Movement Charter/Ratification/Voting/ms
Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter was held 25 June–9 July 2024.
Latar belakang
This vote was organized in accordance to these two documents:
- Movement Charter chapter on Ratification; and
- Movement Charter supplementary document on ratification methodology.
Voting process
The voting period was from June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC to July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
Individual vote
If you are eligible to vote:
- Review the resources for voters.
- Decide whether to support or oppose the adoption of the Charter. If opposing, write down recommended changes to the Charter to include with your vote.
- Learn how to record your vote with SecurePoll.
- Go to the SecurePoll voting page and follow the instructions.
- Remind other community members to vote.
Affiliates vote
The Affiliates vote will be carried out using SecurePoll, with only the designated voters able to access the voting interface. The SecurePoll for the affiliate vote will be hosted as a local election on Meta, and the list of voters will be publicly visible. The personal information of the designated voter will be treated with the same level of confidentiality as is detailed in the WMF Privacy Policy as the vote will take place on a WMF site.
Resources for voters
Voter eligibility criteria
For a quick verification of whether you are eligible to vote or not, please use the AccountEligibility tool.
Reading materials
Here are some materials that voters can read before casting their vote:
- Final text of the Movement Charter (translated by contracted translators into Arabic, Czech, Persian, French, German, Hausa, Hindi, Igbo, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese)
- Summary of the Charter text (474 words, ~3 minutes reading time)
- .pdf version of the final text (English)
- Audio versions of the final text in English, Igbo, Arabic, Kannada, Spanish and Indonesian
- Supplementary documents to the Movement Charter, which provide further context on the Charter’s content, include information on topics related to the Charter, MCDC's suggestions for policy or process development or consideration by the Global Council after the Charter is ratified, orrocesses related to the Charter ratification vote. They are not part of the Charter, therefore not included in the ratification vote.
- High level analysis of the content, a response to the prior community feedback and requests asking for an overview of what are the actual proposed changes of the Charter.
- Frequently asked questions about the ratification vote
- as announced by the Charter Electoral Commission on July 18, 2024
Helo semua,
Menyusul proses pengiraan undi individu dan pertubuhan bersekutu tempatan Wikimedia, Suruhanjaya Pengundian Piagam dengan ini mengumumkan hasil pungutan undi pengesahan Piagam Gerakan Wikimedia.
Sebagaimana yang telah diumumkan oleh Suruhanjaya sebelumnya, undian ini mencapai kuorum sah untuk proses undian individu mahupun pertubuhan bersekutu tempatan pada semasa ditutup pada tanggal 9 Juli pukul 23:59 UTC. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kepada 2.451 pengundi individu dan 129 perwakilan pertubuhan bersekutu tempatan Wikimedia yang telah mengundi. Undi dan komen Anda amat berharga untuk menentukan masa hadapan Strategi Pergerakan.
Keputusan akhir pengundian pengesahan Piagam Gerakan Wikimedia diadakan antara 25 Jun dan 9 Julai 2024 adalah seperti berikut:
Undian individu:
Dari 2.451 undi yang diterima sebelum pukul 23:59 UTC tanggal 9 Julai, 2.446 undi dinyatakan sah. Tercatat 1.710 undi "ya"; 623 undi "tidak"; dan 113 undi memilih "-" (berkecuali). Oleh kerana undi berkecuali tidak dihitung, 73.30% pengundi memberikan undi untuk menyokong pengesahan Piagam (1710/2333), manakala 26.70% memilih untuk menolak pengesahan (623/2333).
Undian pertubuhan bersekutu:
Dari 129 perwakilan pertubuhan bersekutu tempatan yang membuang undi sebelum pukul 23:59 UTC tanggal 9 Julai, 129 undi dinyatakan sah. Tercatat 93 undi "ya"; 18 undi "tidak"; dan 18 undi memilih "-" (berkecuali). Oleh kerana undi berkecuali tidak dihitung, 83.78% pertubuhan bersekutu tempatan memberikan undi untuk menyokong pengesahan Piagam (93/111), manakala 16.22% memilih untuk menolak pengesahan Piagam (18/111).
Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia:
Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia telah memutuskan untuk tidak menyokong pengesahan Piagam Gerakan pada mesyuarat khas tanggal 8 Juli 2024. Yang di-Pertua Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Nataliia Tymkiv membagikan hasil, resolusi dan nota mesyuarat tersebut, beserta langkah selanjutnya yang akan diambil.
Dengan ini, Piagam Gerakan Wikimedia dalam semakan terkininya tidak disahkan.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas penyertaan anda dalam detik penting ini dalam tadbir urus gerakan kita.
Suruhanjaya Pemilihan Piagam,
Abhinav619, Borschts, Iwuala Lucy, Tochiprecious, Der-Wir-Ing
Electoral Commission
Contact us:
cec wikimedia org
The Charter Electoral Commission (CEC) is a temporary commission formed specifically to provide guidance, support and management of the voting process seeking ratification of the Movement Charter. Its work will be complete at the time the vote result is published. The commission is responsible to:
- Work with the selected MCDC members to finalize rules of the election
- Formalize process for addition of voters to the SecurePoll voter list
- Review, improve, and finalize the voting process for affiliates
- Directly manage the affiliate voting process
- Oversee the SecurePoll voting process
- Resolve unplanned or unexpected issues that arise during both the affiliate and SecurePoll voting processes
- Act as liaisons with WMF staff assigned to the technical aspects of SecurePoll
- Act as liaisons with scrutineers
- Announce the result of the affiliate and SecurePoll voting processes
MCDC liaisons
Vote scrutineers
The scrutineers are responsible for completing the scrutineering of votes, signing off that scrutineering is complete, and they present their confirmation to the CEC, which is responsible to run the final tally and to report the final results. For the purpose of this vote, the scrutineers will be following a slightly modified version of the English Wikipedia election scrutineer guide.
Support staff