Museums and the Web 2010

In collaboration with the conveners, Wikimedia will be attending the "Museums and the Web 2010" conference to run a full day, invitation only, workshop.

The event will be entitled: Wikimedia@MW2010
conference listing:

Date: Tuesday, April 13. 9am-5pm Place: Denver, Colorado. Grand Hyatt hotel.[1]

Wikimedia Attendees


Subjects of Discussion

  • Copyright status of reproductions (see also NPG issue)
  • Reporting metrics (see also Paris multimedia conference notes on Metrics)
Is this list open to editing? I might add sharing curation expertise, distributing classification work, and improving descriptive texts (translation, expansion, context) Sj+ translate
Of course this list is open to editing! :-) For the moment we'll pile in the ideas, and sort it into a schedule a bit later. However, keep in mind that a) it's not a training day but a strategic thing, and b) it needs to be more than just a "list of projects we can do together". Witty lama 08:09, 4 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Would add digital image restoration, scalability plans, and benefits to donating institutions. Durova



The schedule is very flexible but the general aspects are 9am-5pm, two tea breaks one lunch break, 1 main room and up to 5 side rooms. The event is not just "wikimedians lecture museum reps" so the schedule will have two-way elements (i.e. we don't get to decide just all by ourselves). But, this is a start:

8:30 - Registration

9:00 - Welcome
Introduction, housekeeping and welcoming by David/Jennifer/Liam

9:10 - Keynotes

  • Wikimedia representative (tbd)
  • Museum sector representative (tbd)

10:20 - The Community
Attending Wikimedians introduce themselves and areas of expertise

10:30 Morning Tea

11:00 Session 1

  • Room 1 - Copyright
  • Room 2 -
  • Room 3 -

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Session 2

  • Room 1 - Multimedia restoration
  • Room 2 -
  • Room 3 -

3:30 Afternoon Tea

Summary from rooms, requests from each sector to the other

5:00 Close

Travel, Accomodation

  • Accomodation and travel covered by the WMF (up to a fixed total $ amount)
  • A limited number of Wikimedians can attend the full conference if they chose to stay

However! The chapter conference is being held in Berlin 3 days after this presentation. Many Wikimedians (board, staff, chapter reps) may need to travel directly from Denver to Berlin.

Resources required, links, stuff

  • Banners (WMF to provide?)
  • Folders
  • Handouts - something from the Bookshelf project?
    • Re: handouts: a wall poster reproduction of a digitally restored featured picture could be useful.

See also
