Carta del Moviment/Comitè Redactor/Procés de configuració

This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Set Up Process and the translation is 34% complete.

Es preveu que el Comitè de Redacció de la Carta del Moviment comenci amb 15 persones.

Una convocatòria de candidats té lloc del 2 d'agost al 14 de setembre de 2021. La convocatòria està oberta a voluntaris de projectes wiki i afiliats, així com a personal remunerat d'afiliats i de la Fundació Wikimedia.

La llista de tots els candidats és pública a Meta. Les matrius de diversitat i experiència informen les parts interessades sobre les qualitats desitjades del comitè de redacció.

There is a 4-step process for setting up the committee:

  1. Nomination process to create the candidate pool.
  2. Election process for project communities to elect 7 members of the committee.
  3. Selection process for affiliates to select 6 members of the committee.
  4. Wikimedia Foundation process to appoint 2 members of the committee.


  • July - August 1, 2021 - Preparations
  • August 2 - September 14, 2021 - Nominations
  • September 15 - October 10, 2021 - Election and selection set up
  • October 11 - 24, 2021 - Community elections
  • October 11 - 24, 2021 - Affiliate selection
  • October 25 - 31, 2021 - WMF appointment
  • By October 31, 2021 - Announcement of the Committee

Procés de nominació

  • The call for candidates takes place from August 2nd to September 14th 2021.
    • The call is open to volunteers from wiki projects and affiliates as well as paid staff from affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
    • The Diversity and Expertise matrices inform stakeholders about the desired qualities of the drafting committee.
  • The list of all candidates is public on Meta.
    • Candidates will publicly nominate themselves filling the candidacy template with a logged in user account.
    • Candidates are expected to fill in the nomination template in its entirety.
    • The template can be filled in in any language. Candidate statements will be translated to a number of languages and in this process also English translations will be provided.
  • There is one single pool of candidates regardless of affiliation.
    • All committee members will be elected, selected or appointed from this common pool of candidates.
  • There is an eligibility check for the candidates.
    • Candidates should not be sanctioned in any Wikimedia project or have an event ban. There are no eligibility criteria regarding the number of edits.
    • They are identified to the Foundation as they are appointed.
  • Candidates cannot be selectors of the affiliate selection process.

Election process

The election process is designed to involve online project communities in the Drafting Committee set up.

  • To be eligible for voting a user must:
    • not be blocked in more than one project;
    • and not be a bot;
    • and have made at least 300 edits before 12 September 2021 across Wikimedia wikis;
    • and have made at least 20 edits between 12 March 2021 and 12 September 2021.
  • Affiliates and the Foundation will have their own respective processes and
    • Affiliate staff and volunteer organizers will not be eligible to vote.
    • Foundation staff will not be eligible to vote;
    • (However, individual staff members may still be eligible to vote as ordinary users).
  • Voting will be conducted using SecurePoll.
    • The elections will be set up and managed by the Movement Strategy and Governance team of the Wikimedia Foundation.
    • There will not be appointed scrutineers for the election process, yet the data will be published day-to-day for transparency.
  • The elections will use the Single Transferable Vote method.
    • Top 7 candidates will be appointed to be part of the Drafting Committee with a constraint of no more than 2 elected members per wiki project.
    • The 8th and 9th candidate will remain in the stand-by list to act as an alternate if needed.
  • Election process will take place from October 11 to October 24, 2021 (AoE).
  • Results of the elections will be announced before the end of October 31, 2021.

Selection process

The selection process is designed to involve affiliates in the Drafting Committee set up.

  • For conducting this process, a selection committee formed by affiliates will be set in place.
  • The selection committee will be formed based on a regional approach.
  • The proposed distribution of regions, based on the existing collaborations:
    • Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia
    • East Asia, South East Asia, and Pacific
    • Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Middle East and North Africa
    • North America
    • South America and Caribbean
    • South Asia
    • Western and Northern Europe
    • Thematic organizations without a regional component
  • Each region will appoint 1 selector in a transparent affiliate selecting process to form a 9 member Selection Committee.
    • Each region decides their preferred selection method.
    • The selectors need to be appointed and the committee formed by October 10, 2021
  • The selection process will run in parallel to the election process and will focus on adding diverse expert profiles to the Drafting Committee based on the Diversity and Expertise matrices.
    • Every selector will create their list of preferences.
    • There will be a meeting to discuss the preferences and to finalize the selection across the group.
    • The selection will be conducted between October 11 - 24, 2021
  • The results of the selection process and the Drafting Committee members will be announced before the end of October 31, 2021.
  • Appointed selectors cannot be candidates for the Drafting Committee.

Appointment by the Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation selects 2 members of the Drafting Committee.

  • The Foundation will nominate two staff members, who will join the common pool of candidates.
  • The Foundation will appoint 2 selectors by October 10, 2021.
  • One day after the results of the projects’ election and the affiliates’ selection, the Foundation will select two additional candidates from the pool on the week of October 25 – 31, 2021.
  • The results of the WMF selection process will be announced before the end of October 31, 2021.

Calculating results

  • When counting the results, the following order will be taken: 1. elections, and 2. selection.
    • This means that, in the elections process, the 7 top candidates will be first appointed.
    • Afterwards, the top candidates in the affiliate selection process will be ranked. If any of them has been elected already, they will be skipped. Eventually, 6 additional top candidates will be appointed through the selection process.

Additional appointment and replacement

  • After the committee is constituted, they can optionally select up to three additional candidates by consensus. This is to bridge any diversity and expertise gaps.
  • If any of the committee members is no longer available to fulfill their duties, member replacement mechanisms will be used:
    • Election process is set up to provide 2 alternates for elected candidates.
    • Selection group will be reconvened to replace any candidate nominated by selection.
    • WMF selectors will replace any candidate nominated by WMF.

Versions anteriors

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