CS1 News article



*Article title/headline (in original language) title Das Bücherhaus
Language (if not English) language German
Translated title (where article title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title The Bookshelf
*Publishing date date 2004-02-21
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) accessdate 2006-07-23
*Work (newspaper name, etc.) work The Times
Location (use where the publication name does not include an obvious location or may be ambiguous) location London
Publisher publisher Times Newspapers
URL of published article url http://www.thetimes.co.uk/news/
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
URL of archived copy of article (e.g. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date article URL was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
Author's last name last Smith
Author's first name first John
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink John Smith
Second author's last name last2 Smith
Second author's first name first2 Jane
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Jane Smith
Third author's last name last3 Doe
Third author's first name first3 John
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 John Doe
Page number (where article is on a single page) page B14
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) pages 12-16
Relevant excerpt quote Police are investigating, spokesman Lt. John Smith said.



{{cite news <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!authorlink3> |authorlink3={$authorlink3}</!authorlink3> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans_title> |trans_title={$trans_title}</!trans_title> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Journal paper or periodical article



*Paper/Article title title=bib.title Self-replication and scrapie
*Journal/Periodical name journal=bib.journal Nature
Publication date date 1967-02-27
OR publication year year 1967
Author's last name last Smith
Author's first name first John R.
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink John Smith
Second author's last name last2 Smith
Second author's first name first2 Jane
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Jane Smith
Third author's last name last3 Doe
Third author's first name first3 John
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 John Doe
Fourth author's last name last4 Doe
Fourth author's first name first4 Jane
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink4 Jane Doe
Fifth author's last name last5 Smith
Fifth author's first name first5 Dave
Link to fifth author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink5 Dave Smith
Volume volume=bib.volume 215
Issue issue 105
Page number (where item is on a single page) page 778
OR page numbers (where item spans multiple pages) pages=bib.pages 1043-1046
ISSN issn=bib.issn 05251-5676
PMID pmid 4964084
PMC pmc 3440031
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
JSTOR jstor 18958
bibcode bibcode 2011IJAsB..10...25W
URL url http://example.com/article-title
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source accessdate 2006-07-23
Relevant excerpt quote There is no evidence on the health risk.
BibTex @bibtex You can use BibTex
to fill in some of the values



{{cite journal <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!journal> |journal={$journal}</!journal> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!authorlink3> |authorlink3={$authorlink3}</!authorlink3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!authorlink4> |authorlink4={$authorlink4}</!authorlink4> <!last5> |last5={$last5}</!last5> <!first5> |first5={$first5}</!first5> <!authorlink5> |authorlink5={$authorlink5}</!authorlink5> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!issue> |issue={$issue}</!issue> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!issn> |issn={$issn}</!issn> <!pmid> |pmid={$pmid}</!pmid> <!pmc> |pmc={$pmc}</!pmc> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!jstor> |jstor={$jstor}</!jstor> <!bibcode> |bibcode={$bibcode}</!bibcode> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Conference report or paper



*Paper title (in original language) title=bib.title Face recognition using eigenfaces
Language (if not English) language German
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title Face recognition using eigenfaces
Paper URL url http://example.com/paper-title
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
URL of archived copy of paper (e.g. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date paper URL was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
Chapter title (in original language) booktitle
Chapter URL chapter-url
Translated chapter title (where chapter title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_chapter
*Conference name conference IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Conference URL conferenceurl http://www.example.com/
Editor's last name editor-last Smith
Editor's first name editor-first John
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor-link John Smith
Second editor's last name editor2-last Smith
Second editor's first name editor2-first Jane
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor2-link Jane Smith
Third editor's last name editor3-last Doe
Third editor's first name editor3-first John
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor3-link John Doe
Fourth editor's last name editor4-last Doe
Fourth editor's first name editor4-first Jane
Link to fourth editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor4-link Jane Doe
Publisher publisher IEEE
Publication place place Palo Alto, California
Publication date date 1999-10-24
OR publication year year 1991
Author's last name last Turk
Author's first name first M.
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink Matthew Turk
Second author's last name last2 Smith
Second author's first name first2 Jane
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Jane Smith
Third author's last name last3 Doe
Third author's first name first3 John
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 John Doe
Fourth author's last name last4 Doe
Fourth author's first name first4 Jane
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink4 Jane Doe
Page number (where article is on a single page) page 55
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) pages=bib.pages 1043-4
PMID pmid 4964084
PMC pmc 3440031
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
OCLC oclc
ISBN (13-digit preferred) isbn 978-0743477123
bibcode bibcode 2011IJAsB..10...25W
Relevant excerpt quote There is no evidence on the health risk.
BibTex @bibtex You can use BibTex
to fill in some of the values



