Jawatankuasa Ponggubal/Piagam Koguraan

This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee and the translation is 74% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Movement Charter Drafting Committee at the Wikimedia Summit 2024.
Movement Charter Drafting Committee at Wikimania 2023.
Movement Charter Drafting Committee at an in-person working session in New York City, March 2024.
Movement Charter Drafting Committee at an in-person working session in Atlanta, January 2024.
Movement Charter Drafting Committee at an in-person working session in Utrecht, June 2023.
Jawatankuasa Ponggubal Piagam Koguraan id Wikimedia Summit 2022.

Jawatankuasa Ponggubal Piagam Koguraan (MCDC) kitonggungan do monggubal Piagam Koguraan.


Jawatankuasa diti winonsoi ontok 1 Milau 2021 maya piomungan mogikaakawo pomili om kaida-kaida pomilian suai.

Puru tinimungan

Puru tinimungan MCDC nopo nga' kohompit no mantad projek, puru piomungan, om Yayasan Wikimedia. Montok toilaan potilombus, rumomut id Matrik Piagam Koguraam.

Kopisudong do pibatasan pogulu, puru MCDC monorimo pongolus montok poposulimbang kos mampayat. Kos iti nopo nga' soginumu US$50 monikid duo tulan.

Puru tinimungan MCDC id timpu diti (miampai aiso kouludan pointantu, todoso montok lobi ogumu toilan):

Okon no ko' puru tinimungan


The idea behind the MCDC Advisors initiative is to gather in-depth feedback and content contributions from a range of people beyond the MCDC membership with the flexibility to participate to their preferred extent. The advisory role is voluntary.


  • participated in certain MCDC working meetings and discussions under the Chatham House rule;
  • worked on the furthering of drafts, by MCDC invitation; and
  • received previews of the drafts for early input and feedback.

Advisors did not possess voting rights, were not required to travel, and were not granted access to confidential or privileged information beyond their involvement in Charter drafts. Advisors had access to Charter drafts that may be embargoed.

Advisors to the MCDC and their respective Wikimedia regions, as of 26 October 2023:

Kakitangan monokodung

At the time of its dissolution on August 31, 2024, the MCDC was supported by the following staff from Wikimedia Foundation: