Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Guidelines/Open Access Barometer

Open Access Barometer and what we are aiming for

Level of accessibility Description Is it FAIR?
Open Access Immediate and unlimited Open Access Content is accessible for free without restrictions or registration with an open license (CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA) Yes

Gold Open Access with limitations regarding reuse

Content is accessible for free without restrictions or registration with a license which do not allow commercial use and derivative works (CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-NC-ND) Yes
Free access Free access/ fake open access Content is accessible online for free but without a standard open license (e.g. Creative Commons), reuse conditions unspecified No
Not fully open Content is accessible online after a registration Depending on whether licensing info is clear, depending on hosting circumstances
Delayed open access Not fully open Content is archived inside the institutional repository and public after maximus 6 months (embargo) Yes
Closed access Closed access with clearly defined access conditions and authorization mechanisms Content is archived inside the institutional repository with limited access Yes
Not open Private data

Data which can not be shared

Content produced is securely stored inside institutional servers with limited access

FAIR data (but not open)
