Movement Strategy/About/Transition/Reports/GroupName

Part 1 of 2 - General Information

Field Information
Name of your group
Time and date of the event
Who attended?
Who facilitated?
Who took notes?

Part 2 of 2 - Prioritization


Q1. Which recommendations will respond to your community’s needs?[1]

Choose Your Top Priorities   Why is it prioritized?
Example: recommendation 2, improve user experience Example: Having a more engaging interface will excite more people from our community to want to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
Example, knowledge management is important for the global movement (recommendation 7) Example: As a movement, we need to better document our work to create opportunities for learning.

Q2.From the recommendations, which specific actions and changes would you want prioritized in 2021?[2]

Choose Your Top Priorities   Why is it prioritized?
Example: recommendation 2, improve user experience Example: Having a more engaging interface will excite more people from our community to want to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
Example: under allocation of resources  (recommendation 4), we are interested in “the Movement should play a guiding role in resource allocation.” Example: A flexible resource allocation framework will allow us to respond to our needs and be able to lead work relating to movement strategy.

Q3. What human capacity and / or financial resources do you need to work on implementation?

Think of your existing resources, the movement’s vast resources, and the support infrastructure you may need for moving ideas forward.

Q4. Which initiatives do you think should be the top focus for global coordination?

Think global, movement-wide changes needed.


  1. There are 10 recommendations to choose from. Think of the work you’re already doing in your community and what else you want to do. At the same time, think of the whole Wikimedia movement and what we should prioritize globally to face the future.
  2. Think about the initiatives that will respond to your community’s needs. Each of the 10 recommendations has multiple changes and actions or initiatives. There are 45 all together.