MediaWiki test script

This page is a test script for the MediaWiki software.

About this page


"Test script" is a term of art for software testing; it is not an automated test, but a script for human beings to follow when doing a comprehensive test of the MediaWiki software.

If you need to, you can think of it as an automated script written in the English programming language, which runs on the English-speaking Web user operating system.



The script is divided into sections based on functionality. This makes it easier to test parts of the software in relative isolation.

Test format


Hier gehts zur Startseite. Category:EDV-Handbuch Handbuch Liste der externen Linkmöglichkeiten Der Anker ist auf einer anderen Seite.

MediaWiki Installation




Does the software do what the documentation says Does the documentation follow the software

Wikitext rendering


Spelling and looks, Spelling and looks


Log in


Login form appearance


On any page, not currently logged in.

  1. Click the "Log in" link on any page.

The login form should have:

  • A title "Log in"
  • A textbox labelled "Your user name"
  • A textbox labelled "Your password"
  • A textbox labelled "Retype password"
  • A textbox labelled "Your e-mail"
  • A button labelled "Log in"
  • A button labelled "Create new account"
  • A checkbox labelled "Remember my password across sessions."
  • A button labelled "Mail me a new password."

Authorized login


On the log in form, not currently logged in. Make sure cookies are enabled in the browser.

  1. Enter a valid number.
  2. Enter a valid password.
  3. Click the "Log in" button.

You should see a page titled "Login successful", with a welcome message and a link to the last page visited.

Invalid user name


On the login form, cookies enabled.

  1. Enter an invalid user name.
  2. Enter any password.
  3. Click the "Log in" button.

You should see the login page with a warning "that there is no user by that name".

Invalid password


On the login form, cookies enabled.

  1. Enter a valid user name.
  2. Enter an invalid password.
  3. Click the "Log in" button.

You should see the login page, with a warning that the password was invalid.

Successful account creation


On the login form, cookies enabled.

  1. Enter a new, valid user name.
  2. Enter a password.
  3. Retype the password in the retype box.
  4. Enter a valid email address.
  5. Click the "Create new account" button.

You should see a page titled "Login successful", with a welcome message.

Create account, existing user


On the login form, cookies enabled.

  1. Enter an existing user name.
  2. Enter a password.
  3. Retype the password in the retype box.
  4. Enter a valid email address.
  5. Click the "Create new account" button.

You should see the login page, with a warning that the user name already exists. sss?

Create account, mismatched passwords


On the login form, cookies enabled.

  1. Enter an existing user name.
  2. Enter a password.
  3. Type a different password in the retype box.
  4. Enter a valid email address.
  5. Click the "Create new account" button.

You should see the login page, with a warning that the passwords don't match.

User preferences


Protecting pages


Deleting pages


Uploading files


Blocking users


Recent changes


Page history


New messages indicator





Test current and old bugs then move fixed bugs to old bugs page when satisfied.

  • Current bugs
    • Test bug No 850489 enter _ in search box and go will get a non-object error