Movement Strategy/Atụmatụ/Amụma ụzọ mwete ego gburugburu na atụmatụ inweta ego ọrụ
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Amụma ụzọ nnweta na atụmatụ nnweta ego ọrụ

Iji welite nnọsike nke otu anyị, ekwesịrị imepụta atụmatụ ịnweta ego na usoro ịchịkọta ego iji tinye akwụkwọ maka ụlọ ọrụ otu Wikimedia niile. Amụma a agaghị emetụta naanị Wikimedia Foundation, kamakwa nye ndị mmekọ niile. Ebumnuche nke amụma a bụ ịchọpụta ka Foundation na ndị mmekọ nwere ike isi nweta ego, ikwe ka ndị mmekọ gburugburu ụwa sonye n'ịkwakọba ego, na ime ka ụdị ego a na-enweta na otu ahụ dị iche iche.
- Mepụta amụma na-emetụta ụlọ ọrụ otu niile iji depụta iwu maka ịnweta ego na iji kọwapụta ihe enwere ike ịmegharị na ọnọdụ na mkpa mpaghara. Amụma a ga-edozi nnọsike, ebumnuche anyị na ụkpụrụ anyị, yana nnwere onwe ego. N'ime usoro iwu a, anyị ga-:
- EKesa ọrụ nke ndị na-enweta ego n'ofe ụlọ ọrụ otu ma zụlite nkà ịchịkọta ego mpaghara iji kwalite nkwado.
- Mụbawanye ego ana-enweta ma kesaa ụdị ego a na-enweta n'ofe òtù ahụ, ebe ị na-ahụ na a na-enweta ego ma jiri ya mee ihe n'ụzọ doro anya ma ịza ajụjụ gbasara ya.

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You can write to the team in any of 19 languages (listed on the team's page), by writing an email to: strategy2030wikimedia
Initiative | Project | Stakeholder type | Project lead | Geography of the project | Implementation Phase |
4. Global revenue generation policy + fundraising strategy | Overall Initiative Coordination | ||||
4. Global revenue generation policy + fundraising strategy | Wikimedia Enterprise | WMF | Enterprise | Global | Execution & Implementation |
Akwụkwọ metụtara na mkparịtaụka

- Nchịkọta ọrụ nke Wikimedia Foundation
- Ọkwa kwa mgbe gbasara nnweta ego ọrụ nke Wikimedia Foundation n'eme
- Nnweta ego ọrụ na atụmatụ usoro nkesa (2011-12)
- Atụmanya ọrụ nkenye ngwaọrụ #G: Kesaa ngwaọrụ maka ikike na nnọsike
- Atụmatụ ọrụ usoro nnweta #4: Mụbaa nnweta ego ọrụ nke gburugburu òtù
- Atụmatụ ọrụ usoro nnweta #5: mepee ụzọ n'ezighị enweta ego nye ndị ngalaba òtù
- Atụmatụ ọrụ ego enwetara #6: Tọọ ebumnuche nkwado ego maka ndị niile na-eme so na otu
- Atụmatụ ọrụ ego enwetara #6: Ịnwe ụzọ nnweta ego dị iche iche