{{cite conference <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!authorlink3> |authorlink3={$authorlink3}</!authorlink3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!authorlink4> |authorlink4={$authorlink4}</!authorlink4> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans_title> |trans_title={$trans_title}</!trans_title> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!booktitle> |booktitle={$booktitle}</!booktitle> <!chapter-url> |chapter-url={$chapter-url}</!chapter-url> <!trans_chapter> |trans_chapter={$trans_chapter}</!trans_chapter> <!conference> |conference={$conference}</!conference> <!conferenceurl> |conferenceurl={$conferenceurl}</!conferenceurl> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!editor3-last> |editor3-last={$editor3-last}</!editor3-last> <!editor3-first> |editor3-first={$editor3-first}</!editor3-first> <!editor3-link> |editor3-link={$editor3-link}</!editor3-link> <!editor4-last> |editor4-last={$editor4-last}</!editor4-last> <!editor4-first> |editor4-first={$editor4-first}</!editor4-first> <!editor4-link> |editor4-link={$editor4-link}</!editor4-link> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!place> |place={$place}</!place> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!pmid> |pmid={$pmid}</!pmid> <!pmc> |pmc={$pmc}</!pmc> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!oclc> |oclc={$oclc}</!oclc> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!bibcode> |bibcode={$bibcode}</!bibcode> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Arbitrary website



*URL url http://www.example.com/page-name
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
*Page title (in original language) title Das Bücherhaus
Language (if not English) language German
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title The Bookshelf
Publishing date (where this is stated on the page) date 1967-12-30
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) accessdate 2006-12-30
URL of archived copy of page (e.g. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date page was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
Work (name of website or section of website, etc.) work Technical reports
Publisher publisher Wikimedia Foundation
Author's last name (use for a person) last Smith
Author's first name (use for a person) first John
OR author details (use for a committee, department or organization) author Wikimedia Foundation
Link to author's Wikipedia article authorlink John Smith
Second author's last name last2 Smith
Second author's first name first2 Jane
OR second author details (use for a committee, department or organization) author2 W3C
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Jane Smith
Relevant quote from page quote Turn off your computer and go outside.



{{cite web <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans_title> |trans_title={$trans_title}</!trans_title> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author> |author={$author}</!author> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author2> |author2={$author2}</!author2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Book



*Author's last name last Shakespeare
Author's first name first William
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink William Shakespeare
Second author's last name last2 Bacon
Second author's first name first2 Francis
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Francis Bacon
Third author's last name last3 Jonson
Third author's first name first3 Ben
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 Ben Jonson
Fourth author's last name last4 Marlowe
Fourth author's first name first4 Christopher
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink4 Christopher Marlowe
*Book title title Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Chapter/contribution chapter Who was Shakespeare
Chapter/contribution URL chapter-url http://www.example.com/the-chapter-title-here
Volume volume 3
Edition edition 1
Editor's last name editor-last Smith
Editor's first name editor-first John
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor-link John Smith
Second editor's last name editor2-last Smith
Second editor's first name editor2-first Jane
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor2-link Jane Smith
Third editor's last name editor3-last Doe
Third editor's first name editor3-first John
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor3-link John Doe
Work work The Scholar's Compendium to Shakespeare
Publisher publisher Washington Square Press
Publication location location New York, New York
Publication date date 23 Mar 2003
OR publication year year 2003
Page number (where referenced fact is on a single page) page 14
OR page numbers (where referenced facts span multiple pages) pages 12-16
URL url http://www.example.com/the-title-here
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date and edition are cited above) accessdate 2006-07-23
URL of archived copy (e.g. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date URL was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
ISBN (13-digit preferred) isbn 978-0743477123
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) doi 10.1007/b62130
Generic ID id freeform field
Relevant excerpt quote The primroses were over.



