Movement Strategy/Atụmatụ/Mmekọrịta obodo gburugburu imewe ngwaahịa na UX
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Ntinye aka obodo gburugburu imewe ngwaahịa na UX

Ịkwalite Ahụmịhe Onye Ọrụ nke ikpo okwu Wikimedia kwesịrị ịdabere na mmekọrịta obodo gburugburu nhazi ahụmịhe onye ọrụ. Nke a pụtara na a ga-agwa ndị obodo gbasara ọnọdụ ahụmịhe onye ọrụ ugbu a, dịka ọmụmaatụ: site na ịkpọ okwu akọwapụtara ma ọ bụ akwụkwọ akụkọ. Ekwesịrị ịkpọ oku obodo ka ha sonye na melite ahụmịhe onye ọrụ, dịka ọmụmaatụ: site n'ibu ọrụ nke ịzụlite ụfọdụ njirimara ahụmịhe onye ọrụ.
Ntinye aka obodo gburugburu imewe ngwaahịa na UX: * Gwa ndị obodo gbasara ọnọdụ UX, jikọọ aka na mkpa, ma kwado ha n'ibu ọrụ iji bụrụ ndị na-esonyere ya site n'ịgbasa ihe mgbochi na-egbochi uto, mgbanwe dị iche iche, na nsonye.

Join or start a discussion on Meta or the "Melite ahụmịhe onye ọrụ" space of the Movement Strategy Forum.
Apply for a Movement Strategy implementation grant to create a project that advances this initiative.
Get help
If you need help in getting involved, please don't hesitate to get in touch directly with members of the Movement Strategy and Governance Team. They are here to help!
You can write to the team in any of 19 languages (listed on the team's page), by writing an email to: strategy2030wikimedia
Initiative | Project | Stakeholder type | Project lead | Geography of the project | Implementation Phase |
10. Community engagement around product design and UX | Growth features | WMF | |||
10. Community engagement around product design and UX | Design Research | WMF | |||
10. Community engagement around product design and UX | Peer Support Networks within the Wikimedia Movement | WMF |
Akwụkwọ ndị emetụtara na mkparịta ụka

Ụfọdụ n'ime mkparita ụka gara aga, ederede na ụdị ochie nke ntụnye Movement Strategy nke nwere ike inye nkọwa ọzọ na atụmatụ a:
- Nkwanye dị iche iche #1: Ewebata ụkpụrụ gbadoro ụkwụ na ndị mmadụ n'ime otú Wikimedia
- Ndụmọdụ dị iche iche #2: Ịnweta njiri mara onwe yana usoro siri ike nke ezubere iche iche na ahụike obodo.
- Nkwanye dị iche iche #3: Ịhazigharị nyiwe maka ụdị mmadụ dị iche iche na ahụmịhe ọdịnaya
- Mkparịta ụka mmalite na Meta (2020)
- Nchọpụta: Ịhazi arịrịọ ọrụ maka imelite ahụmịhe onye ọrụ yana ịhazi ojiji akụrụngwa (2018)