Movement Strategy/About/Transition/Reports/GlobalOpenInitiative

General Information

Field Information
Name of your group Global Open Initiative Foundation
Time and date of the event 28th November 2020 from 10am to 12:30pm
5th December 2020 from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Who attended? First event: 41 participants and Second event: 39 participants
GOI partners, team and community members
Who facilitated? Emmanuel Yeboah,Zita Ursula Zage
Who took notes? Nana Yaa



Q1. Which recommendations will respond to your community’s needs?

Choose Your Top Priorities   Why is it prioritized?
Example: recommendation 2, improve user experience Example: Having a more engaging interface will excite more people from our community to want to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
1.Increase the sustainability of our movement We want to grow as a community as a result, we realise there is a need to create awareness about the Wikimedia movement so we can recruit more volunteers into our community and the Wikimedia community at large.
2.Invest in skills and leadership We assessed ourselves and realised that, in order to expand our community like we desire, we need to upgrade our skills in relation to building and maintaining existing partnerships, retaining volunteers and attracting new ones.
3.Improve user experience A lot of our community members who do not have laptops find it hard to edit the Wikimedia platforms using their phones, if the user experience of these platforms are improved on mobile, this will be of so much help to these people.

Q2.From the recommendations, which specific actions and changes would you want prioritized in 2021?

Choose Your Top Priorities   Why is it prioritized?
Example: recommendation 2, improve user experience Example: Having a more engaging interface will excite more people from our community to want to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
1. Increase awareness about our movement Making a lot of outreach and partnering with secondary and tertiary institutions, hubs, galleries, archives, museums and libraries can help us increase awareness in Ghana. Sharing our individual inspiring stories and motivation for being a part of the Wikimedia movement can also help attract more volunteers.
2.Global approach for local skill development - gathering data, matching peers, mentorship, recognition Provision of skill building materials for volunteers to work with and frequently organising workshops and training for volunteers.Developing mentorship programs for volunteers.

Q3. What human capacity and / or financial resources do you need to work on implementation?


Think of your existing resources, the movement’s vast resources, and the support infrastructure you may need for moving ideas forward.

  • Training for our team in the area of how to retain existing volunteers and attract new ones, manage existing partnerships and establish new ones
  • Funding to run outreach programs and continues activities with our partners
  • Laptops for dedicated volunteers who do not have laptops but still try to contribute

Q4. Which initiatives do you think should be the top focus for global coordination?


Think global, movement-wide changes needed.

  • Global revenue generation policy + fundraising strategy
  • Funding for underrepresented communities