{{cite book <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first1={$first}</!first> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!authorlink3> |authorlink3={$authorlink3}</!authorlink3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!authorlink4> |authorlink4={$authorlink4}</!authorlink4> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!chapter> |chapter={$chapter}</!chapter> <!chapter-url> |chapter-url={$chapter-url}</!chapter-url> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!edition> |edition={$edition} </!edition> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!editor3-last> |editor3-last={$editor3-last}</!editor3-last> <!editor3-first> |editor3-first={$editor3-first}</!editor3-first> <!editor3-link> |editor3-link={$editor3-link}</!editor3-link> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Encyclopedia entry



*Encyclopedia encyclopedia Jewish Encyclopedia
Volume volume 10
Page number (where referenced fact is on a single page) page 55
OR page numbers (where referenced facts span multiple pages) pages 27-28
*Article title title Jacob ben Asher
Article author's last name last Schechter
Article author's first name first Solomon
Link to article author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink Solomon Schechter
Second author's last name last2 Seligsohn
Second author's first name first2 M.
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 M. Seligsohn
Third author's last name last3 Smith
Third author's first name first3 John
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 John Smith
Publication date date 1906-12-30
OR publication year year 1906
Edition edition 1st
Editor's last name editor-last Singer
Editor's first name editor-first Isidore
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor-link Isidore Singer
Second editor's last name editor2-last Smith
Second editor's first name editor2-first Jane
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor2-link Jane Smith
URL url http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/some-page-title
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the source includes a clear revision or publishing date and it has been cited above) accessdate 2007-12-30
Publisher publisher Funk & Wagnalls
Publication location location New York, New York
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
ID id
Relevant excerpt quote Jacob was the third son of Asher.



{{cite encyclopedia <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!authorlink> |authorlink={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!authorlink2> |authorlink2={$authorlink2}</!authorlink2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!authorlink3> |authorlink3={$authorlink3}</!authorlink3> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!encyclopedia> |encyclopedia={$encyclopedia}</!encyclopedia> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!edition> |edition={$edition}</!edition> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Court opinion



Parties' names litigants Parker v. D.C.
Reporter volume vol 478
Reporter reporter F.3d
Opinion number (often 1st pg. of case) opinion 370
Pinpoint pinpoint p. 58
Court court D.C. Cir.
Date (decided on) date 2007-03-09
URL url http://pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov/docs/common/opinions/200703/04-7041a.pdf
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
quote quote As such, we hold it unconstitutional.



{{cite court <!litigants> |litigants={$litigants}</!litigants> <!vol> |vol={$vol}</!vol> <!reporter> |reporter={$reporter}</!reporter> <!opinion> |opinion={$opinion}</!opinion> <!pinpoint> |pinpoint={$pinpoint}</!pinpoint> <!court> |court={$court}</!court> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Press Release



*Title (in original language) title Nature compares Wikipedia and Britannica
Language (if not English) language German
Translated title (where title of press release is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title The Last Page of the Internet
URL url http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Publishing date date 2005-12-15
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) accessdate 2006-07-23
URL of archived copy of page (e.g. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date page was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
Author's last name (use for a person) last Smith
Author's first name (use for a person) first John
OR author details (use for a committee or department or to signify "Staff writer(s)"; no by-line) author
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink John Smith
Publication location location New York, New York
Publisher publisher Wikimedia Foundation
The news agency (wire service) that provided the content agency Associated Press
Subscription required (leave blank for no) subscription yes
Registration required (superseded by subscription if both are set - leave blank for no) registration yes
Relevant quote from page quote Turn off your computer and go outside.



{{cite press release <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!lang> |language={$lang}</!lang> <!trans_title> |trans_title={$trans_title}</!trans_title> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author> |author={$author}</!author> <!authorlink> |author={$authorlink}</!authorlink> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!agency> |agency={$agency}</!agency> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!subscription> |subscription={$subscription}</!subscription> <!registration> |registration={$registration}</!registration> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}

CS1 Map



*Publication Title (in original language) title Das Bücherhaus
Language (if not English) language German
Translated publication title (where title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title The Bookshelf
URL (Cannot be used if title is wikilinked) url http://www.ksdot.org/burtransplan/maps/state-pdf/kansas0708.pdf
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
The title of the individual map, if published in an atlas, book, or journal map New Map Showing the 8,880 Miles Which Comprise Colorado's Primary Highway System
Map URL (in case title is wikilinked) mapurl http://books.google.com/books?id=czs5AQAAMAAJ&pg=RA10-PA12
URL of archived copy of page (i.e. at the Internet Archive) archiveurl http://web.archive.org/web/
Date page was archived archivedate 2008-06-12
*Publisher publisher Kansas Department of Transportation
Publication location location New York, New York
Publishing date date 2005-12-15
OR publication year year 2003
Title of map series series Discovery Series
Version of map version 1
*Edition edition 1
Date you reviewed the source (can be blanked if the publishing date, version or edition is cited above) accessdate 2006-07-23
Person or entity that did the cartography cartography Diversified Map Co
Page number (where item is on a single page) page B14
OR page numbers (where item spans multiple pages) pages 12-13
Scale of map scale 1 : 30,000 (or Scale not given)
The map section of the feature referenced section 6A, 9B, 11L, etc.
The name of the focused inset referenced inset Downtown Fooburg
ISBN (13-digit preferred) isbn 978-0743477123
ID id



