Merchandise giveaways/Nominations/Tenryuu


Status:    Done
Why is this user awesome?

Tenryuu is one of those editors who is just super helpful. They're best known for their prolific copyediting, but personally I've encountered them mainly at the Teahouse, where they've provided considerate help to newcomers and contributed thoughtful comments on ways to improve the forum at its talk page. One anecdote that exemplifies their helpfulness is that I mentioned at one point that it'd be helpful for accessibility purposes to have a spoken version of w:visual impairment, and they just went ahead and did it, even though it's by no means a short article and they had never done a spoken recording before. For all this, they deserve some tangible wikilove!

  Approved Vermont (talk) 06:06, 13 June 2021 (UTC) Done 6.16.21[reply]