversary of the Paris Commune to create and increase the quality of articles on this famous insurrection episode of the French history in 1871 centering on the role played by women. 61 articles were created, and 10 were substancially edited. several articles were labellized as quality article (AdQ in French wikipedian jargon)̠: Alix Payen and Élisabeth Dmitrief.
Women Composers Month
A new event organized in collaboration with les sans pagEs,themois des compositrices took place in June. The 13 people participating in the contest created and improved nearly 60 articles. A second edition is planned for 2022.
Women geographers
The Femmes geographes project was launched during the summer with a page designed as a workspace for people who would like to contribute to the presence of women and queer geographers on Wikipedia. The milestone of 100 pages was exceeded with the creation of 68 pages and a communication with the community of geographers was made in September.
Women in Games
A series of training was given to a new group of Women in games contributors to create biographies of women and non-binary personalities in the video game industry.
GLAM ː Galleries Libraries Archives Museums (and universities)
Les sans pagEs have engaged in various GLAM type collaborations in 2021.
National Library of France
Participation in theScience and Media Day – Comment increase the visibility of women scientists in the media on January 19, 2021. Presentation of the work of sans pagEs, the functioning of Wikipedia, and the interest of having sources.
Suresne Media Library
Help for the Suresnes media library
Quay of Knowledge
Collaboration in the 'Editathon femmes et sciences with the Quai des Savoirs, follow-up of articles, answers to participants' questions, and answers on the discord channel.
Gender Studies Department of the University of Geneva
Pedagogical project of courses on wikipedia with the gender studies of the University of Geneva over 3 years financed by Swiss Universities RESET
Participation in the colloquium Archaeology of transidentities at the Sorbonne in November 2021
Intervention on the editathon Ecostat in December 2021 with the CNRS Ecostat research group.
Academic backgrounds
The programme aimed to have spouses of academic staff seeking employment practice French. The project started in 2020 generated 15 training sessions, with 8 participants and mainly produced substantive improvements to existing articles.
Departmental Archives of Hérault
One of our heritage curator contributors has published a book chapter on the successful experience of organizing workshops at the Hérault Departmental Archives ' 'Archiwiki matrimoine! at the Departmental Archives of Hérault. Workshops on women and feminism on Wikipedia
List of editorial activities
- 2,493 Articles created or significantly improved, 1,779 articles created (1,592 in 2020)
Face-to-face activities
We participated in activities in different places. They mainly took the form of:
- participation in local cultural events to take photos
- organization of meetings and workshops
- training of new contributors
- training in the facilitation of les sans pagEs workshops
- organization and participation in Art+Feminism, Wiki loves pride
- organization of editathons with GLAM institutions
- participation in local events organized by other structures and promotion of LSP
- Two workshops at the Gaité Lyrique: October 23 and November 27
- Six workshops at the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin: January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and March 20
- Three editorials in Cotonou: July 31, August 14 and August 28
- LSP Convention: August 20-22 in Geneva
- Three Wikipedia weekends in Benin: November 13, 20, and 27
- Two workshops at the Gaité Lyrique: October 23 and November 27
Online Activities
Complete list of online activities carried out in 2021 The activity of sans pagEs is systematically traced via the dashboards created for each event. The evolution between 2017 and 2021 shows very strong growth. In 2021, the end of the second confinement generated a drop in online participation, while IRL events did not resume everywhere, generating a drop in the number of programs compared to 2020. However, the number of participations counted on the The whole year is up for 2021. Fanzine-related activity is not captured by the dashboard, nor that of the August 2021 convention, since we have learned to contribute on Open Street map. Dashboard: 79 programs carried out this year, with 573 participations (participants can participate several times). For information
- 2020 105 programs, 519 entries,
- 2019 51 programs, 552 entries
- 2018 24 programs, 246 entries
- 2017 5 programs, 79 entries
- Wikimidi: January 14, February 4, 18 and 25, March 4, 11 and 18, April 23 and 29, May 6 and 13, 3, 10 , June 17 and 24 (focus on Pride Month in June), July 1 and 15, September 2, October 6 and 28, November 4, 11, 18 and 25, November 2, 9, December 16 and 30. During the wikimidis answers are sometimes given to technical questions, such as use of Petscan.