{{cite map <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!lang> |language={$lang}</!lang> <!trans_title> |trans_title={$trans_title}</!trans_title> <!map> |map={$map}</!map> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!mapurl> |mapurl={$mapurl}</!mapurl> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!scale> |scale={$scale}</!scale> <!series> |series={$series}</!series> <!version> |version={$version}</!version> <!cartography> |cartography={$cartography}</!cartography> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!section> |section={$section}</!section> <!inset> |inset={$inset}</!inset> <!edition> |edition={$edition} </!edition> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!archiveurl> |archiveurl={$archiveurl}</!archiveurl> <!archivedate> |archivedate={$archivedate}</!archivedate> <!accessdate> |accessdate={$accessdate}</!accessdate> }}

CS2 Conference report or paper



*Paper title (in original language) contribution=bib.title Face recognition using eigenfaces
Language (if not English) language German
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) trans_title Face recognition using eigenfaces
*Conference/report title title Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Editor's last name editor-last Smith
Editor's first name editor-first John
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor-link John Smith
Second editor's last name editor2-last Smith
Second editor's first name editor2-first Jane
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor2-link Jane Smith
Third editor's last name editor3-last Doe
Third editor's first name editor3-first John
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor3-link John Doe
Fourth editor's last name editor4-last Doe
Fourth editor's first name editor4-first Jane
Link to fourth editor's Wikipedia article (if any) editor4-link Jane Doe
Publisher publisher IEEE
Publication place place Palo Alto, California
Publication date date 1999-10-24
OR publication year year 1991
Author's last name last Turk
Author's first name first M.
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink Matthew Turk
Second author's last name last2 Smith
Second author's first name first2 Jane
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink2 Jane Smith
Third author's last name last3 Doe
Third author's first name first3 John
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink3 John Doe
Fourth author's last name last4 Doe
Fourth author's first name first4 Jane
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) authorlink4 Jane Doe
Page number (where article is on a single page) page 55
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) pages=bib.pages 1043-4
PMID pmid 4964084
PMC pmc 3440031
DOI doi 10.1038/2151043a0
bibcode bibcode 2011IJAsB..10...25W
URL url http://example.com/page-title
Format (if not HTML) format PDF
Date you reviewed the source (can be blanked if the publishing date is cited above) accessdate 2006-07-23
Relevant excerpt quote There is no evidence on the health risk.
BibTex @bibtex You can use BibTex
to fill in some of the values



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CS2 Patent



Title title Fast routing lookup system using complete prefix tree, bit vector, and pointers in a routing table for determining where to route IP datagrams
The inventor's surname or last name inventor-last Degermark
The inventor's first or given name(s) inventor-first Mikael
Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first inventor (if any) inventorlink Mikael Degermark
Second inventor's surname or last name inventor2-last Brodnik
Second inventor's first or given name(s) inventor2-first Andrej
Wikipedia article about the second inventor (if any) inventorlink2 Andrej Brodnik
Third inventor's surname or last name inventor3-last Carlsson
Third inventor's first or given name(s) inventor3-first Svante
Wikipedia article about the third inventor (if any)) inventorlink3 Svante Carlsson
Fourth inventor's surname or last name inventor4-last Pink
Fourth inventor's first or given name(s) inventor4-first Stephen
Wikipedia article about the fourth inventor (if any) inventorlink4 Stephen Pink
Date of publication or filing publication-date 1996-07-22
Date patent was issued by patent agency issue-date 2001-02-08
Title of the patent (if it includes [square brackets], these must be encoded as "&#91;" for "[" and "&#93;" for "]") title
Country (two-letter ISO 3166 abbreviation of the issuing country) country-code US
Type of patent description
The number of the patent patent-number 6266706



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