Licensing update/Vote-header/ro

- Translators: When updating the vote header, please also update its status at Licensing update/Header tracking so the updated content will be properly copied to the vote server.
În mod specific, propunerea Fundaţiei Wikimedia este să modifice site-ului termenii licenţei şi termenii de utilizare pentru toate proiectele aşa cum urmează:
- to make all content currently distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License (with “later version” clause) additionally available under CC-BY-SA 3.0, as explicitly allowed through the latest version of the GFDL;
- to require continued dual-licensing of new community edits in this manner, but allow content from third parties to be under CC-BY-SA only;
- to inform re-users that content which includes imported CC-BY-SA-only information cannot be used under the GFDL.
As is consistent with established policy and practice, and as is consistent with the CC-BY-SA license model, authors and editors will also be required to consent to being credited by re-users; at minimum, this will be done through a hyperlink or URL to the article they are contributing to.
Pentru detalii şi limba specifică în noi termeni propuşi ai serviciul, vă rugăm vedeţi Licensing Update.
Pentru răspunsuri la întrebări comune, vă rugăm vedeţi Întrebări şi Răspunsuri.
The Board of Trustees will make a final decision on this proposal after considering the results of this vote. At least 50% of voters must support this change in order for it to be implemented. If fewer than 50% support this change, the Board will consider alternative options and further community consultation will follow.