- Article evaluation and maintenances: January 7, February 4, 18 and 25, March 4, 11 and 18, April 15 and 23, 6 and 13 May, June 3 and 10, September 2, October 6 and 28, November 4, 11, 18 and 25, December 2, 9, 16 and 30
- Academic horizons: January 12, June 15 and 29, July 6 and 13, August 31, September 28 and November 2
- Edith-a-thon Lesbians during the Holocaust: January 27
- Contribution training, women and video games: February 1st
- Editathon Women and science of the Quai des savoirs: from March 11 to 14
- Preparation of the 5-year-old fanzine: April 16, 23 and 30, June 17, 24, July 1 and 15
- Wikisource Authors workshop: April 23, July 8 and November 28
- Drawtober: October
- Animation of a contribution workshop at the -automne-programme?fbclid=IwAR0kfcI-RoaIdL3YZ3a5AcDU60xp8YTrDjb5TYBCS2CUkzBLLf_4Jd8xs_o autumn university of HF in Lyon on October 9, 2021.
- Wikilovespride work on sexual orientation removals continued in 2021
- Month of the composers
- 150 years of the Paris Commune (writing of several articles labeled AdQ)
- Anthropologists collectors storytellers forgotten, training workshops: June 30, October 9 and December 18
- Collaboration initiated with the group of contributors from Croatia with a future project underway with the French Institute in Zagreb and the Kultura association.
Participation in the wikimedia movement
- Wikifranca General Assembly: November 20
- Meeting with WMF regarding new board seats: February 17
- Participation in the selection of editors of the movement's global charter
- Presentation of sans pagEs at Wikipédia20 in Guinea, January 16
- Francophone Wikiconvention: 20 and 21 November, with two presentations: 5 years with the sans pagEs project and on indicators of gender bias.
- participation in the wikicamp organized by Wikimedia France
- Francophone Wikiconvention presentation of the 5 years of sans pagEs
- participation in discussions and interview on the universal code of conduct
- participation organization of discussion on the issue of harassment (put the links)
- Participation of the president of sans pagEs in the User Group LGBT
Participation in activities organized by other groups
- Participation in the Tell us about her campaign, organized by Wiki Loves Women to add structured data to Commons - March
- Wikiconcours, a writing campaign on the French-speaking Wikipedia: from September 22 to October 10
- Campaign SheSaid, organized by Wiki Loves Women to add notable womynx quotes to Wikiquote: November/December
- Intervention at the BNF for Women in Science day in the media: January 29
UserGroup Meetings

Communication, social networks...
Communication, in the media and on social networks, is a major element of the sans pagEs strategy because it allows both to recruit new participants and to raise awareness of equity (or lack of equity) between genres. Important work to relay the activity of the sans pagEs on Twitter and Instagram was done in 2021, thanks to the involvement of two contributors to the project. On Twitter, the bot's publications have been completely revised, with the genesis of automatic posts informing about the terms of participation in the project, and relaying the important pages. On instagram, two contributors have done a whole job of relaying biographies of women from ephemerides, generating very positive interactions. The sans images project has also generated fruitful collaborations on instagram with professional illustrators.
The sans pagEs are very frequently contacted by journalists for interviews and reactions. Thus, the UG and its members are regularly mentioned in the news. All mentions in the media can be consulted here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Revue_de_presse
Press Review 2021
- Wikipedia: the most beautiful gift of the internet?, by François Saltiel, program The Brave New World of France Culture, December 24, 2021
- #8: How Wikipedia articles are illustrated – making people who are invisible or ignored visible, Wiki In Africa, December 9, 2021
- They “blacken” Wikipedia to “have a library that reflects the world”, by Roxana Azimi, 8 December 2021
- Refreshing the selective memory of Wikipedia, by Frédéric Duriez, on Thot Cursus, October 27, 2021
- Lights on the Pier 2021 | "Is another internet (still) possible?" with Anne-Laure Michel, Philippe Muller, Charles Foucault-Dumas, Lumières sur le Quai, Quai des Savoirs, October 19, 2021
