Movement Strategy Call in Nepal

Timeline of the Strategy events.
One page overview of the recommendations.

The Movement Strategy Call in Nepal is a virtual meet-up call to put 10 Movement Strategy recommendations into work and in the service of communities. Colleagues from the region are organizing a casual call for Wikip(m)edians from Nepal, and other enthusiasts to figure out how to implement them. We will discuss to select top priorities for implementation in 2021. Prioritization is the start of the transition to implementation.

The "Movement Strategy Call in Nepal" will be on Friday November 20 @ 19:00 NST/UTC 13:15 hours.


  • Movement Strategy will be implemented in 2021, and as Wikip(m)edians from Nepal, we should have our say. We are hosting a call to discuss within our communities and voice our priorities.
  • To continue our conversation since South Asia Movement Strategy Call.


  • Kaarel Vaidla, Process Architect for Wikimedia Movement Strategy, Wikimedia Foundation.

Organizing Team


Meeting ID: 754 6723 0515
Passcode: 5XVMiA

Important information


More information

  1. The recommendations full: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Recommendations
  2. The initiatives: Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/List of Initiatives
  3. Prioritization events: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Prioritization events
  4. Global Events (21-22 Nov/5-6 Dec)Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations
  5. Movement Strategy Prioritization Events presentation in Hindi

Interested participants


Anyone and everyone are welcome to join

Thank you note
