- See also: Requests for category deletion
This page describes the category system used on Meta-Wiki. [ویرایش]
.چنانچه صفحهای نو ایجاد کردید، یا صفحهٔ موجودی را ویرایش نمودید، لطفا، به منظور ناوبری، آنرا در یک یا چند ردهٔ مناسب قرار دهید
Be very cautious in changing a category tag in a template that is already in use: to keep the list of pages in the old and new category up-to-date you have to make a dummy edit in all pages that use the template. See A category tag in a template; caching problem.
Special:Categories is an automatically created list of categories.
Please go to Special:Uncategorizedpages and help categorizing.
Help page about categories describes how to use categories.
Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikimedia Foundation: everything directly related to the Wikimedia Foundation (Board, governance, bylaws...)
- Wikimedia finances: budget plans, donations...
- Wikimedia hardware
- Wikimedia history: historical pages
- Press
- Grants
- External contacts
Local chapters
- Wikimedia Deutschland: pages related to the German chapter
- Wikimédia France: pages related to Wikimédia France
- Wikimedia projects: should contain only the main pages of each Wikimedia project here on meta-wiki
- Wikibooks: everything related to Wikibooks
- Commons: everything related to Wikimedia Commons
- Wikipedia: everything related to Wikipedia
- Wikiquote: everything related to Wikiquote
- Wikisource: everything related to Wikisource
- Wiktionary: everything related to Wiktionary
- Wikinews: everything related to Wikinews
- Proposed projects: should contain the main pages of formally proposed new projects
Wikimedia world
- Community: lists of people, social stuff - everything which deals with the people involved in this project
- Issues: any issue that isn't about the users, but perhaps about content conventions, policies that affect many conflicts or communities, and so on
- Vision: blue-sky goals that probably can't be implemented near-term
- Humor: hopefully self-explaining ;-)
- Copyright: discussions of copyright, fair use and free licenses
- MediaWiki
- MediaWiki Development
- Documentation - Miscellaneous reference manuals
- MediaWiki handbook - MediaWiki handbook
- MediaWiki tools: external tools like wikisyntax-editors, bots
MediaWiki extensions:
Meta-Wiki is multilingual. To ease navigation please add the language code of the language the page is in as a category tag in capital letters.
This legacy system of categories is being deprecated (currently in migration). Now the categories are using "/language-code" suffixes like all other translated pages (using language codes in lowercase). And they have a category tree completely parallel to the root category (in English). For a list of translations consider moving to "translation category".
The purpose of this migration is to have all pages and categories migrated to use the Translate tool. Category description pages will also be described with the Translate tool used as well to create the full tree of categories for all languages with a simplified maintenance.
The following legacy categories are overpopulated and have become impossible to navigate or maintain.
- AR: عربی (العربية)
- BR: برتون (brezhoneg)
- CA: کاتالان (català)
- DE: آلمانی (Deutsch)
- EO: اسپرانتو (Esperanto)
- EL: یونانی (Ελληνικά)
- EN: انگلیسی (English)
- ET: استونیایی (eesti)
- ES: اسپانیایی (español)
- FA: فارسی (فارسی)
- FR: فرانسوی (français)
- HU: مجاری (magyar)
- ID: اندونزیایی (Bahasa Indonesia)
- IT: ایتالیایی (italiano)
- JA: ژاپنی (日本語)
- KM: خمری (ភាសាខ្មែរ)
- LA: لاتین (Latina)
- MK: مقدونی (македонски)
- NL: هلندی (Nederlands)
- PL: لهستانی (polski)
- PT: پرتغالی (português)
- RO: رومانیایی (română)
- RU: روسی (русский)
- ZH: چینی (中文)
Category Users contains Meta users list by languages.
- Meta-Wiki organisation: pages dedicated to keep Meta-Wiki usable