- Wikipedia, 20 years of a revolutionary encyclopedia!, video Youtube by Nota Bonus, October 16, 2021 (from 9 '20)
- 7 alternatives to Inktober that must be followed this year, on Madmoizelle, October 1, 2021
- “Pages of women geographers on Wikipedia” working group, on Feminist Geography Commission
- Redacthon Wikipedia to bridge gender inequalities, Blog4SDGs, September 22, 2021
- 100 biographies of women geographers on Wikipedia, on University of Pau, 19 September 2021
- Nicolas Gary, The notoriety criteria of Wikipedia “' 'inadequate for the profession of translator”, News, August 26, 2021 on the Pàs of Laetitia Devaux
- By Gisard Amoussou, RedacThon Wikipedia workshops: Women to contribute to gender content on wikipedia, Our epoch, 02 August 2021
- Meeting with Céline from @lessanspages, live Instagram on the account of @marie_furlan_, June 27, 2021
- By Étienne Girard, Gender, inclusive writing, terrorism... These subjects that divide "Wikipedians", L'Express, June 16, 2021
- Natacha Rault, Elisabeth Dmitrieff, passionate communarde, April 27, 2021
- Laetitia Buob, “Tata K, equality at the heart of the archives”, on https ://www.a-la-rencontre.com/ April 13, 2021
- Emmanuelle Bordon, The month of female composers on Wikipedia, February 11, 2021
- Sabine Dosiere, Florence Devouard, writing standards on wikipedia Lycée Marseille, February 10, 2021
- Émélie Rivard-Boudreau, Let feminism take Wikipedia by storm! March 6, 2021
- Emmanuelle Bordon, The month of female composers on Wikipedia, February 11, 2021
- Mélanie Geelkens, -the-people-contributing-to-wikipedia-chronique/article-opinion-1391233.html?cookie_check=1613751935 A hell of a pair of pages by Mélanie Geelkens: there is a "gender bias among people contributing to Wikipedia" (chronicle ), Le Vif, February 11, 2021
- Marie d'Armagnac, Wikipedia, Trojan horse of postmodern feminism, Boulevard Voltaire, January 29, 2021
- Marlène Thomas, On Wikipedia, feminists clear the files, on Liberation and in the paper version, January 28, 2021
- Anouk Perret, Too often without pages, women are more visible on Wikipedia, RTS, January 27, 2021
- Anouk Pernet, Template:Web link: intervention by Galahmm
- H.B., The Wikipedia encyclopedia, rare survivor of the beginnings utopians of the Web, celebrates its 20th anniversary, on 20 minutes and AFP, January 16, 2021
- C to say, html "Wikipedia celebrates its 20th anniversary: can we trust it?" ”, presented by Mélanie Taravant with Lionel Barbe, January 15, 2021 on France 5
- Marlène Thomas, The Wikipedia community still unwelcoming for women and gender minorities, on Liberation, January 15, 2021
- Marlène Thomas, attack gender bias on Wikipedia, on Liberation, January 15, 2021
- Pascale Zimmermann Corpataux, “Wikipedia is 20 years old: Geneva showcases its local glories”, on Tribune de Genève, January 13, 2021
- The phone rings, “Wikipedia, the online, free and collaborative encyclopedia is 20 years old”, on France Inter, January 13, 2021: intervention by DesLapilli
- Alexandra Lagarde, “Online revolution: these activists who try to make Wikipedia less macho”, on France Inter, January 13, 2021
- Pauline Petit, Reliability, pseudonym, sources: Wikipedia and crowd intelligence, on France Culture , January 12, 2021
Chapter of book dedicated to the sans pagEs
- Carole Renard, Archiwiki matrimoine! at the Departmental Archives of Hérault. Workshops on women and feminism on Wikipedia, 2022
Facts and Figures About Social Media Accounts
- The communication channels used by the most active sans pagEs are his Twitter account, his Facebook account and the Telegram channel.
- Twitter: 3,131 subscribers and more than 17,500 tweets (12,000 in March 2021): https://twitter.com/lessanspagEs
- Facebook: more than 1,500 fans, regular publication + interactions with beginners and supporters: https://www.facebook.com/sanspages/
- Telegram channel: https://t.me/joinchat/I8LRjhLO8GhX2VwxEhPPhQ
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lessanspages/ Instagram. Launched in 2018. 290 posts and 1,200 subscribers. 170 publications in 2021 (80 in 2020)
- Discord: https://discord.gg/57ev3xCjDq. The discord channel was created in 2020!
- blog: https://sanspages.org
- Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgKeCR7Nt65TWFQ7sdFq31g. 61 subscribers in May 2022.
