Keine offenen Proxyserver/P2P
Die IP-Adresse, von der Sie zu bearbeiten versucht hatten, wurde vom Bearbeiten gesperrt , da technische Indizien zeigen, dass sie Teil eines Peer-to-peer-Netzwerks anonymer Proxies ist. Das bedeutet, dass Nutzer ihren Internet-Traffic durch ein Gerät einer anderen Person tunneln, um ihre wahre IP-Adresse zu verstecken. Da solche Dienste oft missbraucht werden, sind sie vom Bearbeiten von Wikimedia-Projekten gesperrt .
If you are using any service that changes your IP address, such as a proxy or VPN service, you will need to disable it in order to edit the Wikimedia projects. Once you have disabled it, it is possible that you will still see a message stating that you are blocked. You may want to clear your browser's cache and/or cookies and refresh the page, in order to check whether you are still blocked.
If you have not recently used any proxy, VPN, or IP changing service, it is possible that a previous customer who was assigned your IP address was running one of these services, or you may be sharing an IP address with a user who is running such a service. More rarely, your network equipment or that of your service provider may be misconfigured or compromised by malicious software.
If you have disabled or uninstalled all proxies and VPNs on your device, or if you are certain that you do not have such a service enabled, you may appeal your block by e-mailing stewards at stewards-p2pwikimedia
org. In your email, please include the following information:
- Ihre IP-Adresse, die durch das Besuchen von bestimmt werden kann
- Ihr Nutzername, falls Sie bereits ein Benutzerkonto auf einem Wikimedia-Projekt haben
- if you have turned off, closed, or uninstalled some type of proxy or IP changing software before emailing stewards, please say so, and specify the exact program or service involved. This may expedite your request by allowing us to verify that the proxy is no longer open.