Meta:FormWizard/Config/Learning patterns/de

This page is a translated version of the page Meta:FormWizard/Config/Learning patterns and the translation is 30% complete.


"@language": "


   "@doc": "New learning pattern form wizard configuration file",
           "post-edit": "Thank you for starting a new pattern! Please improve it by filling in some of the other sections",
           "new-page": true,
           "namespace": ":",
           "portal-page": "Learning_patterns/",
           "page-template": "",
           "infobox": "Probox",
           "talkpage-template": "",
           "page-home": "Learning_patterns",
           "dialog-title": "Create a new learning pattern",
           "toolkit-name": "",
           "toolkit-template": "",
           "error-not-logged-in": "",
           "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new Learning Pattern ",
           "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)"
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Use this form to start your pattern. You can add and change things after the page is created!"
           "patternNameTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "examples: 'Keeping in touch with volunteers'",
               "title": "Pattern title",
               "text-1": "Provide a short, descriptive title for your pattern",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "validate": "doesNotExists",
           "patternLink": {
               "type": "link",
               "href": "",
               "link": "Browse existing patterns titles"
           "patternProblemSolvedTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "text-1": "Please summarize your pattern in a sentence or two.",
               "placeholder": "What problem are you trying to solve?",
               "title": "Pattern summary",
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "patternSolutionTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "Was ist deine Lösung?",
               "title": "",
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "patternProblemSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "text-1": "Write a more detailed description of the problem your pattern is intended to solve, the question it answers, or the situation in which you would use it.",
               "section": "What problem does this solve?",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "section",
               "section-header": "What problem does this solve?",
               "comment": ""
           "patternSolutionSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "text-1": "Write a more detailed description of how to solve the problem. You can also list the steps involved, give examples, and emphasize important considerations for using this pattern. You can always fill more in later!",
               "section": "Solution",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "section-header": "What is the solution?",
               "comment": ""
               "type": "cancelButton",
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Please categorize your pattern. Adding categories makes it easier for people to find your pattern."
           "primaryCategoryDropdown": {
               "type": "dropdownList",
               "title": "Hauptkategorie",
               "placeholder": "wählen...",
               "text-1": "Please select a primary category that this pattern fits into. You can add or change categories after your pattern has been created.",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "values": ["...", "conferences", "content release partnerships", "editathons", "education", "evaluation", "event", "gender", "GLAM", "hackathons", "outreach", "organizational", "online engagement", "on wiki writing contests", "photo events", "project management", "reporting", "survey", "teamwork", "volunteer management", "wiki design", "workshops"]
           "patternCategoryLink": {
               "type": "link",
               "href": "",
               "link": "Browse pattern categories"
           "secondaryCategoryDropdown": {
               "type": "dropdownList",
               "title": "Secondary category",
               "placeholder": "wählen...",
               "text-1": "If you want to, you may select a second category that this pattern fits into.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "values": ["...", "conferences", "content release partnerships", "editathons", "education", "evaluation", "event", "gender", "GLAM", "hackathons", "outreach", "organizational", "online engagement", "on wiki writing contests", "photo events", "project management", "reporting", "survey", "teamwork", "volunteer management", "wiki design", "workshops"]
           "grantProgramCategoryDropdown": {
               "type": "dropdownList",
               "title": "Grant program category",
               "placeholder": "wählen...",
               "text-1": "If you are creating this pattern in conjunction with a Wikimedia grant-funded project, please indicate which Grant Program you are funded by.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "values": ["...", "annual plan grant", "individual engagement grant", "project and event grant"]
           "grantProgramCategoryLink": {
               "type": "link",
               "href": "",
               "link": "Read more about Wikimedia Grantmaking"
           "outcomeCategoryDropdown": {
               "type": "dropdownList",
               "title": "Outcome category",
               "placeholder": "wählen...",
               "text-1": "If this pattern is focused on a Wikimedia strategic priority, please select the one that it addresses most directly.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "values": ["...", "content", "diversity", "quality", "reach"]
           "outcomeCategoryLink": {
               "type": "link",
               "href": "",
               "link": "Read more about Wikimedia strategic priorities"
               "type": "cancelButton",
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Select an image and create your pattern!"
               "type": "image",
               "title": "Chose a custom image to represent your pattern",
               "imageTitleBox": "To use a different image from Wikimedia Commons, enter 'File:' followed by the filename below",
               "text-1": "This is the default image that will appear",
               "placeholder": "File:MechaDuck.png",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "image",
               "validate": true,
               "link":"Search Wikimedia Commons for an image"
           "patternConsiderationsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Things to consider",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "patternSolutionSection",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Things to consider",
               "comment": ""
           "patternWhenToUseSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "When to use",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "patternSolutionSection",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "When to use",
               "comment": ""
           "endorsementsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Endorsements",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Endorsements",
               "comment": ""
           "seeAlsoSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "See also",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "See also",
               "comment": ""
           "relatedPatternsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Related patterns",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "seeAlsoSection",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Related patterns",
               "comment": ""
           "externalLinksSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "External links",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "seeAlsoSection",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "External links",
               "comment": ""
           "referencesSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "",
               "title": "",
               "section": "References",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "seeAlsoSection",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "References",

"value": "


           "statusLPL": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "status",
               "value": "DRAFT",
               "comment": ""
           "translationsLPL": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "translations",
               "value": "Probox/Patterns/Content",
               "comment": ""
           "portalLPL": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "portal",
               "value": "Patterns",
               "comment": ""
               "title":"Create your pattern"
