Wikimedia-Benutzergruppe Maithili

This page is a translated version of the page Maithili Wikimedians User Group and the translation is 20% complete.
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Maithili Wikimedians
User Group

Maithili Wikimedians User Group

Nepal, India
OrtGlobal online community-based
  • NPL
  • IND
Datum der AnerkennungFebruary 8, 2016; vor 9 Jahre (2016-02-08)
Amtliche Sprache(n)
BerichteAnnual Reports
ZugehörigkeitenWikimedia Foundation
WebseiteOfficial website
MottoPromoting Wikimedia projects in Maithili

Maithili-Wikimedianer (Maithilī Wikimedīans; offiziell abgekürzt als MWUG) ist eine Gruppe von Wikimedianern, die in unterschiedlichen Wiki-Projekten mit Bezug zur Sprache Maithili arbeiten. Die Maithili-Wikipedia ist eine kostenlose, freie Online-Enzyklopädie, die von der nicht gewinnorientierten Wikimedia Foundation unterstützt und betrieben wird. Alle, die auf die Seite zugreifen können, können Artikel in Maithili bearbeiten. Ihre Mission ist es, Maithili-Wikimedianer in ihren Aktivitäten mit Bezug zu Wikimedia zu unterstützen und mit lokalen Organisationen ber der Nutzung von Wikimedia-Projekten zu kooperieren. Jeder kann Freiwilliger dieser Benutzergruppe werden.

The Affiliate's aim is to support, promote, and educate the general public about the availability and use of free and open educational content, which includes the ability to access, develop and contribute to Wikimedia projects. The affiliate was recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliation Committee (AffComm) on 8 February 2016.

Assuming good faith of taking part in Global Wiki(p)media movement and for the realization of the main aim to spread free knowledge in Maithili language, the volunteer members of the community has decided to register a local organization to support the Wikimedia Movement.

We support the goals of the Wikimedia Foundation and develop a Wikimedia strategy Movement 2030 activities, including the work of volunteers on Wikimedia projects as well as numerous other sister free knowledge initiatives.


  • Promotion of Wikipedia in Maithili language.
  • Improve content about Mithila region and related topics in English and all other languages.
  • Promotion of Maithili and Mithila related topics in different languages Wikipedia projects.
  • Promotion and awareness of Wikimedia projects related to Maithili language in Nepal and India.
  • Engage the community and gain new contributors for the User Group and Wikimedia projects.
  • Cooperate with other institutions with similar missions and visions to promote free knowledge movement in Maithili speaking countries.
  • Legalize the User Group in Maithili speaking countries (Nepal and India) with accordance to their respected legislation.
  • Cooperating with local authorities, organizations and individuals to receive grants and other materials to promote free knowledge.
  • To co-operate with Wikimedia Foundation and its affiliates, Wikimedia communities and other local and international organisations to further goals of the Wikimedia movement and enrich the Wikimedia projects.


  • Organizing Wiki Meetups.
  • Organizing online – offline article writing competition.
  • Conducting Workshops and Meetups.
  • Promotion of Wikimedia projects and Free content in general.
  • Ermutigen Sie die Nutzung von Wikimedia-Ressourcen im Bildungsbereich.
  • Organize Events to collect Creative Commons Contents and Upload it at Commons Wikimedia.

Designated contacts for WMF

Two designated contacts for Wikimedia Foundation:

Mache mit!

Any contributor of the Wikimedia projects can become a General member of this User Group. If you want to join us and become a member, please contact us via email. You can find contact info in the section right below. Or click the "Joins us" button below.

Deinen Namen hinzufügen

Participation in regional and global Wikimedia events


Contact us at Email: maithiliwikimedians(_AT_)
Official Website:

Follow us on social media: