Meta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat/Archives/2014-09

Request for banner

Hi. The city of Oviedo (Spain) will be held during the next month a meetings and various activities to celebrate the 10 years of Uiquipedia, the Wikipedia in Asturian language. The organization is being done by users of Uiquipedia and it's supported by Wikimedia España (WMES). We need a campaign in CentalNotice to show a banner in order to promote maximum participation in the event. I have a draft banner here (It should be checked, the code might contain errors and I'd like to see a preview). The details of the campaign are as follow:

  • link: //ón_del_10u_Aniversariu
  • dates: from September 2nd to September 13th, both included.
  • logged-in and anonymous users.
  • Worldwide, all projects in Asturian language (ast:*)
  • text1: Wikipedia n'asturianu celebra'l so 10u aniversariu,
  • text2: axúntate a les actividaes que tendrán llugar n'Uviéu'l 12 y 13 de setiembre.

I make this request on behalf of ast.Wikipedia community (see the discussion page) and as board member of WMES. Thanks in advance. Montgomery (talk) 02:49, 30 August 2014 (UTC)

@Montgomery: I've added it to the CN Calendar and created a campaign and a banner (preview). I also made some changes to the actual banner. Height of the banner is 66px instead of 160px. Height/width of the logo is 50px instead of 150px. These changes were made because having a banner and an image of that size takes up too much space. No boldfaced text in text1 because the text is already in bold so it is ugly when the text is extra-bold. Unrelated to this post but for some reason CN is failing to "expand" {{{banner}}} and the css is broeken when used in the ids. Has anyone else encountered this issue? [1] --Glaisher (talk) 16:26, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the changes and fixes. I was not sure about the height of the logo. Indeed, 150px would have been too big. Montgomery (talk) 17:20, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
@Montgomery: So it can be enabled now? --Glaisher (talk) 17:21, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
Yes, go ahead. Thanks. Montgomery (talk) 17:27, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
Enabled. Found the error, thanks to Pcoombe. The CSS was broken because the banner name started with a digit and the resulting id name also started with a digit. --Glaisher (talk) 17:50, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
@Glaisher:. I ignore the reason, but the banner is being shown in all projects in Asturian language except Wikipedia. Montgomery (talk) 07:38, 2 September 2014 (UTC)
@Montgomery: Perhaps, it's due the MV consultation banner. I've increased the priority. Is it visible now? --Glaisher (talk) 12:21, 2 September 2014 (UTC)
Now it's working fine. Thanks a lot. Montgomery (talk) 14:10, 2 September 2014 (UTC)

Vandalism in the translations

Please check and delete all contribution of Soo Kam Fook (talk · contribs) (and blocked his). --Kaganer (talk) 07:54, 3 September 2014 (UTC)

Cleaned up. --Glaisher (talk) 11:37, 3 September 2014 (UTC)

Restoration of rights on Meta to a different account?

Hi, My name is Stemoc, I was previously known on this wiki as Cometstyles on this wiki. I was a bureaucrat and a Global rollbacker (working with the SWMT here) on meta. In February 2009, I left Meta and wikimedia as a whole and I requested all my rights to be removed. During my time here, I made nearly 4000 edits here, I helped out Stewards as well as worked with the SWMT to fight vandalism across wikimedia. I left because i felt that users that i had worked with had lost trust in me during my Request for Stewardship and my decision at that point in time was in haste and I regret it to this day. I was never actually banned on any wiki and the request for removal of my rights had nothing to do with any abuse of the tools. While working on meta (which was always my home wiki), I had been able to be part of WikiMedia instead of only one wikipedia. I also worked with stewards as mentioned above to help fight cross-wiki vandals and even administered more than 40 smaller wikis as well. Since we do not really have a policy on "re-sysopping" users that didn't leave "under a cloud" (I left on my own accord), I figured this was the best place to ask. Since i came back, I have missed not been able to do cross-wiki work which i was actually known for and even though i did spend a few years on commons and enwiki under this username, I realized I could be more useful to this project as this was something i felt was my area of interest and expertise....I was hoping for my rights to be restored to this account so i can continue with my work in developing meta and wikimedia as a whole...I even changed my signature to my old one cause i missed it..for those not able to understand why i chose the name "Stemoc", read backwards it says "comets" which has been my nickname on the wiki and IRC for nearly 8 years..I hope I still have the faith of the Meta community who entrusted me with those right so many years ago--Stemoc 12:18, 7 September 2014 (UTC)

