Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Guidelines/Storage and Backup During the Project

Where to store and publish my research outputs during the project (storage and backup)

During the project's lifetime, while your collaborators and the research process is still active, and your outputs are still in the making, it is best to store resources at a shared space with authentication and authorisation protocols in place from where all authorised contributors can access, modify and version them. In most cases, research performing organisations and their IT support have such cloud-based, networked drives in place that offer ample storage space and data security and automatic backup for most purposes. It could be proprietary services like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or open source ones such as NextCloud or ShareDocs. If you work with sensitive data – for example, personal data, copyrighted materials - it is worth enquiring with your institution's research support staff whether your intended storage solution meets your institution's data security policy.