local m = {}
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-- above box
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m.fields.nav_text.key = "portal"
m.fields.nav_text.rank = 2
-- head section
m.fields.org = {}
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m.fields.incorporation.rank = 2
-- Image
--Implementing stage image. Would be good to implement a select or If then statement here to change default image using stage argument
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m.fields.website.rank = 6
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m.fields.annualreport.style2 = "color: #888888; font-style: italic;"
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m.fields.annualreport.default = "annual-report-default"
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m.fields.membership.key = "membership"
m.fields.membership.default = "membership-default"
m.fields.membership.rank = 9
m.fields.creator = {}
m.fields.creator.isRequired = true
m.fields.creator.vtype = "participant"
m.fields.creator.style = m.styles.field.h2
m.fields.creator.style2 = ""
m.fields.creator.style3 = "display:block;"
m.fields.creator.section = "participants"
m.fields.creator.arg = "creator"
m.fields.creator.key = "creator"
m.fields.creator.default = "creator-default"
m.fields.creator.rank = 1
m.fields.boardmember = {}
m.fields.boardmember.isRequired = false
m.fields.boardmember.vtype = "participant"
m.fields.boardmember.style = m.styles.field.h2
m.fields.boardmember.style2 = ""
m.fields.boardmember.style3 = "display:block;"
m.fields.boardmember.section = "participants"
m.fields.boardmember.arg = "boardmember"
m.fields.boardmember.key = "boardmember"
m.fields.boardmember.rank = 2
-- call to action section (buttons, etc)
m.fields.talk = {}
m.fields.talk.isRequired = true
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m.fields.talk.vtype2 = "link"
m.fields.talk.style = "display: inline; float:left; margin-right: 1em; margin-top: .5em"
m.fields.talk.style2 = ""
m.fields.talk.style3 = ""
m.fields.talk.section = "cta"
m.fields.talk.arg = "talk"
m.fields.talk.key = "talk"
m.fields.talk.rank = 1
m.fields.endorse = {}
m.fields.endorse.isRequired = true
m.fields.endorse.vtype = "image"
m.fields.endorse.vtype2 = "ui_button"
m.fields.endorse.style = "display:inline; float:right; margin-right: 1em;"
m.fields.endorse.style2 = ""
m.fields.endorse.style3 = ""
m.fields.endorse.class = "wp-endorse-button mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive"
m.fields.endorse.section = "cta"
m.fields.endorse.arg = "endorse"
m.fields.endorse.key = "endorse"
m.fields.endorse.rank = 2
-- below box
m.fields.timestamp = {}
m.fields.timestamp.isRequired = false
m.fields.timestamp.vtype = "text"
m.fields.timestamp.vtype2 = "body"
m.fields.timestamp.style = "display:inline; font-style: italic; font-size: .75em"
m.fields.timestamp.style2 = "margin-right: .25em"
m.fields.timestamp.style3 = ""
m.fields.timestamp.section = "below"
m.fields.timestamp.arg = "timestamp"
m.fields.timestamp.key = "timestamp"
m.fields.timestamp.rank = 1
-- categories
-- Note that, these categories won't be reflected on the Template,
-- Meta or User namespace as it's excluded in the Lua module implementation
-- of the template. See: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Module:Probox&diff=19138192&oldid=19119153
m.categories.default = "Category:Wikimedia_Chapter&ThOrg_Applications"
m.categories.base = "Category:Wikimedia_Chapter&ThOrg_Applications"
m.categories.status = {}
m.categories.status.open = "_open"
m.categories.status.bylaws_review = "_bylaws_review"
m.categories.status.committee_review = "_Committee_review"
m.categories.status.recommendation_drafting = "_recommendation_drafting"
m.categories.status.recommendation_submitted = "_recommendation_submitted"
m.categories.status.application_completed = "_completed"
m.categories.status.application_cancelled = "_cancelled"
-- navigation templates
return m