I strongly support this request. Comets has always been a very helpful fellow whose experience and engagement I missed from the very first day of his disappearance. Hence, I was very happy to see him back around and would really appreciate if he could continue his work in a way that is suitable for him. Cheers, —DerHexer (Talk) 12:24, 7 September 2014 (UTC)
Hooray, welcome back! However I think you should make an RFA, since we have no policy on Meta that allows resysopping stuff. --MF-W 20:48, 7 September 2014 (UTC)
Welcome back. I think you should make a new RFA per MF-W (also, 5 years is quite a long time for Wikimedia) PiRSquared17 (talk) 22:50, 7 September 2014 (UTC)

Request review of questionable block

Beeblebrox's conversation moved to User talk:M7 as the courtesy would be be to await a response before escalating, and as there is conversation there already.  — billinghurst sDrewth 03:15, 2 September 2014 (UTC)

For the record, this block has been removed some time ago. --Glaisher (talk) 17:21, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

Translation Unified Login and missing translation updates generally

These are changes which can’t be translated yet. So the page in other languages still says that renames have to be requested on all wikis separately, see also Help:Unified login/de#Kann ich nach der Zusammenführung umbenannt werden?: „Ja, aber du musst die Umbenennung in jedem einzelnen Wiki beantragen.“ Although there are the first global renamers yet, users are still being informed that they shall request renames in each single wiki. This change has been made by a staff account, User:DGarry (WMF). Can you please tell me, why just the English page shall be updated, but not the translations of the page? Is this the way that the WMF helps users with understanding and diversity in languages? Why does nobody here at Meta mark such needed updates for translation for quite a long time, though everyone now is looking upon this SUL finalization and renamers? I don’t understand this, that’s what I want to say.

By the way, also here was an old link which I’ve updated a bit. I’m sure that it wouldn’t be marked for translation either for the next weeks or months, if noone comes here for requesting that. Why can’t sysops not regularly look upon the workflow, if there is anything changed on such pages which should be marked for translation? That’s also something which I don’t understand. It shouldn’t be necessary to always come here for those things. I suppose there’s a special page anywhere for such edits which need marking, isn’t it? Therefore, I’d like to request here that some sysops more regularly take a look upon those things. Otherwise, translations are getting too old and can’t be updated in time. That’s not good, as you can easily see (example renaming). I don’t even know, if it is possible to translate such an English update (updated some time ago), if it isn’t marked for translation yet, or if that is making another problem later. Kind regards --Winternacht (talk) 00:38, 5 September 2014 (UTC)

Done both some time ago. We are all volunteers so these things take time. You are also free to help with it. --Glaisher (talk) 17:13, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
Thanks also for further updating the text. But I don’t think that DGarry is a volunteer. This has been about marking already updated texts for translation, so that the pages also can be translated and aren’t left in the old version for the translations. Because I don’t know, if it is possible to translate updated text without it being marked for it, or if this means another problem on the pages. And this marking the updated text is not something I can do by myself, otherwise it would not have been necessary to come to this page for this. ;) So, thanks for that, now it’s much better.
Perhaps there might exist some kind of special page which lists those pages which have been updated, but were not yet been marked for translation? Then it would be good, if some sysops take a look at such a page from time to time, so that not every user who updates something has also to come to this page for marking it for translation. And if a staff user updates some text, it would also be good, if this would be marked soon for translation (and not weeks later such as here), so that not only the English version gets an update, and all the translation pages then just look like they were in an actual version, but in fact they aren’t anymore. I don’t think that this takes much time to mark such a version, and only (translation) sysop can do this, I can’t. This is, what I meant above. If there exists such a special page or a tool that lists unmarked, but updated pages, then it should be posted here, so that sysops can more regularly take a look at it who don’t know such a page either. --Winternacht (talk) 17:52, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
Staff accounts do not have pagetranslation right. There is Special:PageTranslation which lists all translatable pages (a lot!) with the extension. Pages that have edits since last mark for translation are in bold. --Glaisher (talk) 18:12, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

At a 'crat, bot bit for SteinsplitterBot

At Meta:Requests for bot status/SteinsplitterBot the bot task was approved, though no bit allocated due to the low edit rate. With the additional tasks from Meta:Requests for bot status/SteinsplitterBot 2 being approved, I would like to ask that the bot bit now be considered for allocation. Thanks.  — billinghurst sDrewth 01:14, 9 September 2014 (UTC)

Bot flag granted by Matanya. [2] --Glaisher (talk) 10:54, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

Vandalism in az translations?

Special:Contributions/ has been making some fishy edits... Can someone please check this over? FuzzyDice (talk) 03:58, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

Has been reverted by Stryn. --Glaisher (talk) 10:52, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
I just saw that. Thanks! FuzzyDice (talk) 13:50, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

Campaign and Banner

Bengali Wikipedia has arranged a photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. I want to add a central notice (campaign and banner) for it.