- Mailing list: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/lessanspages
Our local groups and friends
- Women and Feminism Workshops (Nantes)
- Biographies of women in Switzerland
- Archiwiki Matrimoine (Hérault)
- Les sans pages Med
- Les sans pagEs Tunis
- wikimidis Geneva
- Les sans pagEs Paris
- Les sans pagEs Valais
- Les sans pagEs Limoges
- Women and non-binary people in video games
- RESETǃ at the gender studies of the University of Geneva
- Les sans pagEs Benin
- group of anthropologist storytellers
- women geographers
Individual Membership
The number of members can be estimated beyond 250 members but the exact figures are difficult to estimate with precision because:
- membership varies depending on whether we are talking about membership in the user·ice·s group (completely open to anyone interested) or membership in the legal association (restricted);
- members can register on meta (26 people) or can add their name on the list of participants (267 people) on the French-speaking Wikipedia, or join the association.
- individual membership for the online part of the project can also be assessed by the number of contributors who actively choose to publish articles in the section . The statistics of these contributions between July 1, 2019 and June 3, 2020 show 291 contributors, 18 beginners, 32 regular contributors including 11 admins, the others being people who created their account for the most part after 2016. These people constitute the heart of the online project.
The user·ice·s group is open to all genders. Communication with members is mainly and originally done on the project's discussion page but the Telegram channel is also a very active and lively discussion space.
Photo Gallery
Joy Tivy, geographer whose photo was put in open data as part of the women geographers project
Chris Pielou, Canadian ecologist, biography translated and greatly enriched during the Ecostat edition
Academic Horizons workshop of November 2, 2021
Election of the new committee
The Drawtober template model
Family photo of the workshop of the 20̞-03-21-month international of the French-speaking contribution 2021 in Cotonou in Benin
Wikimidi of April 23, 2021
Member badges made for the annual convention
Portrait of Isabelle Cambourakis
Legal entity
The association was founded in January 2017 in order to manage the funds received. It is based in Geneva and aims to financially support the activities deployed by the Wikimedien project to reduce the gender gap.
Composition of the committee (board of directors) from January 2021:
- President: Natacha Rault
- Treasurer: Capucine-Marin Dubroca-Voisin
- Secretary: Antoine Rochette
- Committee member ː Esther Um
Our main partners
Partners with a signed agreement
Partners from the beginning
- Unige and its diversity department
- Wikimedia CH
- Wikimedia Foundation
Cooperations with
- UNIGE Gender Studies ː RESET ǃ
- Women in games
- Media library of Suresne
- code projects
- EL*C
- George the second text
The places that welcome us
- Gaité Lyrique (Paris)
- Livresse (Geneva)
- Constellation (Paris)
- AMR (Geneva)
- [1]
The LSP user group was financially supported in 2021 by Wikimedia France through an annual grant. The annual convention 2021 was financially supported by Wikimedia CH.
Other affiliates/projects we have worked with
Women in Red
Wiki Loves Women
AfroCROWD User Group
Art+Feminism User Group
Wikimedia LGBT+ User Group
Wiki Matrimoine
Frauen in Rot
Lessons and next steps
Building on the lessons of 2020, we have continued our online awareness efforts to increase participation in the project and above all maintain social ties between members. Our weekly meetings, the discussion page and the Telegram channel are all tools for monitoring, sharing, project development and support for people suffering from the isolation linked to the pandemic.
The five-year anniversary of the project brought members together around the creation of a fanzine and the annual weekend, which has become a convention for the sans pagEs. We are proud to have been able to do this retrospective work on our activities. The fanzine, printed in January 2022, will be distributed to our partners and members at our events.
On Wikipedia, we have passed the milestone of 10,000 articles indexed to projects (created or improved) but above all we have developed new skills to improve the qualitative progress of articles. Five articles from the project were labeled quality articles and five others were labeled good articles. This work will be continued, a list of priority articles having been established.
Partnerships have multiplied and strengthened this year, with associations and institutions: the Quai des savoirs, EL*C, Queer code, the Ecostat research group, the gender/fr/formation/master/reset/ gender studies of the University of Geneva and the sdiversity department of the UNIGE. The sans pagEs are identified and have gained recognition in the academic, associative and institutional environment on gender-related themes. This is very important to us and it helps to give a good image of the Wikipedia ecosystem.
Several members were able to launch and carry out projects within the framework of the sans pagEs in 2021. We were thus able to see the emergence or take on a new dimension of initiatives such as women geographers, The 150 years of the Commune, the month of composers, the sans images or even the Beninese project.
The convention was an opportunity to renew the office and find a person dedicated to the position of treasurer, the committee is finally made up of only four people and we are looking to expand it in 2022 to guarantee more stability, thus bringing together more members likely to engage in the governance of the association. We are also working on the public availability of accounts as well as on a better method of sharing our administrative documents.