Movement Strategy/Atụmatụ/mbawanye mmata Wikimidịa
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Welite ọmụma gbasara òtù Wikimedia

Iji welite nnọsike nke otu anyị, anyị kwesịrị ịbawanye mmata gbasara ya na ọrụ ya. Nke a gụnyere, dịka ọmụmaatụ, ịmepụta vidiyo ma ọ bụ ịhazi mkpọsa iji webata ọrụ Wikimedia nye ndị na-ege ntị na otu ọhụrụ. Nke a ga-eme ka nkwado nke mmasị na mmegharị ahụ si n'aka ndị mmadụ dị ka ndị na-agụ akwụkwọ, òtù ndị mmekọ na ndị na-enye onyinye, yana iweta ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo ọhụrụ.
Bawanye mmata gbasara njem Wikimedia, ụkpụrụ ya,nweta ya, ọrụ ya, na otu ya gburugburu ụwa -iji nweta nchọ, ntụkwasị Obi, na mmasị nke mmụta ndị ọgụụ, ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo, ndị njikọ aka, na ndị onyinye.

Join or start a discussion on Meta or the "Bawanye nnọsike nke otu anyị" space of the Movement Strategy Forum.
Apply for a Movement Strategy implementation grant to create a project that advances this initiative.
Get help
If you need help in getting involved, please don't hesitate to get in touch directly with members of the Movement Strategy and Governance Team. They are here to help!
You can write to the team in any of 19 languages (listed on the team's page), by writing an email to: strategy2030wikimedia
Initiative | Project | Stakeholder type | Project lead | Geography of the project | Implementation Phase |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Overall Initiative Coordination | ||||
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom | WMF | Community Programs | Global | Execution & Implementation |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | #Lib1Ref (Librarians) | WMF | Community Programs | Global | Execution & Implementation |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Programs geared towards museum professionals to increase connections with Wikimedia Projects | WMF | Community Programs | Global | Project Planning |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | EduWikiWeek | WMF | Community Programs | Global | Execution & Implementation |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Sound Logo | WMF | Brand Studio | Project Planning | |
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Publication for the Bengali language community | Bengali Community | |||
3. Increased awareness about the Wikimedia Movement | Wikimedia Enterprise | WMF | Enterprise | Global | Execution & Implementation |
Akwụkwọ metụtara na mkparịtaụka

Ụfọdụ n'ime mkparita ụka gara aga, ederede na ụdị ochie nke atụmanya ọrụ Movement Strategy nke nwere ike inye nkọwa ndị ọzọ na atụmatụ a:
- Ọrụ ọhụrụ nke njem a afọ 2030 (Akwụsịrị kemgbe 2030)
- Atụmanya ọrụ Nrụpụta na technuzu #5: Kesaa mmata nrụpụta (2019)
- Nchịkọta nyocha ọhụrụ (2017)
- N'ilebanya 2030: Ntughari igwe - kedu ka Wikimedia nwere ike isi gosi oru ya ruo 2030? (2017)
- Nchịkọtaoru atụmanya Ngwaọrụ Wikimedia (2016)
- Ngwa ajụjụ Wikimedia (2007–2008)