The needed informations
  • Link - Bangla Wikipedia Photography Contest 2014
  • Dates - 1 September to 31 October (00:00 UTC)
  • Purpose - Celebrating Bangla Wikipedia's 10 year
  • Project - Wikipedia
  • Language - Bengali (bn)
  • Logged in or Anonymous - Anonymous
  • Geonotice - Bangladesh (BD) (But anyone can add photos that represent Bangladesh)
  • Sponsor- Wikimedia Bangladesh

An Example of Banner can be found here. Thanks --Pratyya (Hello!) 14:10, 10 September 2014 (UTC)

@Pratyya Ghosh: This could be achieved with a local notice if the banner needs to be enabled on Bengali Wikipedia only. --Glaisher (talk) 17:30, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
(After seeing your request on IRC) Could you confirm that this needs to be enabled on all bn projects? --Glaisher (talk) 17:45, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
Actually can't it be a global banner. So all users from all the project get to know that a photography contest is going on @Glaisher:? --Pratyya (Hello!) 13:36, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
@Pratyya Ghosh: We could make the campaign enabled on all projects for users located at Bangladesh. I've created a banner (preview). Before it is enabled, please translate the banner and request that the sitenotice at bnwiki be disabled. We don't want two notices to be present. (Also, it's breaking the interface for me at bnwiki - using Chrome). --Glaisher (talk) 16:28, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Translation   Done. I've requested a sysop to remove the sitenotice from bnwiki. Anyway can this be enable at commons too? @Glaisher: --Pratyya (Hello!) 10:08, 13 September 2014 (UTC)

Hi. As an co-organiser of Slovak Wikipedia contest I, on behalf of Wikimedia Slovakia, ask for central banner described on Talk:CentralNotice/Calendar. The contest begin today. Please pay attention to view rate - the contest longs for 2 mounth and we don't want to support banner blindness (and want to support WLM more). Thanks! --KuboF (talk) 09:31, 8 September 2014 (UTC)

@KuboF: Is there a specific design for the banner or would the standard one be fine? --Glaisher (talk) 17:20, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
For reference: the one last year ([3]), but I personally prefer the "standard" banner design. PiRSquared17 (talk) 17:53, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
Standard design is fine. Thanks. --KuboF (talk) 15:44, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
@KuboF: Added to the CN calendar. Campaign here and banner here (preview). Let me know if anything needs to be fixed. --Glaisher (talk) 10:01, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Thanks to all! It works perfectly! --KuboF (talk) 18:38, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

Hi all! I need a CentralNotice banner for the w:es:Wikipedia:Encuentros/Editatón_Bibliotecario planned by Wikimedia Argentina in La Plata, next September 20th. The banner should be based on the design available here.

We want to try one campaign

  • link: //
  • from September 15th to September 20th
  • logged-in and anonymous users
  • only in Argentina, only in Spanish projects
  • Text 1: "¡Vení a editar Wikipedia al I Editatón Bibliotecario en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Pública de la Plata!"
  • Text 2: "Te esperamos el 20 de septiembre a partir de las 11am" ¡No te lo pierdas!"

Thanks a lot--Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:00, 15 September 2014 (UTC)

@Anna Torres (WMAR): Campaign here. Banner here. (preview). Please check the settings before it is enabled. --Glaisher (talk) 15:23, 17 September 2014 (UTC)

New banner for es.Wikipedia

Hi. Wikimedia España (WMES) will conduct a huge Wikipedia editing workshop in Madrid on 27th September in cooperation with three relevant institutions. We need a banner to ensure the maximum number of attendees. I created a banner here. The details of the campaign are:

  • link:ón_BNE_Madrid_2014
  • dates: 20th - 27th September, both included.
  • logged-in and anonymous users.
  • destined for Spanish users only. To be shown in all projects in Spanish language (es.*)
  • text1: Participa el próximo 27 de septiembre en la editatón de Madrid,
  • text2: organizada por la Biblioteca Nacional de España, la Real Academia Española y el Instituto Cervantes, en colaboración con Wikimedia España.

I make this request as WMES board member. Thanks in advance. Montgomery (talk) 18:38, 18 September 2014 (UTC)

@Montgomery: Campaign. Banner (preview). I made some adjustments to the logo size as it overflows. The WLM banner is also there. Should we limit the number of views for this banner?. --Glaisher (talk) 13:22, 19 September 2014 (UTC)
@Glaisher: I'm not sure about limiting the number of views. What do you recommend? Montgomery (talk) 17:06, 19 September 2014 (UTC)
I've enabled this campaign with traffic limited to 36% of total. --Glaisher (talk) 17:27, 19 September 2014 (UTC)