Malayalam Community Movement Charter Conversations

The Malayalam Community MC Ambassador Akbarali Organised the Conversations to get the feedback of Malayalam language Community about the first three chapters of Movement Charter such as Premable, Values and Principles And Roles and Resposibilites. These conversations are a part of Movement Charter Ambassador Program .The program started from 30th November and ended on 18th December 2022.

Program details




The following pages have been translated into Malayalam language during this project.


  • Joined Region Consultation. 4th December 2022, 17th December 2022.

Movement Charter conversation - Malayalam community - 1


The first Movement Charter Conversation was held on Friday, , 4th December 2022 at IST 10.00 AM IST) by Movement Charter ambassador Akbarali. The meeting was held on Zoom App and was attended by 9 members of the Malayalam Community.The meeting was held for an hour during which the Movement Charter was explained and feedback was collected from the community members. Notes were taken on [1] and offline mode

Analysis of Movement Charter Malayalam Version during MC conversation on 4th December

Movement Charter conversation - Malayalam community - 2


The second Movement Charter Conversation was held on Saturday, 17th December 2022 at 11.00 am - 14.20 (IST) by Movement Charter ambassador User:Akbarali. The meeting was held at PG Centre , Thrissure , Kerala as a inperson event.The meeting was held for one and half hour during which the detailed analysis of Movement Charter was done and feedback was collected from the community member. Notes were taken on manually.

Picture of Malayalam Community Movement Charter Conversation on 17th December
Malayalam Wikimedia Movement Strategy discourse



The project was coordinated by User:Jinoytommanjaly and User:Manojk.The program lead was Yop Rwang Pam.

