AvoinGLAM/Media Art History

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Media Art History in Finland


Media Art History in Finland is a wikiproject by AvoinGLAM to gather and display the history of media art from Finland. It is created in the memory of Minna Tarkka, Finnish curator, educator, artist and activist who passed away in 2023.

The initial collection is based on the artists and artworks in the MEHI – Media Art History in Finland project, a tour-de-force of Finnish arts organizations to record the history of media art in Finland. Read the Open Culture materials in the MEHI project.

Upcoming Events


Bridging Digital Art Practices with Institutional Archives: professional knowledge exchange on digital art archiving

  • When: Wed-Thur 16-17 October (Times to be confirmed)
  • Where: Li-MA, Amsterdam, NL
  • Language: English

AvoinGLAM (Finland) & LI-MA (Amsterdam) are organizing an expert meeting in October (16-17.10.2024) in Amsterdam, focused around the following question: How can artists, curators, cultural producers with smaller cultural organizations connect to larger ecosystems of open heritage knowledge? Digital art communities, festivals, and individual artists provide alternative practices for engaging with digital cultural heritage and commons initiatives. These examples illustrate effective practices in data modeling, metadata management, and database systems usage. However, connecting these practices to larger ecosystems of institutional (museum) archives, often raises significant challenges due to the centering of artists and artworks, rather than events and temporary communities of practice.

Open ecosystems, such as the Wikimedia projects, are renowned for high-quality reference and introductory materials. Despite this, emerging cultural practices frequently encounter obstacles within these environments particularly when inserting or connecting alternative methods to standardized systems. This expert meeting aims to address these issues by focusing on the role of linked open data in cultural production and the preparation of metadata for integration into larger archival systems.



9.30 Coffee

10.00–12.00 LI-MA@LAB 111 Discussion

10.00 Welcome by Gaby

Workshop chaired by Annet Dekker, recording by Chiara Borgonova


10–11 Position statements ~5min

  • Lozana Rossanova
  • Philipp Messner
  • Dušan Barok
  • Andrew Paterson
  • Susanna Ånäs – MEHI project on Wikimedia projects
  • Li-MA

11–12 Define the tasks

12.00–13.00 Lunch in the restaurant, continue in smaller groups spread over the location

13.00–16.00 Group work

13–14.30 Workshop on the ‘blueprint’ in groups. Contributing to several should be possible. Produce (drafts for) statements.

14.30–14.45 Break

14.45–16 Convene in the small cinema for discussion and rounding up

If you are interested in this event please contact Agryfp

The event is coordinated by Andrew Gryf Paterson, together with Susanna Ånäs (AvoinGLAM), in cooperation with Li-MA, with the support of Wikimedia Nederland, supported by Wikimedia Switzerland and Wikimedia Norway.

What you can do

  • Browse artists and artworks on these pages. The information is stored in Wikidata.
  • Edit information about artists and artworks in Wikidata.
  • Add new artists or artworks to Wikidata.
  • Add images of artists or artworks on Wikimedia Commons → View instructions.
  • Work with articles in the Wikiproject on Finnish Wikipedia.

What we can do together

  • Join the international Wikiproject Media art on Wikidata that works on data modelling for media art.
  • Join AvoinGLAM Media Art History project. It includes activities to inform artists and organizations about using open licenses and open platforms to document media art. In addition, an international event around the theme will be arranged in late 2024. Email avoinglam@okf.fi.

Past Events


Media Art History in the Future Seminar 2024

  • When: Fri 26 January at 10–16
  • Where: MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Center, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
  • Language: Finnish

Closing seminar of the MEHI – Media Art History in Finland Project gathers and conveys versatile information and practical tools accumulated in the MEHI project, and looks to the future, examining the place of media art as part of research and art history.

The goal of the seminar day is to inspire media art and museum professionals to continue historical work. In the morning workshops, the practices of media art cataloging and conservation planning, ontology for media art and open licensing of works of art will be presented. The subjects of the research-focused afternoon session will be introduced by e.g. FT Jussi Parikka, FT Riikka Niemelä and Media & Visual Artist Merja Puustinen.

Learning journal


This page shares Agryfp's 'Bridging Media Art History and Open Knowledge' Learning Journal as they become involved as an artist-organiser working with AvoinGLAM in Wikimedia orientated ecosystems.