
This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Ambassadors Program/Grant and the translation is 38% complete.

申請書を作成するには、まずご自分のページ名を下記の記入欄に、利用者名/Movement Charter Ambassador Program※1の書式で書き込みます。利用者名か実名を選んで使えます。もしもウィキメディア財団(WMF)の提携団体として申請する場合は、提携団体の略号を使います。例えば"Wikimedia Cuteness Association/Movement Charter Ambassador Program"※2とか、"John Smith/Movement Charter Ambassador Program"※3.("※":原文表記は、1=YourName/Movement Charter Ambassador Program。意味は、2=ウィキメディア・カワイイ協会。3=ジョン・スミス。)


  • このパッケージは、運動憲章の議論に関心のある個人やグループが対象の情報源(リソース)です。コミュニティから、より多くの参加者が集まって関与するよう促す役割として、運動憲章サポートチームとコミュニティ資源チームのYop Rwang Pamより、この助成金への応募をお勧めしています。運動憲章に対するコミュニティの認識と関与を高める活動を実施する上で、この助成金をリソースとして支援として受給してください。詳細はプログラムのページをご覧ください
  • 今回のラウンドは、議論を主導する地域グループを支援します。各グループの予算は下限から上限まで500-2000アメリカドルを支給します。


  • This package is open to groups within various communities across the movement. Any group that is interested in being the Movement Charter Ambassador for their region is encouraged to apply.
  • Applications that are a team effort of more than 2 people are highly encouraged.
  • Applicants seeking to engage with underrepresented language communities will be prioritized.
  • This package is designed to further enable Movement Strategy recommendation #4 Equity in Decision-making. It is expected that there will be one grant within a target region.
  • Decisions will be made to ensure there are no overlaps. Applicants are expected to gather endorsements within their communities and this will be taken into consideration in the decision process as well.


  • Translate: Translate documents that have not yet been translated, to ensure that Movement Charter content is accessible for community engagement.
  • Host: Host community conversations about Movement Charter and the ways that it will affect their work.
  • 共有:共有(Share) フィードバックや推奨事項を言語コミュニティの参加者から集めてこの作業から得た学びとし、報告書の作成により、その成果をグローバルなコミュニティと共有します。波及効果をより広めるため、メタウィキと MS フォーラムを使ってください。
  • Note: Research activities WILL NOT be funded for this package.


  • 応募の呼びかけ開始: 2024年2月26日
  • 募集のお知らせ終了: 2024年3月11日
  • プロジェクトの実行期間: 2024年3月25日 - 2024年4月22日
  • 成果報告書の提出: 2024年4月21日
これは運動憲章大使プログラムの、標準的な企画申請書(パッケージ)の架空の例 です。
target提携団体 X
start dateMarch
start year2024
end dateApril
end year2024
budget (local currency)(該当なし)
budget (USD)(該当なし)
grant typeOrganization
contact(s)• Example person



This grant example also contains a number of useful resources and documents that may help you achieve the desired goals.



(Please select one of the Initiatives described here, and explain why is this grants package important within your community?)

24. Movement Charter: To ensure that our communities within our underrepresented region are fully engaged in conversations about the governance of the movement.




Some members of our community are not aware of the Movement Charter. This lack of awareness means that many are not fully engaged. This project provides an opportunity for our community members to come together to discuss and learn more about decision-making within the movement and how these decisions affect them and the valuable work that is happening.



タスク名 開始日 終了日
メタウィキのページを言語A、B、Cに翻訳 2024年3月25日 2024年4月1日
Engagement with community X 2024年4月1日 2024年4月5日
Engagement with community Y 2024年4月8日 2024年4月12日
Engagement with community Z 2024年4月15日 2024年4月19日
Summary of meetings posted on Meta 2024年4月19日 2024年4月21日

A minimum of two languages within a region are requested to be engaged for each group applying.

We aim to begin this project immediately. The timelines for this project are detailed above, but we will specifically carry out these activities;

  • Translations and documentation, where translations do not already exist.
  • Community outreach and pre-consultation engagements, to let the community know about the upcoming conversations.
  • Community engagement (online meeting to discuss feedback):
  • Community engagement (in-person meeting to discuss feedback), where necessary.
  • Feedback notes shared on meta and with the MCDC:
  • Joining Movement Charter consultations, communications and engagements that are happening in the region. We will work closely with the regional specialists on these regional calls.

A final project financial report is due 30 days after the project has come to completion. The due date for the report is May 25, 2024.

Where will your project activities be happening?

(Below are some examples of how and where your project activities are happening. Please select those that apply to your engagement/ your community)

  • Online: we will host online meetings to onboard the community. We will invite Movement Strategy facilitators and members of the MCDC to join these online conversions so people have an opportunity to engage directly and get immediate responses to their questions.
  • Hybrid: Some of our community members would like to meet in-person for these conversations, while others will be remote. The aim is to make sure that the first conversations happen with everyone in the discussions. We aim to ensure that everyone is truly included
  • In-person (offline): Our community members are available to meet in-person. People engage better this way, however we will keep the meetings informal which means we will not be renting space to hold these conversations but will provide attendees with refreshments.

Are you collaborating with others on this project?

(please provide details of how partners intend to work together to achieve the project goal)

  1. Coordinator: Responsible for the major activities of the project, including receiving the grants funds, writing the grants report, and coordinating between the other collaborators.
  2. Translator: A community member will be working to translate Movement Strategy pages to our languages.
  3. Outreach & Awareness: Another community member will distribute the translated documents to introduce our community to Movement Strategy and Implementation Grants.

Project Activities

What specific activities will be carried out during this project?

(Please describe the specific activities that will be carried out during this project.)

  • Translations: the following documents and pages will be translated
    • Movement Charter content pages
    • Reports pages
    • Forms / Survey translations
    • Conversation events pages
    • Announcements
  • Community Engagement:
    • Outreach: While we are working on translations, we will make sure to reach out to the communities and inform them about the upcoming engagements.
    • MCDC community workshop: We will host an initial 90 minute workshop. This workshop will be about sharing the details of the Movement Charter with our community members. We will share practical examples of why their contribution to the Movement Charter discussions is important.
    • MCDC community conversation: We will host another 90 minute conversation session with our community members to discuss a shared plan and approach for how we engage in Movement Charter discussions

What other tools would you require, apart from the list already shared?

(Please note that some tools requested may not be available. You are invited to suggest developing these tools where they are not available)

  • A Zoom link for the meetings. We have all the tools we will need for this project

How do you intend to keep communities updated on the progress and outcomes of the project?

(Please add the names or usernames of these individuals responsible for updating the community)

  • Meta
  • Movement Strategy Forum
  • Diff blog platform
  • Village pumps
  • Telegram group
  • Other community channels for people to know


How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too! (Consider using this budget template to breakdown your budget. Note that only the budget line items below will be approved for this program)

  • Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing):
  • Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work):
  • Translation (translation costs for briefs and global materials):
  • Coordination (coordinator work to manage or support multiple workflows to prepare for meeting):
  • オンラインツールまたはサービス(オンライン会議プラットフォームの購読料や登録料、SNSの受発信経費):
  • データ(主催者または参加者がインターネットまたはモバイル機器を使って活動に参加もしくはアクセスする通信費):
  • 交通費(会議に出席する主催者または参加者の移動経費):
  • 飲食費(対面活動中の軽食、昼食、またはその他の食事に関連する費用):
  • その他
